Snarky Brides

Stupid things said by husbands


Re: Stupid things said by husbands

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    I told FI to remind me to call the optometrist when we got home, and he looks at his dad and goes " Why does she need the baby doctor?!"
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    Missy, my parents do that all the time with me. "Well why did you do X thing?"
    "Gee I don't know, because I'm an idiot and wanted to kill myself? I don't know I just did!"
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:0dca0373-4c15-4d9f-9a6d-6482be0bef50Post:9e169870-2a5c-41e6-9e3e-2ed1ce6afb03">Re: Stupid things said by husbands</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Stupid things said by husbands : <strong>The scariest thing to me is that they tell you not to move, but every contraction literally makes you double over in pain.</strong> I was so afraid that I'd jerk just as they were going in. I'm sure that doesn't help your fear, lol. It was worth it, though, because after that I got a little sleep until it was time to push.
    Posted by LedZeppelin[/QUOTE]

    Dude, I couldn't even sit still for the damn thing and I wasn't even IN labor.
    Scheduled C section, ftw.

    But Jasmine, my sister had the same fear. She's terrified of needles so she opted to have a natural birth. It's amazing how quickly that fear will go away when you have a nine pound baby trying to pry it's way out of you.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Stupid things said by husbands</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Stupid things said by husbands : Dude, I couldn't even sit still for the damn thing and I wasn't even IN labor. Scheduled C section, ftw. But Jasmine, my sister had the same fear. She's terrified of needles so she opted to have a natural birth.<strong> It's amazing how quickly that fear will go away when you have a nine pound baby trying to pry it's way out of you.</strong>
    Posted by lkpeaocck[/QUOTE]

    And, to be fair to the man in the OP, I'm sure the conversation before labor was something along the lines of the one DH and I had:

    Me:  "I really don't want an epidural.  I want to go natural - I'm pretty sure I can do it.  What did women do before epidurals, anyway? "
    DH:  "Are you sure that's what you really want."
    Me:  "Yes.  And it's your job, since you're not going to be the one in pain, to make sure that we stick to our plan."
    DH:  "Ugh.  Alright."

    Of course, I wasn't even at 2cm before I was in tears, asking where my drugs are.  DH gently "reminded" me a few times about the "plan" and he got me to 4cm before I said, "enough, give me the darned epidural.  NOW!" 
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
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    I'm hoping to go without one, but yeah, once things start progressing I think a needle will be the last of my worries. I'm more worried about the needles they will want to put in before things start progressing.

    Tide, she originally wanted to do a water birth with a midwife because she had really bad experiences meeting with doctors. Then when the labor started she was like "omg there is no way this is happening take me to the hospital" and went crazy.

    I also don't think it helped that she was a first time mom and it was an oops baby. She was not at all mentally ready for a pregnancy or birth.
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    There are two kinds of marriage licenses we can get. One is a public license, one is confidential. With the confidential licence, only the parties whom the license is issued to can request a copy and it is only valid in LA County. The public license is valid in any county in California.

    After I explained the difference to FI he said, "But what happens if we move to North Carolina or something?" No, baby, AFTER we're married it's legally recognized in other states and countries. Undecided
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    edited July 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Stupid things said by husbands</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Stupid things said by husbands : THIS. And, to be fair to the man in the OP, I'm sure the conversation before labor was something along the lines of the one DH and I had: Me:  "I really don't want an epidural.  I want to go natural - I'm pretty sure I can do it.  What did women do before epidurals, anyway? " DH:  "Are you sure that's what you really want." Me:  "Yes.  And it's your job, since you're not going to be the one in pain, to make sure that we stick to our plan." DH:  "Ugh.  Alright." Of course, I wasn't even at 2cm before I was in tears, asking where my drugs are.  DH gently "reminded" me a few times about the "plan" and he got me to 4cm before I said, "enough, give me the darned epidural.  NOW!" 
    Posted by tidetravel[/QUOTE]

    I'm pretty sure this is exactly what will happen to me. I'm leaning towards a home birth though, so I'm scared I'll be too far along to actually be able to do anything about it.
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    DH starts out all of his texts to me with the word Yo. I don't know why since he isn't a thug IRL and he normally uses proper English. (i.e. Yo if we ain't got no plans next Saturday lets go 2 a concert.)
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    (English is my dads second language) but he does his best to speak better than a 5th grader.  So, 1 day...I guess he really felt the need to contribute to the conversation and after an appalling statement my mom made, he shouted " THAT's DEDICKULOUS!!!" (ridiculous???)  I couldn't stop laughing...  we still haven't let him live that one down...

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    My two were 8 lbs 5 oz and 10 lbs 4 oz.  No epideral, nothing, nada, zip. Natural. I chose that because I am just freaked out by the thought of a long needle going in to my back. I can take regular shots, that feaks me out. I would do it again rather than have an epidural.  I liked that as soon as the kids were born I was tired but otherwise felt pretty great.
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