Wedding Etiquette Forum

It's a good day for a Monday!


Re: It's a good day for a Monday!

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    Good morning!

    I've got a busy day coming up, so I'm trying to stretch out the morning.  :)
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    Not much happening here. I'm wondering how many people will call out today, which would suck because we are unexpectedly slammed. It's also freezing in here. I think they have the AC on even though it's pretty cool outside.
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    Sesh, someone had one of our meeting rooms with the AC turned all the way up. Froze my butt off when I was in there. Totally insane.

    Mica, what's got you so busy today?
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    My class has it's practical final today and next Monday, so this afternoon, I'll be reviewing students' performances as they interview a standardized patient and criticize their bedside manner and clinical thinking.  Today won't be so bad, but next weekend, we're going to SF for the weekend to see my parents, so I'll be exhausted Monday afternoon and next week, I'm doing a collective paper grading thing.  Blech.
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    H turned on the AC yesterday.  It was FREEZING.  I don't understand that boy's internal thermostat.
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    We had the AC on for a bit yesterday, but only during the day. It dropped pretty quickly after dark. The weather has been really nice lately, which in turn is nice on our utilities bill. It's never been so low like it has been the past few months.

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    December and January were great.  I think our electricity bill was half what it was in September, which was half of the July bill. 

    I hope the insulation on the next house we occupy is better than it is in our rental.  Half of the house has 0 ceiling insulation, so it's a huge energy drain.
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    I don't think our house has any insulation at all. And it's old, and a piece of crap so air just gets in and out however it desires. This time last year we had an eletric bill that was, I kid you not, $518. FOR 1 MONTH! The chick at JEA said it was because it was such a brutal winter that people's heating systems were burning out and switching to e-heat, which apparently costs an assload more.

    So yeah, we don't use the AC or heat now unless we absolutely have to. Instead we use a space heater or leave the windows open.
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    Yeah, um, you folks with your AC talk? I can put a fan outside and blow it in your direction. You'd feel the cool in no time. It's -9 right now. Shiver.
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    We didn't use the heat this year.  Warm clothing (leftover from CA, must use to justify moving costs) and blankets was our only attack.  The heater in this place looks so horrid, I can only imagine the smell it would put out if ever turned on.

    Thank goodness we live in FL.  (I never thought I'd type that.)
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    Poor Snippy. 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: It's a good day for a Monday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Morning! It's going to be a long week for me. H and I have been working on the basement non-stop, and my Dad is coming up this weekend to help us. I hope I can make it to the weekend. My FB feed was interesting this morning. I think exactly half of the posts were "Madonna is so awesome! What a performance!" and the other half were "What a lousy halftime show ... she looked like she was gonna break a hip!"  I personally didn't like her show. It was just meh for me. <strong>I'm glad "Not Tom Brady" won the game.</strong>
    Posted by cfaszews25[/QUOTE]

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    I took a leave today because DH is supposed to be somewhere else today.  He is retired and a stay at home guy.  Dammitt - I want my house all to myself for the day so he needs to get his hiney out of bed and get OUT!  I am a morning person and he is a night owl.

    I really do love the guy, but I get 2000 times more done when he is gone and I have the place to myself.  I never have time here all by my little self and today I will have it or I will be hiding his body.

    Since I am retiring in a few months I think he is going to have to start passing out carts at Walmart or something.
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    Wait, you guys are retiring? That's awesome.  I want to retire.

    I was a night owl when I wasn't working too!
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    Morning, going to be a crazy week but in the end I have a do nothing weekend, so bring it on "week from hell" I am ready for you!  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, hopefully it isn't some kind of work loaded freight train to run my a$$ over.
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    Morning.  I feel like death.  H has been sick for three days, and I'm wondering what the hell is going on.  A "24-hour" stomach bug doesn't usually last Saturday - Monday, but he was up at 4 AM throwing up again :(  I'm just tired because I didn't get enough sleep.

    I'll take my sadness about the Patriots losing somewhere else.  It was a good game, but that end was rough.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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    Good morning!
    Snippy, sorry it is SO cold by you.  We are supposed to hit 50F today, but my car was covered in frost this morning, so I got to work a little later than I normally do.

    Fortunately for me, the traffic was pretty light, I'm assuming a lot of people are taking the day off.

    I woke up with a massive head cold, I really hope it doesn't turn into a sinus infection.  Anyone have any suggestions as to a decongestant that doesn't have pseudoephedrine/Sudafed in it?  I may run out to the pharmacy at lunch if it doesn't seem to be getting better.

    To all of you warm weather folks, I am jealous the weather is even warm enough where you are to CONSIDER turning on the A/C.
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    Morning, I wish the weather would just make up it's damn mind on what kind of weather we get.  I also still ahve my headache from yesterday and I'm not happy about it.

    I'm right there with you about the game Bay.
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    Not dropped passes, Cfas, just incomplete ones.  Welker missed a pass, and so did Hernandez.  And then Brady threw a Hail Mary that Hernandez didn't have a chance of getting.  Honestly it was over when the Patriots couldn't get even a field goal on their second-to-last pass. 

    Blargh.  It's okay, there's always next year.  I think New England/Boston fans need that tattooed on them; it's practically our mantra (not as much since the Sox won, but still!)

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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    Bay, as a Cleveland fan, we say "There's always next year" even before the season starts :)
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    Good Morning!

    I'm a bit annoyed with FI this morning.  We had some snow this weekend, and the way it blew around, my car was covered by about 8 inches of snow.  I had asked FI if he would scrape my car since I have to be at work at a specific time and he doesn't, and also because he gets to park in the garage.  Yeah, he's done it once.  It's been a pretty mild winter, so it's not too bad, but the 8 inches of snow that greeted me this morning did not make me happy.  I thought especially since I've been sick, he would remember this time.  Oh well, I'll get over it.

    Does anyone watch Downton Abbey?  What are your thoughts on the "heir" that came back last night?  Real, or pulling a Don Draper?
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    I'm also happy that "not Tom Brady" won.  I cheered for the giants for that reason.  And I was the ONLY ONE in the room cheering for them.  Hahahah.  Suckers.
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    July, my dad is a Cleveland Browns fan!  (He was born in Cleveland.)  He actually dug his old Browns jacket (from the 1980s) out of his closet and wore it to the party last night.   He's still incredibly bitter about the "old" Browns leaving Cleveland. 

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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    Originally, I wanted the Patriots to win because I hate the Giants for beating San Francisco.  Then I realized that if the Patriots won, Tom Brady would be in the 4 SB wins club with Joe Montana.  That switched my allegiances quickly, even if I felt squicky rooting for that darned Eli Manning.

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    Good morning! I'm actually awake early enough for the morning thread!

    I'm pretty excited because after a year of being unemployed, H got 2 job offers in one day (last Friday). Today, he's going to figure out which one to take, and we'll have income AND health insurance! Woo!

    It's 3 weeks until the bar exam. I'm terrified. I'm just ready for it to be over, but I also know if I took it now, I would not pass it. Blerg. Studying has been my life for the last 5 or 6 weeks, and I am DONE.
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    Morning.  I'm still at home, trying to motivate my way into work.  I drank too much beer last night, and I think I might have said something snotty about H's friend's girlfriend.  I hope they didn't hear me. 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: It's a good day for a Monday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]July, my dad is a Cleveland Browns fan!  (He was born in Cleveland.)  He actually dug his old Browns jacket (from the 1980s) out of his closet and wore it to the party last night.   <strong>He's still incredibly bitter about the "old" Browns leaving Cleveland.</strong> 
    Posted by baystateapple[/QUOTE]
    We all are :) Art Modell is still the most hated name in Cleveland (even after the Lebron incident)
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    I hope this week goes by quickly.  I feel like I didn't have a weekend.  I can't wait for the long weekend this month. 
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    Why do you get a long weekend, habs? I have a 1-day weekend coming up. Yippe. I have to work next Sunday since I'm taking the 17th off. Ugh. Working Sunday sucks, but at the same time, no one is in the ofifce so I can watch movies all day while I work.
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