Wedding Photography and Videography Forum

Photography Negotiations Via Email

For my own curiosity… I just wondered if anyone had an opinion/expertise on this situation<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


We signed a contract with a Photography Studio on Wednesday.  Tuesday I negotiated little details with our consultant via email.  Who would sign, when will deposit be received, a hold being placed on our photographer, etc…  All of this is recorded clearly and concisely in email.  Consultant accepted that deposit would be received Friday with photographer being held until Sunday.  Contract was signed on Wednesday.  Thursday night I receive a voicemail that they need payment immediately as photographers are put on a 48 hour hold, being told this 36 hours after contract was signed with email agreeing to hold photographer until Sunday.  Deposit was paid as agreed upon on Friday morning, 3.5 hours outside of the 48 hour hold we found out about on Thursday night.  Deposit is accepted with receipt issued.  I then get a call 30 minutes later with the consultant apologizing but our photographer was booked hours earlier and we would have to chose a new photographer.  We were also offered an album upgrade or additional hours of coverage for the inconvenience.


The other options we were given were not acceptable to me, and out of principal for their business practices we cancelled flat-out.  We were just wondering out of curiosity now; if I was issued an email at the same time of contract being signed dictating an agreed time of deposit payment and hold period for services, and we met the deposit payment, is the hold period not being met a breach of contract on the studio?

Re: Photography Negotiations Via Email

  • It sounds like they made a mistake.  Honestly though, even if you made a stink and could get that original photographer, do you really want to deal with a company like this?  Take it as a sign and find someone else.
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