Snarky Brides

I just bit the shiit out of my lip...


Re: I just bit the shiit out of my lip...

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    Seriously Star Trek 2?? I can't wait.

    I have been patiently (well not really) waiting since they put out the hulk with Edward Norton for the Avengers. That's going to be such an amazing cast!

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    It's almost cruel this Monday to go to the movies lol. FI and I are going to take the boys to see Hoodwinked 2. but..but..but there is Thor and Fast Five out! FI is dying to see Fast Five.
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    SEWFSEWF member
    Combo Breaker First Comment
    We went to Nebraska Furniture Mart and bought a new couch (with a chaise) and a new coffee table. The table is awesome! The top lifts up so that if you are sitting on the couch, the top it at a dining table height. LVB on E showed one in one of her posts a few months ago, and H and I have been coveting it ever since. The lady helping us today was awesome and took us right to one.

    I kinda want to see Thor. I haven't seen a movie in a theatre in a very long time. I'm also excited for Pirates of the Caribbean 4 and Harry Potter 7.2!
    Malcolm AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    I rarely go see movies in the theater myself.. This is going to be a very long summer lol. SO many good movies coming out and that will seem like an eternity to come out on DVD!

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    I can't wait for Star Trek 2.

    I am in a major funk today. Actually I have been since last night. I am just in a pissy mood. I can't decide if I want beer, wine or margaritas later. For now, FI is making blueberry pancakes.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:dfc033ae-9a01-44bc-a49d-d239cafe8cf4Post:99feebde-ba2e-4cde-9c6c-f282d5a7225d">Re: I just bit the shiit out of my lip...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I can get into some Edward Norton.
    Posted by ZombieNates[/QUOTE]

    Oh man so can I  lol
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    SEWFSEWF member
    Combo Breaker First Comment
    In Response to <a href="">Re: I just bit the shiit out of my lip...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I just bit the shiit out of my lip... : Oh man so can I  lol
    Posted by undyingmizery[/QUOTE]

    <div>Me, three! He was so amazing in The Hulk. </div>
    Malcolm AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    Ugh, FI went to get some food and I'm freaking starving! I swear it takes him twice as long to do things it takes me five minutes to do.
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    I actually really hate the theater. I despise movie crowds. Few things piss me off faste than them. But sometimes, i just have to see a movie in the theater, and Fast Five, Thor, and Pirates 4 are three I refuse to wait for on DVD.

    During Fast Five, the moron behind us started to clap after the gang pulled off their robbery thing. Seriously, dude? God I hate random clappers who celebrate something not worthy of a clap. I also gave the lady a few seats down from me the death stare because she wouldn't put her damn phone down.
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    SEWFSEWF member
    Combo Breaker First Comment
    In Response to <a href="">Re: I just bit the shiit out of my lip...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ugh, FI went to get some food and I'm freaking starving! I swear it takes him twice as long to do things it takes me five minutes to do.
    Posted by ZombieNates[/QUOTE]

    <div>Seriously. I much prefer going grocery shopping by myself, because it takes half as long.</div>
    Malcolm AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: I just bit the shiit out of my lip...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I can get into some Edward Norton.
    Posted by ZombieNates[/QUOTE]

    <div>I love me some Edward Norton. </div>
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    Oh, don't even get me started on that, SEWF.  It's so much more relaxing to go on my own. 
    OMG, he's FINALLY here.
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    AnysunriseAnysunrise member
    Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited May 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: I just bit the shiit out of my lip...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I actually really hate the theater. I despise movie crowds. Few things piss me off faste than them. But sometimes, i just have to see a movie in the theater, and Fast Five, Thor, and Pirates 4 are three I refuse to wait for on DVD. During Fast Five, the moron behind us started to clap after the gang pulled off their robbery thing. Seriously, dude? God I hate random clappers who celebrate something not worthy of a clap.<strong> I also gave the lady a few seats down from me the death stare because she wouldn't put her damn phone down.</strong>
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>That's when you throw something at them and go "There's a special hell for you!".</div><div>
    </div><div>Anyone? Anyone? ETA: This only works if they were talking on the phone, and not just diddling around. I'm just going to assume talking for the sake of the joke.</div>
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: I just bit the shiit out of my lip...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ugh, FI went to get some food and I'm freaking starving! I swear it takes him twice as long to do things it takes me five minutes to do.
    Posted by ZombieNates[/QUOTE]

    just wanted to jump in and say i feel ya. i think i'm just a control freak tho haha
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    SEWFSEWF member
    Combo Breaker First Comment
    In Response to <a href="">Re: I just bit the shiit out of my lip...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I actually really hate the theater. I despise movie crowds. Few things piss me off faste than them. But sometimes, i just have to see a movie in the theater, and Fast Five, Thor, and Pirates 4 are three I refuse to wait for on DVD. During Fast Five, the moron behind us started to clap after the gang pulled off their robbery thing. Seriously, dude? God I hate random clappers who celebrate something not worthy of a clap. I also gave the lady a few seats down from me the death stare because she wouldn't put her damn phone down.
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]

    <div>My best friend almost got into a fight with a bunch of teenagers when we went to see a movie. They were sitting in the front and WOULD NOT SHUT UP. People all over the theatre were complaining about it. Someone in the back finally yelled at them to shut up, and they just laughed at him. My friend looked over and said, "I think he meant you, girls." Yeah, they followed us out to our car, taunting my friend because she's not skinny (not obese or anything, just not tiny). Had the girls not been 15 while my friend was 22 at the time, there would have been a throw down.</div>
    Malcolm AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: I just bit the shiit out of my lip...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I actually really hate the theater. I despise movie crowds. Few things piss me off faste than them. But sometimes, i just have to see a movie in the theater, and Fast Five, Thor, and Pirates 4 are three I refuse to wait for on DVD. During Fast Five, the moron behind us started to clap after the gang pulled off their robbery thing. Seriously, dude? God I hate random clappers who celebrate something not worthy of a clap. I also gave the lady a few seats down from me the death stare because she wouldn't put her damn phone down.
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]

    i hate when kids are in the theater (esp. in a movie they probably shouldnt be seeing) and are rocking back in forth violently in their chair smacking off of my legs. then i give the parents a death stare after.
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    Special Hell. For child molesters and people who talk during the movie at theaters. Yes, that's right, you are equal.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: I just bit the shiit out of my lip...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Special Hell. For child molesters and people who talk during the movie at theaters. Yes, that's right, you are equal.
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]

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    I don't even watch that show, but a friend told me about it so of course I had to look it up. I wonder how many special Hell buttholes there will be for me to encounter tonight.
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    AnysunriseAnysunrise member
    Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited May 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: I just bit the shiit out of my lip...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't even watch that show, but a friend told me about it so of course I had to look it up. I wonder how many special Hell buttholes there will be for me to encounter tonight.
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]

    <div>A friend of mine had a guy do that when he went to go see Serenity in theatres. Needless to say, the joke went over pretty well with the rest of the crowd.</div>
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    Hah, I always yell at people in the movie theater.  One time, we had to move because two older women were talking the entire time.  One goes, "Oh, I guess we're being loud" to her friend and I said, "Yes, you are. And at your age, you should really know beter, ladies."

    Another time I told a bunch of kids to "Shut the hell up because my mommy and daddy aren't paying for me to see this movie."
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    That's awesome, nates. I want to go to the theater with you.

    Once a woman sat down right next to me, when there were only like 7 other people in the theater. H and I moved and she gave us a nasty look. really? You're surprised I don't want you right next to me in an almost-empty theater?
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    I really love going to the movie theater, but mostly for the popcorn. Oh how I love movie theater popcorn. We don't often have problems with people talking in the theaters where we see movies, though. I wonder why. Maybe it's a Seattle thing? Or maybe it's just the places we see movies. I have no idea.

    (Tomorrow we're going to the opera, and I'm super excited for it but I wish they had popcorn.)
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    Guess I"m a biitch. I just go complain to the theatre staff, and get the obnoxious ones kicked out of the movie ;)
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    Hehe, Sesh, I just can't stand people talking during the movie.
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