Wedding Etiquette Forum

Do I need a program?

Hi Ladies,

FI & I didn't draw up programs because well, the ceremony is super short (non-religious, not in a church) and the bridal party will be introduced at our "grand entrance" at the reception. Honestly, I just felt it would be money wasted.

But now my sister is saying we have to have them. 

What say the E gods? :)

Re: Do I need a program?

  • I didn't have one. And ours was a religious ceremony with no bridal party entrance to the reception. It was last on my list to do and just never happened.

    Don't worry about it.
  • They aren't necessary.  It's fine not to have one.
  • Not necessary.

    We had one because we had a Catholic mass and most of our guests were not Catholic.  

    If your ceremony is not complicated like that, then don't worry about it.  Especially since you'll already be introducing the bridal party later (although that is not necessary either)

  • rajahmdrajahmd member
    500 Love Its 1000 Comments Third Anniversary First Answer
    edited August 2013
  • Thanks everyone! 
  • I've never been to a wedding where I needed to know the order of things or what was going on. Most weddings follow a pretty typical pattern, especially shorter weddings.

    I have been to a few Catholic weddings with programs, though, and that was helpful because the program included the order of the Mass. People who were unfamiliar with it knew when to stand and kneel, and they knew what the readings and gospel were, when Communion was coming up, when the priest would get to the Marriage ceremony, etc. The programs were very nicely done and helpful. In that case, programs can be nice for the guests.
  • We had a similar situation. When we got to the park (ceremony site) some poor bride's beautiful programs were thrown all over the garden. Our ceremony was short, sweet, and self-explanatory and after seeing the other bride's programs, I was thrilled we didn't waste our time & money. Our WP was also introduced at the reception and most guests had checked out our wedding website and "met" the WP on there :)
  • Programs are almost never necessary.  Unless you are having a very elaborate and detailed ceremony which people may get confused and lost through then programs are, IMO, a waste of money and paper.  The only people your guests really care about are you and the groom and I am hoping since they are invited they know your names and your faces.

  • I'm not having programs.   My ceremony is not religious, and is short and sweet.  I don't see the need for them and have better things to concentrate on.
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