I just recently got engaged and have already started getting ideas together even though our date is almost 3 years from now. And we have already hit a road bump.
Alcohol. My parents who assisting with paying said we have to have a cash bar. Which I think is incredibly tacky and is not something I want. I know of a venue that lets you bring in your own alcohol to serve and own caterer so I'm thinking if I get only a few types of alcohol I can possibly get a discount if I order from the supplier. I'm thinking 1 red wine, 1 white wine, 1 beer and a "bride and grooms" signiture drinks. His favorite drink is Vodka and Cranberry. Mine is Gin and Tonic with lime. So I thought having those two drinks plus beer and wine would be perfectly acceptable, as I don't want guests to have to empty their wallets at the bar. Is this a good idea or does it HAVE to be cash bar or open bar?
It was also suggested that we do a no alcohol reception because both my FH and I have full blown alcoholics and people who do not know when enough alcohol is enough in our family. I know that several members of my family will have a problem with a sober reception and will probably leave almost immediately if their is not alcohol available. How should I handle the problematic drinkers? And is it wrong to have alcohol when there are alcoholics in our families?
My 3rd alcohol related issue is I am terrified of people getting hurt leaving the reception. Currently at my home if someone is drinking I take their keys and wont give them back until I'm 100% sure they are sober, I also have a breathalyzer and when I wasn't sure how sober someone was I have asked them to blow. But I don't let people leave drunk. I know at the reception I can't stop people from leaving if they're drunk but what I would like to do is put a cute sign up at the bar that has all of the local cab information on it. But I was told that that would be tacky and pointless. Opinions?