Ever since I started a Target registry, I have had nothing but problems with it. I can't manage it online. It won't log me in. I know what my email and password are because I use the same one for everything. I signed up online so I could add things without going in. (that didn't work. everything I wanted said it was out of stock and wouldn't let me add it.) We went in and scanned some stuff after logging in with my appropriate email and password. Now I can't do anything with it! They were supposed to email me my password, but it has been over an hour. I can still find it by searching as a guest.
Anyone else having this issue? It is drving me crazy and I am about to delete it and make a new one at a store with a better website.
Re: Issues with Target registry?
I deleted a bunch of items awhile ago, but both Target and 360 still show them as available. No pics, no prices and only available online.
It's official; its got to go!
I also have a registry with BBB and it's great. Though I do recommend going in and using the scanner there, just because it was so fun. And I think it's easier to compare and really see what some things are if you do it in person. But managing my account online is really easy too.
Target would add random things on it or not add things that I wanted. It was a waste of time.
It finally let me log in! I found all the stuff we had on there and added it to BBB and Amazon and deleted it! hahah It is petty, but it makes me so much happier!
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But recently, Target re-did their webpage and I've had horrible problems with our baby registry. It is driving me crazy.