This week was objectively a shit show. I feel this is necessary. I FLAME the following:
1) Pretty princess days in general. I feel like I fail every time a special snowflake rejects our advice and does it anyway. Are we not being clear? Have the fucking party. Do not have a fake ceremony. Why is that so hard to grasp?
2) Choreographed dances. Whether it's flamenco dancers or surprises for the groom... just no. Your wedding is not a performance or a talent show. Knock that shit off.
3) Requiring two years of WP participation and mandatory events. Can someone please explain to me how anyone could even think that's acceptable? The OP DD's and is probably never coming back.
4) Bridesmaid =/= Brideslave. I will never understand how people think they can demand things of and fire their BMs for not pouring over them or throwing them a jack and jill fundraiser. Serious entitlement.
5) DD's. wth is going on this week?
6) Tiered receptions. If you have been on the etiquette board this week, you know.
I have almost felt like we are being punked. So much stupid in one week.