Ahh! The last 24 hours have opened up some bridal shower/bachelorette party drama for me.
I'm so stressed! It feels like too much to explain on here right now so I'm going to start with this.
I was thinking of throwing you a Pampered Chef Shower - where everyone would bring a little bit of money and all chip in to buy you stuff for your kitchen. A Pampered Chef rep would come and do a demo, we'd all make lunch together. It's cute and fun, and you don't have to open presents in front of everyone (all the usual embarrassing things that are done at showers). Would you be open to that idea? If so, who would you want to invite?
The above is a message I just received from my sister-in-law. Is a Pampered Chef Shower acceptable to you guys? I've never thought about it before and I don't know if it is a rude concept or a fine concept. Please advise!