Our RSVPs are due today. We're only missing seven, so I'm pretty stoked about that.
FI's grandmother called me this morning to tell me that her sister-in-law had called her and asked if she could bring a date to the wedding. (Gma and SIL are both in their 80s, SIL is attending with her two grown daughters and their husbands).
Gma: "She asked if she could bring a date and I said I didn't see why not."
Me: "You don't see why it's a problem that you allowed someone to bring a plus-one without consulting me or FI, whose wedding this is? You had no right to do that."
Her: "Well, I knew if I asked you, you'd say no. And now you can't say no."
If I make it through the next 18 days without telling her exactly what I think of her (that she is a meddlesome, gossipy old crazypants bitch), it will be a miracle.
I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'