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Irrational Irritations

What is yours today?

Mine is when people put the apostrophe in the wrong place (2008 as 08') and when people use hashtags on facebook. I don't have twitter or instagram (I dont even know which the hashtag belongs to) but they serve no purpose on facebook. 

Re: Irrational Irritations

  • itzMSitzMS member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers First Anniversary

    Two work related, since that's my life.

    Ditto jss with bosses not saying words correctly. Mine says AnnUtate instead of Annotate and Highbread instead of Hybrid.

    I also hate how my office insists on taking up collections to buy a gift for someone who is quitting. It's bizzare. And I never donate...but people act like I'm a party pooper. THEY'RE QUITTING AND LEAVING ME WITH MORE WORK!!  Why on earth would I want to buy them a present?!?!

  • Say it ain't so, @jss0302!

    I hate the people in my building who let their dogs pee right outside our building's door because they're (presumably) too lazy to walk them across the street 10 feet away to pee in the grass. The door area smells TERRIBLE.
  • I hate when teachers take a huge ass classroom full of kids on public transit to go on a field trip.  My train car was full of about 60 screaming fucking kids this morning. 
  • @cmgilpin - Agree completely.  This time of year my commuter train is loaded with field trippers. The best part is when they get in the Quiet car (usually because there are no seats left in the other cars) and can't STFU.

    And along those lines, jerks who think the whole bench seat is for them on the train.  Suck it up buttercup, you're riding one of the busiest lines on the North Shore, you're going to have to share.


  • This one is really general, but I hate it when people drive like assholes

    I also hate seeing hashtags, which is about to get SO much worse.  But even more than that, I hate this trend of posting pictures of your food.  Unless it's some complicated thing you made yourself, put it away.  I don't care what you ate for lunch.

  • A woman in my office clips her nails at work (gross). Snap, snap.....snap...SNAP............SNAP

  • itzMSitzMS member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers First Anniversary

    Can I add another?

    People who post pictures on Facebook of their toddler (ages 2-5) girls without shirts on. Whatever you do in your own house is your business...but why post the pictures on Facebook?

  • cmgilpin said:

    @cmgilpin - Agree completely.  This time of year my commuter train is loaded with field trippers. The best part is when they get in the Quiet car (usually because there are no seats left in the other cars) and can't STFU.

    And along those lines, jerks who think the whole bench seat is for them on the train.  Suck it up buttercup, you're riding one of the busiest lines on the North Shore, you're going to have to share.

    Oh, I have NO problem telling someone to move their body or move their shit if they are taking up a whole bench seat.  One time, a girl had her legs up on the seat, and when I said "excuse me, can I sit down?"  she just looked up at me .. and left her legs there.  I lifted her legs, and put them on the floor, and sat my fat ass down.   don't mess with momma sweetheart.   I'm older and way more badass.

    Oh, I will absolutely make a nuisance of myself if they pull that BS.

    @wittykitty14 - I have been known to post pics of plates of food, it is generally because my H made something really cool (like home cured, home smoked bacon) or because I can make a random joke about it.  Or maybe if it's a really pretty dessert, but normally just the former two reasons.


  • KatWAGKatWAG member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    What is yours today?

    Mine is when people put the apostrophe in the wrong place (2008 as 08') and when people use hashtags on facebook. I don't have twitter or instagram (I dont even know which the hashtag belongs to) but they serve no purpose on facebook. 
    Hashtags now work on facebook. It launched this week. Fb says that hashtags are a way for you to find people with similar interests
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • A woman in my office clips her nails at work (gross). Snap, snap.....snap...SNAP............SNAP

    AHHH. I hate this! Someone in our office does this all the time but I haven't identified who yet. My neighbor and I get them to stop by commenting loudly, "What is that noise?" "Is someone clipping their nails?"

  • On my newsfeed, the people who usually have hashtags in their status updates are the ones that hate their Twitter connected with FB so that every tweet automatically posted to FB. 


    Of course, that's moot now since FB is doing the hashtag thing.



    My irrational irritation is also FB related.  What is with the people who post multiple status updates a day about how much they hate drama and hate people who cause drama? 

    Do you not realize that passively agressively calling people out on your FB so they can read it IS causing drama? 

    Blah.  Thank goodness for the "hide" option.


    My other irritation is when certain coworkers ask me no less than 3-4 times a day if I can do a favor for them.  A favor?  Most likely yes. Will I do your job for you on top of mine?  No.

    Officially hitched as of 10/25/13

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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers



  • This one is extra irrational: My dress is wrinkly. I've been working at my desk in the same spot all day so there's some epic crease-age going on, but I have plans after work and wanted to show it off. And now it's wrinkly, and not as pretty as it was this morning.

    @cmgilpin, your new picture is so pretty. Them's some sexy shoes, right there. :)
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  • I find everything irritating today. This week has sucked and today has sucked worse and I'm just like:

  • @itzMS funny you should say that. I have a friend who posted a picture of her 8 year old son naked, holding just a Frisbee or something to that extent in front of his child parts. Someone reported the picture as child pornography and she started flipping out...really? I wanted to say to her "Well, it's not exactly appropriate", but I just didn't say anything at all. I could never.
  • itzMSitzMS member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers First Anniversary
    @jessalyn2013 it totally creeps me out! I know the whole line these parents always give "oh it's just innocent, he/she is just a kid!" But there are SOOOOO many weirdos out there. Why invite the opportunity even a little bit?
  • bunni727 said:
    This one is extra irrational: My dress is wrinkly. I've been working at my desk in the same spot all day so there's some epic crease-age going on, but I have plans after work and wanted to show it off. And now it's wrinkly, and not as pretty as it was this morning.

    @cmgilpin, your new picture is so pretty. Them's some sexy shoes, right there. :)

    @bunni727  -- thank you !  that was from our e-shoot.  Now that I figured out how to change my signature picture, I'll probably be swapping them out a lot !  :)
  • bunni727 said:
    This one is extra irrational: My dress is wrinkly. I've been working at my desk in the same spot all day so there's some epic crease-age going on, but I have plans after work and wanted to show it off. And now it's wrinkly, and not as pretty as it was this morning.

    @cmgilpin, your new picture is so pretty. Them's some sexy shoes, right there. :)

    Do you have access to a room with a shower? If so, run the water really hot and let it steam up a bit then smooth your dress out. If you don't have access to a shower, then I don't have any other quick fixes for you.
  • @itzMS funny you should say that. I have a friend who posted a picture of her 8 year old son naked, holding just a Frisbee or something to that extent in front of his child parts. Someone reported the picture as child pornography and she started flipping out...really? I wanted to say to her "Well, it's not exactly appropriate", but I just didn't say anything at all. I could never.
    When I was a little kid I was HORRIFIED and thought I could never be more embarrassed than when my mom would pick me up wearing her expedition sized fanny pack, tube socks with sandals, and puffy teal jacket. Seriously, mom.. stay in the car - I will come to you..... But this... THIS is worse. I am sorry for this child.

  • @itzMS funny you should say that. I have a friend who posted a picture of her 8 year old son naked, holding just a Frisbee or something to that extent in front of his child parts. Someone reported the picture as child pornography and she started flipping out...really? I wanted to say to her "Well, it's not exactly appropriate", but I just didn't say anything at all. I could never.
    When I was a little kid I was HORRIFIED and thought I could never be more embarrassed than when my mom would pick me up wearing her expedition sized fanny pack, tube socks with sandals, and puffy teal jacket. Seriously, mom.. stay in the car - I will come to you..... But this... THIS is worse. I am sorry for this child.

    Now that I think about it, just about every picture she posts of her sons they are all in their underwear. Very rarely are they clothed.
  • bunni727 said:
    This one is extra irrational: My dress is wrinkly. I've been working at my desk in the same spot all day so there's some epic crease-age going on, but I have plans after work and wanted to show it off. And now it's wrinkly, and not as pretty as it was this morning.

    @cmgilpin, your new picture is so pretty. Them's some sexy shoes, right there. :)
    I hate it when my clothes get wrinkly too! I use that downy dewrinkler spray and it helps a lot. They have a little bottle of it in the travel sections too!

    And on the note where people won't let you sit on the train/bus ect....I hate when NO ONE is even on the bus and they sit right next to you.
  • itzMS said:

    Can I add another?

    People who post pictures on Facebook of their toddler (ages 2-5) girls without shirts on. Whatever you do in your own house is your business...but why post the pictures on Facebook?

    I'm FB friends with a girl who nannies my co-worker's daughter, who is entering kindergarten next year, I think. Anyway, this past Monday, the nanny posted a picture on FB of the girl wearing nothing but panties and standing in a pool with her hand placed near her crotch.

    I was furious but thought, "OK, the kid's mom is FB friends with this girl. I'm staying out of it." The mom's only reaction was, "That's not a very flattering picture of (my daughter)." The nanny's response? "LOL she's trying to hold her little leg up." (The kid had part of one leg amputated and apparently can't wear her prosthetic in the pool.)

    There's been no further activity on the photo, and yes, it is STILL ON FB.

    "Not very flattering"? How about we call it what it is – KIDDIE PORN – and remove it ASAP.


    First I was disgusted with the nanny for posting it. Now I'm more disappointed in the kids' mom for not demanding that it be deleted.

    This isn't what I consider an "irrational" irritation but @itzMS' post got me up on my soapbox.
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  • itzMSitzMS member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers First Anniversary

    @jarednmegan, I agree with you entirely. Certainly, little kids will run around shirtless at home. We all know that, NBD, and it's in the safety of their own home.

    Then OMGGGG they do something cute, and mom/dad/whoever just HAS to take a picture. In today's society of oversharing, those pictures are displayed to the world on FB. It is just too much sometimes...and it's really irritating!

  • I hate when people say "frustERated," "supposably" instead of "supposedly," and "are wanting" rather than just "want"  (e.g. "I am wanting to go to the store today" rather than "I want to go to the store today?"). 
    The little girl I nanny for gets very "fwust-a-wated" sometimes lol
  • itzMS said:

    @jarednmegan, I agree with you entirely. Certainly, little kids will run around shirtless at home. We all know that, NBD, and it's in the safety of their own home.

    Then OMGGGG they do something cute, and mom/dad/whoever just HAS to take a picture. In today's society of oversharing, those pictures are displayed to the world on FB. It is just too much sometimes...and it's really irritating!

    Not only is it irritating, I just worry about what could be done with the photo if it the wrong person comes across it.

    I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner, but I'm going to report it as inappropriate content. Pretty sure I can do that anonymously. And if I can't, and this FB friend and the girl's parents find out, I really don't care. They should know better than to share something like that on social media.
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  • @jarednmegan from what I gather based on the responses of people who get their photos reported I think it's safe to say it's anonymous.
  • @jarednmegan from what I gather based on the responses of people who get their photos reported I think it's safe to say it's anonymous.
    That's what I figured. FB gives the option to message the person and ask them to take it down (I don't know her well enough that I feel comfortable doing that) or unfriend them/hide their posts from my newsfeed. Neither of those options are really going to be all that effective in this case, IMO.
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  • I have another one that I JUST saw on my drive home. When motorcycles/mopeds/scooters do that little back-and-forth swerving motion in traffic, just for fun. You know, zig-zagging. That thing that was so fun when you were riding a bike around a parking lot when you were little. But a grown person in busy traffic? Not only are you begging for an accident, but no one would be cool if I did that with my little Jetta...
  • jarednmeganjarednmegan member
    250 Love Its 100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2013

    But part of the fun of owning a motorcycle/moped is pretending you're a stunt driver.

    You didn't know that?!

    My gripe in that department is that there is no helmet law in Iowa. I see bikers who not only don't wear a helmet but apparently think they look much cooler shirtless, in flip flops, etc. Yeah, you'll look really cool if you end up in an accident.
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