So we finally got registered this weekend except for the thing we both care the most about---our place settings.
We have been living together for nearly 7 years and have upgraded most of our things during this time--except for our plates--and now I think I understand why. We are on complete polar opposite ends of the spectrum in this area and I'm trying to figure out where to go without either of us feeling disappointed (and yes, he truly has an opinion on this).
We are not registering for "formal" china per se, we are looking for quality, functional and versatile every day plates.
I really want white plates...
He really, REALLY dislikes those. Finds them too "boring" Instead preferring things like the
Nortitake Colorwave Graphite square (too harsh for my tastes) and
Denby Halo (I'm sorry, but I just can't....)---links are embedded here too
Are there ways to come to a compromise here? Ways to piece together a primarily "white" table with some interesting accents? (In a way that also makes sense on a registry---bonus!)
I know in the grand scheme of things they are just plates

But I am uncomfortable enough with registering in general, we DO need new plates, and if I'm going to "ask" for something I want it to be something that we both like.
Any suggestions are MUCH appreciated!