Hey ladies. I was wondering if you could check out the wording that my FI and I came up with for our invitations to make sure everything was worded correctly and such. Thanks! And the wording for the RSVP is below as well. We were thinking of using this for the accepts/declines: Don't Despair We Will Be There/Sad to Say We'll Miss the Day.
Together with their families
Mary Last Name
Mary FI's First and Last Name
Invite you to share their joy and support their love as they
exchange vows and celebrate their marriage.
Friday, the Fourth of April
Two Thousand Fourteen
At Quarter Past Six
Venue Address
Venue City, State, Zip Code
A celebration with dinner, drinks and dancing will follow.
For more information, please visit:
(wedding website goes here)
Please Respond By
Friday, March 14, 2014
Delightfully Accepts
Regretfully Declines
Number Attending __________