I'll try to keep to the point... My only sister, who is 4 yrs. older than I, is naturally to be my maid-of-honor, however......my sister is autistic/severely mentally retarded. She's low functioning, but no one underestimates her intelligence or comprehension of what goes on around her. She's is fully ambulatory (no wheel chair ever), but she's very "on-the -go". Doesn't , especially stand still long. ALSO, we live in Adam Diego, CA, but our wedding is going to be in Virginia Beach, VA. So, if we got her to the other side of the country, flying would be out of the question die to her inability to stay seated for long. The last time my sister traveled , she has about 5 yrs. old. She is now 34....I'm immensely torn, and unable to make a decision...while I want my one and only beautiful, loving sister there on my special day, at the same token, I don't want to be greedy and have her stress out with change/travel . Every time I have the thought of her not being there with me, or not being in our photos, I choke up, and just want to move on, and avoid the situation, but I know I have to make a decision, very soon too. My sister is my Angel on earth and was a huge influence to who I am, and I why an, the way I am. I don't know anyone who can relate to my situation,so I haven't received much input, other than honoring her somehow, but I don't know what could honor her more than having her there up at the altar with me...our wedding is next May (2014)....
The reason why we are having our wedding on the other side of the country is because my fiancé is from VA, PLUS 95% of our guests are on either on the east coast, or in Europe. Plus it's waaaaay cheaper to do things on the east coast than here in CA. =( Such a dilemma...help, please?
I always feared that something like this would happen when my time to get married would come. Now it has....
So if the suggestion is to honor her honor her, how?
Thank you.