So I got engaged a little less than a year ago and a few months ago I asked my bridesmaids to be a part of my wedding. I've known one of them for a couple of years and she and I were very close, we even work together. She pretty much begged me to be part of my special day. One day at work we had a bit of a disagreement on something. Yes, I was upset that she would do something behind my back. But ever since that day our friendship hasn't been the same. She stopped the texts, the calls, even being friendly. She is a MEGA Bitch to me on a day to day basis and runs to tell the boss every move I make. I honestly don't even like her anymore. I think it is a given to tell her that she is not welcome in my party anymore. I am doing her a favor because we are going dress shopping in a month and I am saving her time and money. But I think I'm too nice of a person and I don't know what to say to politely boot her. HELP Please!