First off, I'm really not trying to upset anyone, and I'm not saying anyone is wrong for feeling the way they do. I just wanted to gain a little insight into the different perspectives on this, and see what you lovely ladies have to say!

I've been reading a lot lately about how upset many people get about PPDs. While I can understand a lot of the arguments for why people don't like PPDs, personally, I don't feel the same. For me, celebrating the commitment of a loved one (whether that marriage legally happened years before or not,) is something that I would still feel honored and happy to be involved in. I apologize if I'm coming off as ignorant, but I have no problem with a couple hosting a big gathering of family and friends to celebrate their wedding, having a religious ceremony to get a church's blessing, or whatever they felt worked for them. I guess it feels like a personal choice to me, and I'm okay with a couple choosing to celebrate their commitment to each other however/whenever they want.
I'd really like to hear more from people who have opinions on this from both sides! I'm new to all this, and I'd really appreciate respectful insight. Thank you all very much for your time!