Has anyone tried Prepare and Enrich? Is it worth it??
My pastor offered to facilitate a "Prepare and Enrich" couples session for my fiancee and I, which is part of pre-marital counseling that he does. It's not a religious thing per se, but a tool to evaluate areas that are either strengths of potential weaknesses to be aware of in a relationship. We are sure we're right for each other as we see eye to eye on the important stuff and we have chemistry, so I'm wondering if this is beneficial. My pastor is a smart guy, so if he has found benefits to this evaluation I'm thinking it might be worth a shot.
Re: Prepare and Enrich session?
I've heard good things about it, but honestly I felt like we'd already discussed all these things, so filling out a 165-question packet and sending it off to some stranger to analyze wasn't going to be very helpful. Plus our wedding is in 45 days... if the analysis shows that we're doomed, it's a little late now
We did it through a marriage course and I loved it! We took the survey beforehand and the instructor gave us our results during the class. I wasn't surprised by most of our results but the follow up conversations were great. Even before we got the results back we discussed some of the different questions- there were a lot that we hadn't talked about before. Our instructon made sure that the class realized, too, that it was a pass/fail thing. If you were lower than you would have liked to be she gave suggestions on how to compromise or talk through different obstacles. Both the Prepare-Enrich and the course were very useful. I totally recommend! Plus, in some states if you take it and do some marriage counseling (through class/pastor) you get a discount on your marriage license. Ours was $75 cheaper in MN than it would have been if we didn't do it.
Our pastor had us take it - I thought that it was pretty thorough. The results were not very surprising to us though, as we had been living together for a couple of years and dating for five years. It did lead to some good discussions though. I only wish that it hadn't been the only part of our counseling.