No I am not joking. And no, it's not because Obama is president. (I know that's what you're thinking!) Long story short, PTs sister and hubs/2 kids live in the GTO (Greater Toronto Area for you non-canadians). His grandparents live 2 hours north of TO. PT wants to be closer to his family and wants DS to know his family and cousins. There's other factors too- I could list my pros and cons, but it would take all afternoon. We're at the point we're were looking to sell our house regardless, its either take the plunge and move to the GTO or stay where we are and upgrade. What to do, what to do...

Nathan Robert 12.18.08
Re: Pole - Should we move to Canada?
Book Review Blog
If I were a man (or fitty) I'd totally call my penis THE WIZARD - HappyTummy
"That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
I bet her FUPA's name is Shane, like the gunslinger/drifter of literature.--HappyTummy
"That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
"That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
I bet her FUPA's name is Shane, like the gunslinger/drifter of literature.--HappyTummy
I bet her FUPA's name is Shane, like the gunslinger/drifter of literature.--HappyTummy