I was married in June of '11 to the father of my 2 children. The marriage lasted for 9 months and ended in March '12 (He physically and assaulted me and I pressed charges).
Most of my family never liked my first husband and doomed the marriage to fail.. and rightfully so... I was only getting married because I thought it was the right thing to do for my children. I was not in love, in fact i really hated the guy deep down for various reasons....
I met my dream guy in August '12, and have been madly in love ever since. I knew about 2 weeks in that he was my soul mate and that we would eventually marry. I started the divorce proceedings right away and I am now officially divorced (August '13). He and and I have already discussed getting married and want to do so ASAP. Is it too soon to get remarried? I know my mom will think it's "embarrassing" to her and my family that I want to marry again... I'm sure I'm leaving out details but feel free to ask questions...