Snarky Brides


I'm bored. Entertain me with some juicy gossip about yourselves, please.

I confess I wish I could go back in time and redo my wedding. I loved every minute of it, but I stressed way too much in the beginning. We should have just hopped on a plane to the Dominican and eloped like my dad suggested.

I also confess that H and I drank a whole box of wine this weekend.

Re: Confessions?

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    I will confess that I miss our wedding. I wish I could have like five more. I confess that I understand why people who JOP want to have their 'wedding' or 'party' and I don't blame them, nor do I care, nor do I consider it rude (as long as they are up front with it). I loved every minute of it and I would never begrudge someone else the chance to do it.

    I confess that DH and I have talked about waiting to TTC for another three years and that seems SO FAR AWAY right now. It is the right decision for us but it seems so long to wait. I hate it.
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    I confess that I dropped my classes for  two week break because I'm too lazy to study right now.

    I also confess that I never wanted to marry my first husband but my mom told me to. I was 16 so I listened.
    20130105_202820-1_zps07580b43 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Confessions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I confess that I dropped my classes for  two week break because I'm too lazy to study right now. I also confess that I never wanted to marry my first husband but my mom told me to. I was 16 so I listened.
    Posted by Y I Oughta[/QUOTE]

    <div>I didn't know you were married.  Is he the father of your kid you talk about?  Were you married at 16?</div><div>
    </div><div>I confess I'm nosey, apparently.</div>
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    I confess that I wish I had went ahead and gotten the 2K dress of my dreams. Ridiculous, extravagant and so on but I still wish I had done it because we could have without breaking the bank. I said that kind of thing was crazy for years-but now I wish I had just done it.

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    I confess I just ate half a jar of Peter Pan crunchy peanut butter.

    Steph, you're not the only one looking for a do-over.  I too loved mine, but unfortunately, I wasn't involed much in the planning since my depression was pretty severe those first few months.  When the Cymbalta finally kicked in, it was only 2 weeks before the wedding.  Thank God for my best friend - she did just about everything for me.
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    I confess that I've been lazy and haven't done much of anything today.

    I confess that I want to try roller derby.
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    Zombie talk bores me.

    At times I wish H had a "normal" job instead of his own business, because it takes up so much of his time. But, I love that he does what he does, and what he stands for, and I'd never ask him to give it up. I just wish there was more "us" time.

    I miss my family, even when I'm with them. Ever since I was little I've gotten these weird bouts of loneliness, where I feel like there is an emptiness in my chest. I've never been able to figure it out, and it strikes at random times.
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    I confess that I haven't had sex in two weeks and am perfectly ok with it. H is going insane though :(

    I confess that I haven't been eating nearly enough, especially last weekend. Now I have H monitoring me as well as several knotties helping out. Thank goodness for support groups!
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    I confess that I just ate more pizza than my FI.

    I also confess that, that pizza was the best pizza i've ever had.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6ab560cc-9af5-4ecf-a5a6-8ef5cd66ec93Post:697f50f1-ceb5-42ee-9c26-50868712ea63">Re: Confessions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Confessions? : Wow - that's pretty crazy. I'm glad you got out of that relationship.
    Posted by pixiedust84[/QUOTE]

    Eh, shiit happens, that's nothing in the long run compared to a lot of other problems I and most other people have.

    I have had people tell me I'm a horrible person for "using" him for those years but I did what I had to do for my kid.
    20130105_202820-1_zps07580b43 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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    I confess that I have no confessions that are confess-able in this thread.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6ab560cc-9af5-4ecf-a5a6-8ef5cd66ec93Post:bb3ac325-2830-4e34-80b3-b28aa01d8a2a">Re: Confessions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sesh, if you don't mind my asking, what does your Hubby do.
    Posted by Y I Oughta[/QUOTE]

    He's a landscaper, but taking a holistic approach. His degree is marine science, so he is all about xeroscaping, not using chemicals, making sure the landscape is healthy for the environment as a whole (especially for his yards on the river). He handpulls weeds, treats grass naturally.

    So, I love that he takes care of yards holistically and I believe in what he's doing. But his customers are demanding, he works until dark, etc, so his time is stretched.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Confessions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I confess I might have a drinking problem... a box of wine between two people doesn't seem like that much to me
    Posted by chirpchirp[/QUOTE]

    Um yeah...I'm going to piggyback on this.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Confessions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I confess that I have no confessions that are confess-able in this thread.
    Posted by Anysunrise[/QUOTE]

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Confessions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Confessions? : Um yeah...I'm going to piggyback on this.
    Posted by LessThanZero[/QUOTE]

    <div>What if I just realized it was actually two whole boxes? In all honesty though... we did not leave our apartment from Wednesday afternoon through Saturday night.</div>
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    I confess that I have bad teeth. Real bad. I haven't had dental insurance since I was 19, and I've known about a problem tooth (an old root canal) for well over a year. The root canal started to break down, and the tooth was literally falling apart. But, I couldn't afford an appointment/crown, so I let it go because it didn't hurt. I just shoved a tiny mirror in my mouth to see it---I'm glad it's a top molar and not a bottom; I about threw up when I saw it. Sorry---that's TMI. Luckily I will finally be going this weekend, but, I know they will have to pull it. 

    I also confess that I'm going to see a psychiatrist in two weeks. And, I have a feeling it's going to be the best thing I've ever done for myself. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I dont have anything juice to confess. Lastnight I had a long discussion with my husband about how his father is a doufus and if he becomes his dad I will not stick around like his mom has because I would go crazy. That sounds worse than it was, and I feel bad about how I talk down about his dad, but he really is dumb as shiit and my husband unfortunately does things his dad does sometimes and it creeps me out.
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    I confess I'm still in my PJs from last night. I'm on a three day mini-vacation from work and FI was home sick today, so we just vegged out in front of the TV all day.
    Malcolm AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    edited November 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Confessions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I confess that I have bad teeth. Real bad. I haven't had dental insurance since I was 19, and I've known about a problem tooth (an old root canal) for well over a year. The root canal started to break down, and the tooth was literally falling apart. But, I couldn't afford an appointment/crown, so I let it go because it didn't hurt. I just shoved a tiny mirror in my mouth to see it---I'm glad it's a top molar and not a bottom; I about threw up when I saw it. Sorry---that's TMI. Luckily I will finally be going this weekend, but, I know they will have to pull it.  
    Posted by RachNRich[/QUOTE]

    <div>I've had a tooth pulled (bottom) and it isn't the end of the world, just so you know. It was because I cracked a root-canaled tooth under a crown and it got infected (just barely) but it had to go either way...I have no idea how you have been living with the pain you are in. (ETA: the pain I presume you are in).</div>
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6ab560cc-9af5-4ecf-a5a6-8ef5cd66ec93Post:134db3a4-86bf-49c8-84dc-023a951f5e1f">Re: Confessions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Confessions? : He's a landscaper, but taking a holistic approach. His degree is marine science, so he is all about xeroscaping, not using chemicals, making sure the landscape is healthy for the environment as a whole (especially for his yards on the river). He handpulls weeds, treats grass naturally. So, I love that he takes care of yards holistically and I believe in what he's doing. But his customers are demanding, he works until dark, etc, so his time is stretched.
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]

    I've heard about the holistic approach to landscaping but I didn't know of anyone that practiced it. That's really cool that he cares enough to put in the extra effort.
    20130105_202820-1_zps07580b43 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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    Sorry about your teeth, Rach. I understand the frustrations in teeth problems. No matter what I do they always have issues. I feel your pain!
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Confessions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Confessions? : What if I just realized it was actually two whole boxes? In all honesty though... we did not leave our apartment from Wednesday afternoon through Saturday night.
    Posted by Steph0871[/QUOTE]

    Haha, What if I said that still doesn't seem <em>that</em> bad to me? LOL.

    Really, if it had just been you then I'd wonder. For the both of you, yeah slightly excessive. But I definitely don't judge. I love wine.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Confessions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I confess that I have no confessions that are confess-able in this thread.
    Posted by Anysunrise[/QUOTE]
    Me too.

    Also between Saturday and yesterday, H and I drank 4 bottles of wine and a 12 pack of beer...
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    AnysunriseAnysunrise member
    Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited November 2010
    Hmm...Ah. I confess that, prior to FI and my ex, I cheated on every boyfriend I had ever had. Which wasn't all that bad considering before that I was 15 and that usually amounted to just kissing other guys. I was a little skank when it came to kissing though.
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    Rach - I have awful teeth, and I've always had insurance.  My pregnancy made everything worse and by the middle of it, I had a hole in my back molar.  Food got stuck in there.  It was gross. 

    Since moving here, I've given the dentist such good business and ran through all my benefits in 4 months and I STILL need more stuff done.  B took the much better dental plan because of how bad they were, haha.  I told myself that I'd get them all fixed before I get pregnant again.  That'll give me incentive, lol.

    My confession:  DH and I just bought a $650 camera and have no idea how to use it.  It also makes my daughter cry.  I would upload the proof, but the file is too large and I haven't gotten to that part of my reading yet.
    BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
    BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    Dude. I said it in the thread below too, but that Vegas Groom is one good lookin' piece of ACE.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6ab560cc-9af5-4ecf-a5a6-8ef5cd66ec93Post:5d8e49e5-fc51-45fb-9e27-b043c0739ce1">Re: Confessions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Confessions? : I've heard about the holistic approach to landscaping but I didn't know of anyone that practiced it. That's really cool that he cares enough to put in the extra effort.
    Posted by Y I Oughta[/QUOTE]

    Yeah I'm proud of him for what he does. part of his business is convincing people who swear by chemicals to change their ways, or getting city officials to change their views, which is like talking to a brick wall. But he is respected by a lot of influential people, so I think he's headed in the right direction.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6ab560cc-9af5-4ecf-a5a6-8ef5cd66ec93Post:a5c7c763-093e-48c7-8fd9-0c3e739814b3">Re: Confessions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I confess that I have bad teeth. Real bad. I haven't had dental insurance since I was 19, and I've known about a problem tooth (an old root canal) for well over a year. The root canal started to break down, and the tooth was literally falling apart. But, I couldn't afford an appointment/crown, so I let it go because it didn't hurt. I just shoved a tiny mirror in my mouth to see it---I'm glad it's a top molar and not a bottom; I about threw up when I saw it. Sorry---that's TMI. Luckily I will finally be going this weekend, but, I know they will have to pull it.  I also confess that I'm going to see a psychiatrist in two weeks. And, I have a feeling it's going to be the best thing I've ever done for myself. 
    Posted by RachNRich[/QUOTE]

    I'm a firm believer that every person could use a trip to the psychologist/psychiatrist once or twice, if not more. I was a psych major for quite some time and think it can help everybody in some way.

    Also, do you have a dental school in your area. It can be cheaper but you get the same result.
    20130105_202820-1_zps07580b43 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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    anna.oskaranna.oskar member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited November 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Confessions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]My confession:  DH and I just bought a $650 camera and have no idea how to use it.  It also makes my daughter cry.  I would upload the proof, but the file is too large and I haven't gotten to that part of my reading yet.
    Posted by sucrets4[/QUOTE]

    want me to post it for you?  i might have some minor pic ninja skills
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    I confess that I want to hug Sucrets' baby. What a freaking cute picture.
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