The Backstory: This past March my then boyfriend's little sister announced her engagement to her boyfriend. A few months later in May, my boyfriend proposed. His sister set her date in May the following year. My fiancé and I discussed it and decided on April. I had my heart set on a spring wedding, and after dating for 6 years and living together for 4 years I wasn't too keen on a long engagement. I asked him to speak to his sister first. He said she was fine, but a bit later we got this long email about how it was important to her that we attend all of her pre-wedding events and that our wedding was sucking the joy out of hers. They resolved it, and she and I have had fun passing ideas back and forth since then.
The Problem: I had expected that I would need to spend 300-500 to travel for her bachelorette and budgeted accordingly. To my shock and surprise, I opened an email from her MOH this evening letting us all know that the weekend would cost about 2000 dollars. I feel absolutely awful, but simply cannot afford to spend this much. I keep thinking - if this was my little sister (which she will be), would I make it work? I don't know that I would. I think I'd offer to plan something local for those who couldn't make it. What would you do?