Christian Weddings

Prayer Request- Students from our University

A group of 5 freshmen from our university were walking across a train trestle last night when the train came.  One was killed, one jumped into the river and was seriously injured.  The 3 others were able to lay down in the middle of the tracks.  One was badly hurt, the other 2 have minor injuries. 

The town has 4 good sized colleges, and all of them preach not messing around the train tracks.  It's not like they weren't warned about this...and they're not little kids.  Nevertheless, it's horrible that this happened.  

The university is a very tight knit community, especially in the dorms.  I can't imagine what their halls are going through.  I also gathered from different posts that they are all Worship majors, which is also a close program.

Re: Prayer Request- Students from our University

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