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Is anyone else working today I'm bored

Is anyone else working today? I really wish I had taken off today.. I hope 4pm gets here quickly I have no patients and one of my co workers is being an a$$.
Did anyone do anything exciting yesterday? Any good weekend plans?

Wednesday after my half day I did more dress shopping but I'm done now. I found the one and it was one I tried on last weekend so tomorrow I am going to get measured.  I am so happy and excited!! Then we went to a friends' house for a BBQ and played CAH it was a good time.  Fireworks did get cancelled though because of the weather.  Yesterday we prepped our backyard for the paver patio FI is installing. Today an excavator is coming in while FI is off of work to dig the area. I kinda wish I was there to see it.  Nothing else exciting is happening otherwise.

Is it 4 yet?




Re: Is anyone else working today I'm bored

  • I'm at work. And I hate my coworker even more than I already did. He just strolled in 10 minutes ago. Our workday begins at 6:30am (that is when I got here) and he is supposed to be here at 7:30. I am pissed. The only plus-side to this is that I'm now leaving early. Fuck him. 

    Yesterday was a really nice day. H and I drove down to my aunt's house and had some beers by the pool. She BBQ'ed way too much food and everything was really delicious. 

    @peaseblossom55 - Congrats on finding your dress! Pics?

  • I'm at work the pics are at home I will have to post later.

    Sorry @swazzle your co worker sounds awful.  Isn't he held accountable or showing up to work on time or no?


  • Dittoing the request for dress pics @peaseblossom55! I am at school and have determined that I cannot learn anything today. Only 6 more hours to go :( The 4th was good. BF and I went to a couple barbecues and I watched a Bridezillas Marriageb Bootcamp marathon beforehand, which was a hilarious hot mess. Wish I had studied more on my day off though.
  • @peaseblossom55 - He probably thinks he can pull this shit because both of our bosses are on vacation. He's currently passed out at his desk now. 

  • I'm here! We moved into our new building today, so I'm sitting in my huge, super-bright cubicle, enjoying the view. We'll probably get to leave around 3pm, so that's good.

    @swazzle - I hate co-workers like that. I'm glad you get to leave early because of it, though.

    @peaseblossom55 - pics pics pics pics pics :)
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    "You are made of win." -SopChick
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  • @swazzle that sucks so bad I hate when people pull that crap. At least you get to go home early.

    @cutiger. I will have to post pictures when I get home. they are on my home computer. I'm also going tomorrow to get fitted for the dress so hopeflly I can get a better picture then.

    I probably won't get to leave early but my normal leave time of 4 isn't too bad. It is a ghost town here though. I should have taken off FI has off today.



  • I am at work and bored out of my mind!
    Uugh, I so don't want to be here.

    Yesterday morning I left R's house, went home took a shower and puttered around the house while he played golf. Went back over there around two- watched Oz, picked up dog food for his dog, then went down to the beach to watch the fireworks with his kids. Saw a steroid induced guy wearing skinny jeans and carrying a little shitzu like dog. Funniest thing ever!!
  • Here's proof.....
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers

    @peaseblossom55 Pics as soon as you can please! So excited you found your dress! Congrats!

    @swazzle Your co-worker sucks. What a lazy douche.

    I'm at work today too. Whole family and BF have the day off and I have a feeling we aren't going to get to leave early today since my boss has some conference call at 4. It really sucks.... I'm basically doing busy work. Yesterday @southernpeach89 and I ran the Peachtree 10k. She ran the entire thing with my mom and they finished in 63 minutes! It was the first time she ever ran the entire thing with no walking breaks. BF and I ran the first three miles before I demanded a walking break. I haven't worked out in at least a month so I wasn't prepared at all plus the 3rd mile is a real bitch since it's all uphill. The hill is notorious for sending some people into cardiac arrest too. We walked a mile then ran most of the 5th mile before walking another half mile. I dunno if it was the humidity but I just didn't feel well. We ran the last mile of the Peachtree and sprinted all out for that last little bit so he finished in 1:16 and I finished in 1:17 because he started flat out running before I was ready.

    We spent the rest of the day relaxing and buying booze for my mom's 50th birthday bash this weekend. Then we had pizza and wine and chilled out some more. My parent's neighbor's grown children were visiting for the holiday and they brought over their golden doodle puppy and puggle puppy to play with my puppy so Cinders got some puppy social time. It rained pretty much all day so the only fireworks I saw were the ones random people were shoooting off on my drive home.


  • @irishdreamer interesting combo... personally I don't think men look good in skinny jeans.


  • I'm working from home today and so far it has been dragging.

    I can't wait to see pics! @Peaseblossom55!

    Nothing too interesting to report about my life. Unless you consider all the clothes I've recently purchased interesting! I've purchased 6 new shirts, a blazer, two pairs of colored jeans, flats, a couple dresses... I think that's it. I'm pumped for new things to wear.
  • I was so bored with my summer clothes I got a few new shirts at The Loft a few weeks ago. I love that store and their petite section.



  • I'm 'working' from home today too.  Hoping to just get my expenses in and some other minutiae taken care of before the weekend.  I ate and drank all the things yesterday and today my stomach hates me, so I'm sort of laying low.  Looking forward to spending a nice weekend with our kids, hopefully I'm feeling better in the next couple of hours.  

    @Peaseblossom55-congrats on finding the one, can't wait to see it!
    @Swazzle-He's seriously passed out at his desk?  Color his face with marker or shave his eyebrows off.  What a douche.  How anyone like that keeps a job is beyond me.

    Meddied since 6/15/13!
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers

    I want new clothes. :( June was so ridiculously over-budget and now I'm facing the consequences. I guess I'm using my lack of funds as motivation to lose more weight so my mom and BF will have to uphold their promises to buy me new clothes.

    I love The Loft! Their store credit card is calling to me from my wallet.

  • @Peaseblossom55 - Yay for finding a dress! I can't wait to see pics!

    The third was my birthday so BF and I went out to dinner which was nice. We spent the day just hanging out and relaxing. We were going to go to fireworks (for some reason some places were doing them a day early) but we decided to skip it since we'd see them the next night.

    The fourth was pretty chill too. We did go to the fireworks with his brother and sister. It's a little weird to me that the fourth isn't as big of a deal here as it is in my (small) hometown. Oh and we had tacos for dinner because we had already done a BBQ earlier in the week :)

  • I'm at work today, I've been here since 5:45 this morning and have to stay until 4:30.

    Yesterday went by so fast. I slept in until 7am then cleaned the house. My friend came over with her H and kids and we all were in the pool for hours!

    I drank way too much alcohol, I'm regretting it today. I can barely keep my eyes open, but I just did nom the shit out of an awesome burrito just now.

    My boss is here, I don't know why, but um she just gave me her life story. I like the whole keeping the people I report to, their personal lives a mystery so that just flew out the window (like I didn't know she was old enough to have a parent in a SNF).

    Everyone sounds like they had a great 4th of July, let's all hope the day goes by quickly!!!!


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  • @bethsmiles tacos sound so good right now, may be that will be dinner tonight.  I cooked FI a steak on the grill last night for dinner. It was pretty easy. I like cooking things on the grill.  I feel dizzy I'm not sure why.  The fireworks that we missed on Wednesday because of the weather are being shown tonight, so I'm debating on whether or not to ask FI if he wants to go see them tonight.


  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    I'm at work, although no one is here. I have to run half of an experiment today, and then I'm gonna head home. I'm working tomorrow on the other half of the experiment, and then Sunday, I have to take a friend to meet up with her ex to pick up her belongings he's been keeping for her in storage.

    I'm super anxious because one of my experiments didn't work this week, and my coworker wasn't around to help me with a protocol, so I got maybe 1/4th of my work done. My boss gets back Monday and I am sure he won't be terribly pleased!
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • I'm at work today.

    H and I tried to go see Star Trek yesterday but the only theater in town still playing it had "technical difficulties" and we didn't get to see it. SO BUMMED. :(

    I may need to go check out LOFT and see what they have for sale... In need of a few tops and skirts. I also just bought amazing new wedge sandals that are super comfy. I'm on a bit of a shopping binge right now. The joys of losing weight! :)

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  • @desertsun - I really liked the new Star Trek! That's lame that you couldn't see it :(

    @Peaseblossom55 - I love cooking on the grill too! It's just so much easier and involves less clean-up than using the stove/oven.

  • @lmhollister - great job on the race! I ran it a few years ago and I was totally unprepared for the hills and the heat. Whew. 

    @jenjenniferf - pics of your new clothes? I need to go shopping this weekend. I have a work trip next week that I haven't planned very well for. Six days in the ATL. WOOT.
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • Boss lady bought pizza in for lunch, and now it's raining, which equates to my levels of productivity and give a shit decreased immensely.

    I'm on lunch now and all I can think about is going home and sleeping.
  • Grill cooking is fun it's the first time I'm really doing it too now that I/we actually own one. I love how my veggie burgers taste on the grill. We have a special non meat area designated for the grill :-)

    I still need a dress for the wedding I'm going to in August. I can't find anything I like or that's in my size. Clothes shopping can be more irrirating than fun sometimes.


  • @bethsmiles, I know! After arranging for grandma and grandpa to watch the baby, and driving 20 minutes to the theater. :( We ended up going out to eat and watching an On Demand movie at my ILs house. Not quite what I wanted, but we still had a good time. It was nice to go out just me and hubs.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • @desertsun - oh no! What a bummer after all that. At least you still got a nice evening together though :) What did you watch On Demand?

  • @cu97tiger Here is a pic of some of the things I got yesterday. Yay new stuff!
  • @bethsmiles, it was something called "Looper," with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis. It was pretty good. I told my FIL all he had to do was say, "Bruce Willis," and I was in. :)

    @jenjenniferf, I like that purple dress! 

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  • CrazyCatLady3CrazyCatLady3 member
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    edited July 2013
    I am at work today too and super bored.  No one else is here.  Can't wait to leave.

    @jenjenniferf yay for new clothes!  I should have some boxes waiting for me when I get home of stuff I ordered online from the pre-July 4 sales.  Where do you like to shop primarily?
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