My dad is getting ready to walk down the aisle for the fifth time. My mom was his first wife, and none of his marriages have lasted more than 5 years. Two of my stepmothers treated my sisters and I horribly, one never really warmed up to us one way or the other, and this newest one won't even speak to us for some reason. She hasn't bothered to get to know us, won't respond when I try to talk to her, and apparently it all stemmed from her feeling disrespected that I didn't send her a seperate thank you card at Christmas 3 years ago, even though the gifts my family received were from both my dad and her on the tag - so I sent the thank you note to both of them. She didn't like that, according to my dad, and felt I disrespected her. Ever since then, she won't even acknowledge when I try to talk to her.
I don't even want to go to the wedding. In fact, I just got married in April and my dad didn't even attend my wedding. He claimed he couldn't get off work,although I know people he works with and they have put so many holes in his story that I wonder if dad's fiancee didn't have something to do with him not coming to the wedding. Anyway, since my future stepmom obviously hates me, should I skip the wedding so she can enjoy her day? If I go, what sort of gift do you give to someone who has been married 5 times?
58 invited

| 17 love destination weddings

20 can't make it

| 21 don't know what to do with a RSVP card

RSVP Deadline: March 8th