Wedding Invitations & Paper

Invitation rsvp help!!!!

Ok our ceremony and reception are in the same place my question is how to word rsvps..we live in small towns in Iowa so a lot of times people come to just reception which is not a big deal around here. So how would be the best way to word our rsvps so we know who is coming to just the ceremony or just the reception or both? Is it ok to do this 
By July 20th 2014
Attending Ceremony only   #_______
Attending Reception only   #_______
Attending Both   #______
Regretfully decline all 

Re: Invitation rsvp help!!!!

  • Why would you need to know who is coming to the ceremony?  As long as you have a chair for every guest invited, that information seems unnecessary.  Everyone invited to the ceremony must be invited to the reception, and everyone invited to the reception must be invited to the ceremony. That is your case, correct?

    IMO, what you have looks sloppy.  The first thing I would omit is the symbol #.

    will/won't be attending the ceremony.
    will/won't be attending the reception.

  • Everyone that is going to be invited to ceremony is going to be invited to reception also and visa versa so no one will be left out. We are having the ceremony and reception all in the same room was why I guess I wanted to know who all would be at the ceremony so we had enough chairs for everyone set up so we wouldnt be moving chairs around in the beginning and we had the exact count. What u have looks a lot better then mine I didnt like the idea for mine so thats y I needed help it just looked like a lot of options for one lil card so thank you 
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