Chit Chat

Stupid Questions you've gotten..

laylasauruslaylasaurus member
100 Love Its 100 Comments Name Dropper
edited September 2013 in Chit Chat
Yesterday I met up with a friend who asked me what FI and I wanted for wedding gifts.  I humbly replied "totally not necessary dude, but we are registered at x places"  She then was like "screw registries, I'm not buying you kitchen stuff..I mean what do you guys REALLY need and want" 

ummm...the stuff on our registries are the things we REALLY want?  Believe it or not, I would absolutely love for someone to get us any one of the hundred things we specifically picked out because we WANT/NEED them.  For realz, we need new towels.  

Then there is the dude at work who keeps going "sure you don't want to have one last fling before you're tied down?" wink wink...  No, no I don't shitbag.  That's why I wear my ring EVERY DAMN DAY, and said yes to the proposal in the first place.  Give it up already, creep.  

How about you guys? Any dumb questions you've gotten since engagement?

Re: Stupid Questions you've gotten..

  • Yesterday I met up with a friend who asked me what FI and I wanted for wedding gifts.  I humbly replied "totally not necessary dude, but we are registered at x places"  She then was like "screw registries, I'm not buying you kitchen stuff..I mean what do you guys REALLY need and want" 

    ummm...the stuff on our registries are the things we REALLY want?  Believe it or not, I would absolutely love for someone to get us any one of the hundred things we specifically picked out because we WANT/NEED them.  For realz, we need new towels.  

    Then there is the dude at work who keeps going "sure you don't want to have one last fling before you're tied down?" wink wink...  No, no I don't shitbag.  That's why I wear my ring EVERY DAMN DAY, and said yes to the proposal in the first place.  Give it up already, creep.  

    How about you guys? Any dumb questions you've gotten since engagement?
    Wow can you say sexual harassment? I haven't got any weird questions, but I was just chit chatting with my boss (for context, I am ordering a lot of things for centerpieces and stuff now 13 months out to alleviate stress) and he says "Wow! You are so far ahead you will be married before you actually get married!" I thought it was funny!
  • Unfortunately for me 
    Yesterday I met up with a friend who asked me what FI and I wanted for wedding gifts.  I humbly replied "totally not necessary dude, but we are registered at x places"  She then was like "screw registries, I'm not buying you kitchen stuff..I mean what do you guys REALLY need and want" 

    ummm...the stuff on our registries are the things we REALLY want?  Believe it or not, I would absolutely love for someone to get us any one of the hundred things we specifically picked out because we WANT/NEED them.  For realz, we need new towels.  

    Then there is the dude at work who keeps going "sure you don't want to have one last fling before you're tied down?" wink wink...  No, no I don't shitbag.  That's why I wear my ring EVERY DAMN DAY, and said yes to the proposal in the first place.  Give it up already, creep.  

    How about you guys? Any dumb questions you've gotten since engagement?
    Wow can you say sexual harassment? I haven't got any weird questions, but I was just chit chatting with my boss (for context, I am ordering a lot of things for centerpieces and stuff now 13 months out to alleviate stress) and he says "Wow! You are so far ahead you will be married before you actually get married!" I thought it was funny!
    Yeah, no kidding.  Unfortunately for me the restaurant industry is notorious for not having any real consequences for this behavior.  It's not like we have an HR department.  If it's something really serious management will usually just fire the dude..unless it just so happens to be the chef...fucking restaurants.  On the flip side, I can also literally tell the guy to fuck off and go eat a bag of dicks in front of my manager without any repercussions, so long as customers don't hear.  So there is that. 
  • We got lots of questions about gifts, too. A lot of people feel the need to be "creative", or that getting you something "creative" will mean more to you.


    My favorite was "'re really having an open bar?! Isn't that really expensive?"

    It's not the norm in my area to host an open bar, so when word got around we got asked about it. A lot.

  • "Are you excited?"

    No, I'm totally miserable. Derrrr...


    LOL I'm two weeks out and I get this on a daily basis.

  • JMalettasJMalettas member
    500 Comments 100 Love Its Second Anniversary First Answer
    edited September 2013
     Haha, the stupid questions are always entertaining to think about later on! :P
     Asking how much we think is acceptable in a wedding card as a cash gift. Really? Lol. Or the post wedding question to follow, asking how much we made at the wedding? Like WHO asks these kind of questions?? (Apparently a few people we know). :S

    Some of the even worse ones, are the comments! 
    Comments from the recently separated co-worker, like, "Ya know, I'm really happy for you, but I just don't know if I'd do it." Accompanied by the smug face. Yes, thank-you for your comments of how you wouldn't get married to the 'weeks from her wedding day' bride. 

    Or the not-so-polite, & not-contributing-to-the-wedding-day family member, who comments that the 4 course meal with only one choice of meat would NOT be enough food. That we either need to do a buffet instead, or add multiple meats to 'everyone's' plate. Not as an option, but as a 'must.' (Need I mention, these were NOT 4 small courses). Lol.

     Just a few random comments anyways! I feel like there's always 'those' people that feel the need to tell you 'how it should be.' :P Not exactly funny at the time, but now we can take the opportunity to joke about it after the fact! ;)


  • ughh...yes, inappropriate comments.  I had someone at work ask if what I was doing to "fit into the dress".  I looked at her and said, well, I got a dress that fits me as is..but do you think I need to lose weight?"  she backpedaled fast.  
  • I've been married for almost 2 years, but I still get some stupid questions.  One friend of a friend, upon finding out that I was married was like "oh, you're married...then...what do you do?"  I responded with "like for work?"  and she said "no, like now that you're married, what do you do for fun and stuff?"  ::headdesk::

  • A guy a work with, but not closely, asked me two weeks before the wedding if I was still getting married. He said he was just wondering because I hadn't talked about it a lot. 1. Dude, I see you like once a week and just say hi. Wouldn't it be weird if I told you all about my wedding? 2. If I did call it off, maybe I wouldn't be super keen on talking about it at work? I just laughed.
  • 1. "Are you excited?" -- Ditto the PP who was like, "No, I'm miserable." I get this on a daily basis, and I'm sick of it.

    2. "You're getting married on the 13th? But that's unlucky. Do you know that? Are you superstitious? Your marriage is going to be cursed." Yes, I know people consider it unlucky, but it's my favourite number, and clearly I'm *NOT* superstitious, or I wouldn't be getting married on the 13th!

    3. I also have a sapphire engagement ring and I get asked a lot, "Oh, did you want that? Would he have let you change it if you wanted to?" Since I picked the stone specifically, I just say that and people move on.

    4. I am wearing my aunt's wedding dress, and several people have asked me, "Are she and your uncle still married? Is it a happy marriage? Are you worried that the dress might be bad luck?"


    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • only random questions was when customers would imply and ask questions like they were going to be invited (we own a small business)... and then after the wedding when certain customers found out we were married, they would be like "what, we were not invited!?" 

  • I got a lot of weight loss questions. Like "So, have you started your wedding diet yet?" Um, I didn't think I needed to...? It's just weird that it's automatically assumed women will want to lose weight for their wedding. Also, "Don't you think you're too young?" got tossed around by some people. Only by people who didn't know us that well though. 
  • edited September 2013
    My DOC asked if we were having a dollar dance. I just cringed and she got the picture.

    My mom keeps texting me to ask if my cousin (who's 28) can room with anyone. First at the B & B (there's no room, otherwise I would love for him to stay there). Then she wanted to know if anyone was getting a room offsite that would share with him (who the eff would want to stay with a stranger?).

    Today: "Is there a cousin or friend staying locally? Apparently this is going to be a problem." First, what cousin? She knows I don't have local cousins, because she's my mom, and FI's whole family is 2 states away. And the wedding is an hour away from us, so would these "local" friends chauffeur him too?

    So now we're paying for my cousin's hotel room because he can't and him mom won't.


  • I got asked if I was on a diet for my wedding too.  We tried a different meal plan than we usually did, and I did lost a bit of weight, but it wasn't actually wedding related.  Just a nice timing coincidence.  People were surprised it wasn't for the wedding   

  • Our wedding is just under three weeks away and I've gotten numerous times "what are you going to do with yourself after the wedding? "Or "what will you do with all that free time?

    My response "ummm.. Live my life? Get thank you cards done ASAP, catch up on being away from work for ten days, unpack the three weeks worth of clothes I packed for a 8 day honeymoon"

    It's like they think I'm not going to know what to do with myself once it's over.
  • I haven't had any really stupid questions yet, but I've only been engaged a month and the wedding's at least a year away.

    My boss did ask me about 4 or 5 days after I got engaged whether I'd stopped smiling yet (virtualized company, I work from home - 4.5 hours away from the boss), but I thought that was sweet.

    Someone did ask me whether I didn't think that maybe my colours were unlucky, but I was expecting that because of the old superstition about green being unlucky for a wedding. I just responded that the success of my marriage will be directly determined by my commitment to my FI (and his to me) and not by what our bridal party wears...
    imageDaisypath Friendship tickers
  • Forgot this doozy. We sent Save the dates out in February. Not even a week after they went out I got a call from stepmom saying "your cousins sue and Sally don't have babysitters. Can you not invite Lucy (our 16 year old cousin) so she can babysit"

    She seriously wanted me to not invite my other cousin so she could be the designated babysitter. I could only respond with "they have 8 months to find a sitter and if they can't then I'm sorry but it's not my issue. They'll be missed."

    Neither sue or Sally are coming to the wedding... And for what's it's worth their kids are 9 and 11. So it's not like they're breast feeding babies.
  • My only annoying question so far is "Did you get married yet?" all from co-workers. Uh. I think you would notice if I got married yet. They all know I'm orig. from PA.... I think I would be taking some lonnng time off for the wedding... so. uh, no.. I didn't get married yet.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • My DOC asked if we were having a dollar dance. I just cringed and she got the picture.

    My mom keeps texting me to ask if my cousin (who's 28) can room with anyone. First at the B & B (there's no room, otherwise I would love for him to stay there). Then she wanted to know if anyone was getting a room offsite that would share with him (who the eff would want to stay with a stranger?).

    Today: "Is there a cousin or friend staying locally? Apparently this is going to be a problem." First, what cousin? She knows I don't have local cousins, because she's my mom, and FI's whole family is 2 states away. And the wedding is an hour away from us, so would these "local" friends chauffeur him too?

    So now we're paying for my cousin's hotel room because he can't and him mom won't.
    I actually shared a room with my SIL's cousin, who was a complete stranger, for a week at their DW. It wasn't weird at all, and I was grateful to have someone to split the cost with! 
    ElcaB said:
    My DOC asked if we were having a dollar dance. I just cringed and she got the picture.

    My mom keeps texting me to ask if my cousin (who's 28) can room with anyone. First at the B & B (there's no room, otherwise I would love for him to stay there). Then she wanted to know if anyone was getting a room offsite that would share with him (who the eff would want to stay with a stranger?).

    Today: "Is there a cousin or friend staying locally? Apparently this is going to be a problem." First, what cousin? She knows I don't have local cousins, because she's my mom, and FI's whole family is 2 states away. And the wedding is an hour away from us, so would these "local" friends chauffeur him too?

    So now we're paying for my cousin's hotel room because he can't and him mom won't.
    I actually shared a room with my SIL's cousin, who was a complete stranger, for a week at their DW. It wasn't weird at all, and I was grateful to have someone to split the cost with! 
    I think the part of it that's supposed to be stupid is that he is 28 years old and presumably can't book or afford his own hotel room.
    OP, I assume this cousin isn't allowed a plus one or chose not to bring one? If you didn't extend him a plus one and your budget/capacity allows it, it might be nice to  do so he has someone to travel/stay with. But if he can't afford the room in the first place then he should have declined the invitation.
  • People constantly ask if we're going to live together. Yea FI is from NY and works in NY and I am from NJ and work in NJ but that doesn't mean we're getting married and living in different states. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • This isn't so much stupid, as a major buzzkill. We didn't tell many people when we were getting married, as we eloped. But, everyone knew we were engaged. We work together, so we assumed most people would figure it out when we both took three weeks off of work. However, when we got back and started talking about it, a lot of people replied "Oh, I thought you were already married." So glad everyone was excited for us! LOL


  • I haven't really gotten any stupid questions but I have heard some odd statements. My favorite so far is, "Don't have an open bar, no one wants to leave their table to get drinks" from my FSIL who wants us to just put bottles on the table. Uh no, you all can get up and go get drinks, you know, like you would have to at any other social gathering, because I'd rather offer more alcoholic options than just shots of vodka and whiskey.
  • SJM7538 said:
    ElcaB said:
    My DOC asked if we were having a dollar dance. I just cringed and she got the picture.

    My mom keeps texting me to ask if my cousin (who's 28) can room with anyone. First at the B & B (there's no room, otherwise I would love for him to stay there). Then she wanted to know if anyone was getting a room offsite that would share with him (who the eff would want to stay with a stranger?).

    Today: "Is there a cousin or friend staying locally? Apparently this is going to be a problem." First, what cousin? She knows I don't have local cousins, because she's my mom, and FI's whole family is 2 states away. And the wedding is an hour away from us, so would these "local" friends chauffeur him too?

    So now we're paying for my cousin's hotel room because he can't and him mom won't.
    I actually shared a room with my SIL's cousin, who was a complete stranger, for a week at their DW. It wasn't weird at all, and I was grateful to have someone to split the cost with! 
    I think the part of it that's supposed to be stupid is that he is 28 years old and presumably can't book or afford his own hotel room.
    OP, I assume this cousin isn't allowed a plus one or chose not to bring one? If you didn't extend him a plus one and your budget/capacity allows it, it might be nice to  do so he has someone to travel/stay with. But if he can't afford the room in the first place then he should have declined the invitation.
    He doesn't have a plus one but he's coming with his mom, who's staying with my mom. He's always been a little stunted so I am not surprised he can't afford it, but it's annoying his mom can't. It's not like we can either, so we're putting it on a credit card. Meh.



  • SJM7538 said:


    ElcaB said:

    My DOC asked if we were having a dollar dance. I just cringed and she got the picture.

    My mom keeps texting me to ask if my cousin (who's 28) can room with anyone. First at the B & B (there's no room, otherwise I would love for him to stay there). Then she wanted to know if anyone was getting a room offsite that would share with him (who the eff would want to stay with a stranger?).

    Today: "Is there a cousin or friend staying locally? Apparently this is going to be a problem." First, what cousin? She knows I don't have local cousins, because she's my mom, and FI's whole family is 2 states away. And the wedding is an hour away from us, so would these "local" friends chauffeur him too?

    So now we're paying for my cousin's hotel room because he can't and him mom won't.
    I actually shared a room with my SIL's cousin, who was a complete stranger, for a week at their DW. It wasn't weird at all, and I was grateful to have someone to split the cost with! 





    I think the part of it that's supposed to be stupid is that he is 28 years old and presumably can't book or afford his own hotel room.


    OP, I assume this cousin isn't allowed a plus one or chose not to bring one? If you didn't extend him a plus one and your budget/capacity allows it, it might be nice to  do so he has someone to travel/stay with. But if he can't afford the room in the first place then he should have declined the invitation.

    He doesn't have a plus one but he's coming with his mom, who's staying with my mom. He's always been a little stunted so I am not surprised he can't afford it, but it's annoying his mom can't. It's not like we can either, so we're putting it on a credit card. Meh.

    Gotta love "those" family members. I have a cousin who isn't attending bc he doesn't get along with
    My Uncle (his father) who is attending. My cousins wife pulled a gun on him with their daughter in the house so my uncle who just happened to be there
    Called the cops and got the wife arrested. And my cousin is mad that his wife was arrested. Seriously dude? I can't say I'm sad they declined.
  • ughh...yes, inappropriate comments.  I had someone at work ask if what I was doing to "fit into the dress".  I looked at her and said, well, I got a dress that fits me as is..but do you think I need to lose weight?"  she backpedaled fast.  
    Haha! I ordered lunch one day and my boss says something along the lines of "Well, I guess you're going to have to start watching what you eat if you want to fit into your wedding dress." I replied with "Well, I guess its good that its 2 sizes too big and I have to get it altered." 

    Eat away and enjoy food, I shall.
  • Yeah 
    SJM7538 said:
    Our wedding is just under three weeks away and I've gotten numerous times "what are you going to do with yourself after the wedding? "Or "what will you do with all that free time? My response "ummm.. Live my life? Get thank you cards done ASAP, catch up on being away from work for ten days, unpack the three weeks worth of clothes I packed for a 8 day honeymoon" It's like they think I'm not going to know what to do with myself once it's over.
    Yeah, the I also keep having people comment along these same lines.  "What are you going to do once its over..will you be sooo bored?" uhh, no. not at all.  I'll be glad to get to do all the other things I enjoy doing that I haven't had time to do.  Believe it or not, I have other pleasures and goals in life beyond planning my wedding.  It's also not as though my entire life has been devouted to wedding planning up till now.  Sure we're a little busy with the last minute details now that we're just two weeks away (eek!) but really, c'mon, I do other things.  
  • We've only been engaged for a month, and fortunately, the majority of our friends, family, and colleagues are all chill about our offbeat choices--sapphire engagement ring for me, engagement band for him, etc.

    But when I say, "I'm going to wear navy," people ask a LOT of questions like ...

    What, you mean navy and white stripes? (Um, no?)
    Are you wearing a suit or something? (I usually say "navy blue dress," so this is a weird one)
    Well, have you ever WORN white? Do you KNOW you wouldn't like it? (Who cares? I KNOW I like navy!)
    Oh, you don't want to wear white? How about ivory? (Yeah, nope)
    How are you going to go wedding dress shopping? (Clearly, I will not be buying a "wedding" dress, so I'll go shopping like I would for any other evening gown)

    I appreciate that most people are genuinely confused by this choice, but it's still really disappointing that I've been pressured from all sorts of people to look for white dresses.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • I think the only stupid question we got was when we were going to start having babies.  We weren't even married yet.  And the answer was always never.  

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