Wedding Invitations & Paper

Addressing envelopes

I seem to be getting mixed responses from family about this so I thought I would ask here. We just received our save the dates and will be ordering invitations soon. When it comes to addressing the envelopes what is the traditional etiquette? For save the dates can you print out the guests name on the envelope directly or is handwritting them better? Same with the wedding invitations themselves? Also, I have really pretty return address labels can I use those on the save the dates and the invites? Any thoughts ladies!!!

Re: Addressing envelopes

  • edited October 2013
    petersk09 said:
    I seem to be getting mixed responses from family about this so I thought I would ask here. We just received our save the dates and will be ordering invitations soon. When it comes to addressing the envelopes what is the traditional etiquette? For save the dates can you print out the guests name on the envelope directly or is handwritting them better? Same with the wedding invitations themselves? Also, I have really pretty return address labels can I use those on the save the dates and the invites? Any thoughts ladies!!!
    Technically, it's against etiquette to use address labels. IMHO it's a victimless etiquette crime, but against etiquette none the less. 

    As far as addressing them, traditionally and most formally a married couple who shares the same last name is addressed: Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
    If you are non-traditional (like me), it's fine to write: Mr. and Mrs. Smith
    Families (not using an inner envelope): Mr. and Mrs. John Smith (on one line) Miss Suzie Smith (on the next line)*
    Married couple not sharing the same last name or unmarried couple living together: Mr. John Smith and Ms. Sally Jones
    Unmarried couple not living together: Mr. John Smith (on one line) and Ms. Sally Jones (on the next line)
    Single Guest with a plus one (not using an inner envelope): Mr. John Smith and Guest**

    Anyone over 18 years old gets their own invitation even if they're living with their parents.

    *If you are using inner envelopes, write "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and Family" and then spell out each family member's name on the inner envelope.
    **If you are using inner envelopes, write "Mr. John Smith" on the outer envelope and "Mr. John Smith and Guest" on the inner envelope.

  • She said it perfectly. It's fine to write out STDs and use return labels. Honestly, I don't think anyone will remember what's on the envelope.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • I like handwriting, because it seems more personal.

    Just my preference.

    No one has ever died over a printed label, however, my name often gets "autocorrected" in Word/Excel (or whatever program people use to print labels) and sometimes it ends up misspelled. Just something to think about.

  • itzMS said:

    I like handwriting, because it seems more personal.

    Just my preference.

    No one has ever died over a printed label, however, my name often gets "autocorrected" in Word/Excel (or whatever program people use to print labels) and sometimes it ends up misspelled. Just something to think about.

    This is a great point.  If you do go the label or printing directly on the envelopes way make sure you and your FI double check (even triple check) the spelling of all the names before pressing print (and even can never be too safe).

  • So would it be safe to say using return labels and printing out addresses directly on the envelopes is ok for save the dates. But wedding invites should be hand written for both addresses???
  • STDs can be printed or labels. I think it is acceptable to have the return address printed or stamped, as well as the address on the response envelope, but the invited's address on the outer envelope of the invitation should be hand written. :-)
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • Thank you!! photokitty that is what I was thinking. 
  • I am addressing my save the dates so this helped me too...thank you!

    But what would you do for this...My Uncle, Aunt and Kids. I don't know how to write that.

    Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Laliberte and family? or Mr. and Mrs. Laliberte, (then write each of the kids names)?

  • You can do either on the save the date. Its personal preference on std. GL!
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • I am addressing my save the dates so this helped me too...thank you!

    But what would you do for this...My Uncle, Aunt and Kids. I don't know how to write that.

    Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Laliberte and family? or Mr. and Mrs. Laliberte, (then write each of the kids names)?

    You can put "and family" or spell out the kids names on a second line. For example:

    "Mr and Mrs John Laliberte 
    James, Sally & Gail Laliberte"


    "Mr. and Mrs. John Laliberte and Family"

    Sometimes (not often), people have run into issues with guests interpreting "and family" to mean more than just their nuclear family. If you don't think this is an issue in your circle, "and family" saves you a line.

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