Wedding Reception Forum

Little funny awards ceremony...


Re: Little funny awards ceremony...

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    This is the point in the reception that I would get up and go outside for a break. It would be of not interest to me as a guest and screams Dundee awards as another poster mentioned, but hey you know your crowd better than we do.
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    I hope this is a joke. Surely no one could actually think this is a good idea.
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    SarahPLizSarahPLiz member
    First Comment
    edited December 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Little funny awards ceremony...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Isn't there any normal people on these boards that don't spend their whole lives on here looking for things to be snarky about? Hello??? Helllllo...any actual brides with REAL lives?? Please...I know there has got to be at least a few of you out there. There are for surely more polite ways of giving advice or stating opinions...However, I guess it takes a little class, and some brains for that sort of thing. Well...I suppose since I'm not having my wedding out in the backwoods somewhere with "Ma & Pa", wearing my camo gown, I'm probably going to continue encountering people who will for surely disagree, with anything not up to their extremely lavish standards. **cough cough I was hoping someone with some tact might be able to point out any negative points in doing this, but I've yet to see any that were of any relivance. ***sigh ***yawn
    Posted by pinkjgo[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Negative point #1- Unless you only have 12 guests, some will feel left out. Those that don't get these inside jokes will be bored and you will have acheived the OPPOSITE of entertainment</div><div>
    </div><div>Negative Point #2- You are giving awards for negative traits (Drama Queen, brawler, etc). No on wants to go to a party where they are put on blast in front of strangers. Way to insult your family members in public! So you just made your own negative point by awarding people for negative traits.</div><div>
    </div><div>Negative Point #3- If the music stopped for 30 minutes for some fake awards show, I'd leave. So there, you are boring your X-12 guests for 30 minutes instead of letting them mingle.</div><div>
    </div><div>A variation of this idea that might work is handing out statuettes to your Bridal Party members as they are introduced, without giving them extra superlatives. They get one just for being a BP member. But don't let that take forever either. </div><div>
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    tldhtldh member
    First Comment
    edited December 2010

    Robyn - why copy any any my posts JIC?  I don't DD.   And as for the spell check, I was just pointing out that if you're going to call people stupid, you'd better make sure you're perfect, especially in the post where you are doing the name calling.  I wasn't calling anyone stupid and have never claimed to not have dumb moments.

    AKA GoodLuckBear14
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    Sorry your idea is horrible.  My idea of a wedding is primarily to have FUN.  Sitting at a table as one of your guests watching people get awards for being drama queens because you're overdoing your theme is downright BORING.

    Since all you're looking for is one person to tell you this is an ok idea, I'll give a teeny-tiny way to put a spin on it.  It will take a total of about 3 minutes as opposed to 30 and it will most probably be seen as something thoughtful and sensitive not cheesy:

    Give an award statuette to the couple who's been married the longest.  One couple, one ''award'' that's it, that's all. 

    I would much rather go to a wedding where the bride and groom recognize marriage over drama. 
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    She should've just added a poll to the OP, it would've saved you some time tldh. :]
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    megk8ozmegk8oz member
    First Comment
    edited December 2010
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:395d8cf6-0200-4482-a4f3-4f8e1b4eedd3Post:fbbdf6f9-fb83-42df-abe3-289de665a89a">Re: Little funny awards ceremony...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Well...I suppose since I'm not having my wedding out in the backwoods somewhere with "Ma & Pa", wearing my camo gown, I'm probably going to continue encountering people who will for surely disagree, with anything not up to their <strong>extremely lavish standards</strong>. Posted by pinkjgo[/QUOTE]

    This doesn't even make sense considering the nature of the post. People said the idea had tons of potential to just make things awkward for your guests. That's not having "extremely lavish standards"-people gave you common sense advice. Common sense advice is relevant regardless of if you're a Manhattan socialite or a bride from the boondocks.

    Now if you said "I'm going to serve my guests McDonald's and wear a sundress from Target" and people said "You can't do that! It's simply not a real wedding unless you wear Vera Wang and serve prime rib!" there might actually be some merit to your statement.

    If you fire a WP member, you're against America.

    "Meg cracks me up on the regular. Now she gets to do it in two different forums. Yay!!" ~mkrupar
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    We did an Old Hollywood theme as well. And we did do awards and a red carpet entrance. However, we did them as the way to present the gifts to the bridal party. We assigned awards to each person, had envelopes we opened, etc. But we kept it moving. "The winner for Costume Design is MIL, for 'The Best Day Ever'" (what we called our wedding day, STDs were like a movie premiere invite).  We did tie in some jokes within the movie titles for certain people. Our MOH/Best Man were Best Supporting Actress/Actor etc. When we read their names as the "winners", we gave them their gift.

    The only way we tied this in to the reception was the bridal party intros. I gave the dj the list ahead of time how to intro people. He did a little intro about some of tonight's Oscar winners heading to the after-party, then would introduce i.e. "Tonight's winners for Best Film, M. Pirata & J. Pirata for 'The Best Day Ever'" and my parents would walk the red carpet. It was a lot of fun, and we had different music clips for the BP's announcements/entrances that were paparazzi/celebrity related (i.e. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga, Celebrity by N*Sync, etc). H& I entered to the clip from Madonna's "Vogue" where she is rattling off all the movie stars' names. I would keep it to the rehearsal and intros, no video.
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    Ha ha...oh man. I don't even know how some of you have the time in your amazing lives to post over 1000 times on ANY website.

    Anyway, here are the ACTUAL categories:

    Best Drama - total drama queen, but great sport

    Best Romance - The couple together the longest

    Best comedy- the funniest person we know

    Best Fight Scene - family scrapper - he'll think it's funny

    Best Supporting Role - Most supportive family member

    Hot Head -Award - has a bad temper but a great sense of humor

    Most Famous, Like Actually Famous-Award - celebrity family member

    Cutest on screen couple - obvious, cutest couple

    Most Extreme - The family loud mouth, also a hilarious person

    Best Original Music - The talented singer

    Best Costuming - best dressed friend

    Most Inspirational - the nicest couple we know, and the ones who offer great family advice.

    This is being done towards the end of dinner, and there will be no dancing interuptions.

    This is also our 10 year Vow renewal, NOT our first wedding. (Guess I should have clarified)

    ....and we're skipping the garter toss, and bouquet toss.
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    edited December 2010
    Do you think that because you're skipping the garter and bouquet tosses that it makes your idea of having an unnecessary and self-serving award ceremony at your wedding less tacky?  Because you're wrong.  Sorry, thanks for playing. 

    You know what?  Have your award ceremony, come back here and post about how all your guests thought it was the best thing ever.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:395d8cf6-0200-4482-a4f3-4f8e1b4eedd3Post:fbbf58e2-d05d-4a1d-bf16-2d99f4e618e1">Re: Little funny awards ceremony...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ha ha...oh man. I don't even know how some of you have the time in your amazing lives to post over 1000 times on ANY website. Posted by pinkjgo[/QUOTE]

    So I take it you're awarding yourself "Best Personality"?
    Do you really think insulting everybody is going to inspire anybody to try helping you?

    If you fire a WP member, you're against America.

    "Meg cracks me up on the regular. Now she gets to do it in two different forums. Yay!!" ~mkrupar
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    And FTR - When you ask for advice about your idea, and people tell you that your idea is terrible - then it is, in fact, terrible.  We have no reason to lie to you.  And honestly no one around here givesashit if you have a dumb awards ceremony at your wedding reception because praise Jesus, none of us will have to suffer through it.  We're just telling you like it is.  I believe your guests will think it's stupid.
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    I'm just curious.  If you had all this figured out and are going to do it despite the fact that nearly every single poster has said that it's a bad idea, what was the point of asking for feedback at all?

    And the fact that it's your 10th anniversary doesn't magically turn a bad idea into a good idea.  I still think this is a bad idea whether it's a wedding, an anniversary, the Memorial Day picnic, or Thanksgiving dinner.
    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
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    No speaches/ toasts (unless someone decides to at random, on their own)

    The acceptance I'm sure will be under 1 minute each.

    Having a reception in itself, is self serving.

    I DO want to hear cons about this idea, but prefer to only hear the cons from people who are not here to rip on every post they see because they are trying to find lemmings to follow them and be a great internet warrior. Or....from people who may actually have a point about something relevant to having a reception with people not like them. people who are NOT selfish and would NOT leave because of a "boring moment" . I have been to my share of extremely boring weddings and receptions, but I would never be as rude to leave during a part that I may presonally not find entertaining. I go to be there for that person, NOT MYSELF.

    I've also been to weddings where there were some sort of entertainment involved, and those were the BEST ones I've been to.

    I guess there just aren't any other cons other than (if YOU were invited) it would be boring, or insult someone, or make you feel awkward.

    None of these things would happen with my guests, as I've only invited the ones that love us the most, have a sense of humor, and aren't selfish.

    I don't see how ANYONE could actually complain about getting a wonderful dinner,  drinks, and entertainment for FREE. I'd glady put up with 15 minutes of snore time (which it won't be anyway) to be a part of something much bigger, and eat a delicious dinner in a beautiful ballroom right on the water.
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    I got bored just reading through your list.  I can't imagine having to sit through the actual presentations for half an hour.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Little funny awards ceremony...</a>:
    [QUOTE]No speaches/ toasts (unless someone decides to at random, on their own) The acceptance I'm sure will be under 1 minute each. Having a reception in itself, is self serving. I DO want to hear cons about this idea, but prefer to only hear the cons from people who are not here to rip on every post they see because they are trying to find lemmings to follow them and be a great internet warrior. Or....from people who may actually have a point about something relevant to having a reception with people not like them. people who are NOT selfish and would NOT leave because of a "boring moment" . I have been to my share of extremely boring weddings and receptions, but I would never be as rude to leave during a part that I may presonally not find entertaining. I go to be there for that person, NOT MYSELF. I've also been to weddings where there were some sort of entertainment involved, and those were the BEST ones I've been to. I guess there just aren't any other cons other than (if YOU were invited) it would be boring, or insult someone, or make you feel awkward. None of these things would happen with my guests, as I've only invited the ones that love us the most, have a sense of humor, and aren't selfish. I don't see how ANYONE could actually complain about getting a wonderful dinner,  drinks, and entertainment for FREE. I'd glady put up with 15 minutes of snore time (which it won't be anyway) to be a part of something much bigger, and eat a delicious dinner in a beautiful ballroom right on the water.
    Posted by pinkjgo[/QUOTE]

    I tried to picture how my wedding guests would receive an awards ceremony in which I award my bridesmaid for "best drama" among other stupid things, and really, it wasn't good.

    But hey if you want to trash up your beautiful ballroom on the water reception with a lame ass awards ceremony like I said, none of us can stop you.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Little funny awards ceremony...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I can't take Jay Leno serious for even a second, so I can't possibly consider anything his daughter says to be constructive either. Meh well...since I didn't hear any cons that would make a bit of sense,  guess there just aren't on with the awards. I'm sure a few of you will be on here long after your divorce, but I for surely won't be. Last post from feel free to say what you want, but you'll be talking to yourself.
    Posted by pinkjgo[/QUOTE]

    Are you seriously attacking my appearance?  What a miserable little person you are.
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    Good lord this board needs a mod.  You were way over the line from your first follow-up.  Go ahead with your idea which several people have already confirmed to be terrible, and I can't wait for the gossip to get back around to you about how much your guests hated it.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:395d8cf6-0200-4482-a4f3-4f8e1b4eedd3Post:58f8026f-708c-4986-855e-07f893978271">Re: Little funny awards ceremony...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I can't take Jay Leno serious for even a second, so I can't possibly consider anything his daughter says to be constructive either. Meh well...since I didn't hear any cons that would make a bit of sense,  guess there just aren't on with the awards. I'm sure a few of you will be on here long after your divorce, but I for surely won't be. Last post from feel free to say what you want, but you'll be talking to yourself.
    Posted by pinkjgo[/QUOTE]

    Attacking someones appearance is ban worthy so consider yourself REPORTED.  Have fun with your tacky reception.  Let us know what happens when everybody gets up and leaves when you insult them.
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    I would have a really hard time deciding one person to award the "most supportive" award to.

    Plus your idea sucks and you suck. 
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    OP, you are a jackass, and that awards idea sucked even before you showed what an enormous bitch you are. Just because the idea sucked an no one agreed wth you is not a reason to attack anyone's appearance.

    I hope you trip on your dress on the way down the aisle and someone crafts an empty beer bottle trophy to give you for your very own "Lame Asshole" award.
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    salt78salt78 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2010
    First of all...your theme idea is ridiculous and if I were a guest at your wedding, I would make fun of you behind your back forever.

    Second of all...I know it might be hard to accept that AATB is prettier and smarter than you are, but there's no need to stoop to insults just because you feel inadequate.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:395d8cf6-0200-4482-a4f3-4f8e1b4eedd3Post:22c93f55-bd03-46a9-b4fb-f48d168f9e63">Re: Little funny awards ceremony...</a>:
    [QUOTE]OP, you are a jackass, and that awards idea sucked even before you showed what an enormous bitch you are. Just because the idea sucked an no one agreed wth you is not a reason to attack anyone's appearance. I hope you trip on your dress on the way down the aisle and <strong><u>someone crafts an empty beer bottle trophy to give you for your very own "Lame Asshole" award</u></strong>.
    Posted by BecW2be[/QUOTE]

    045_45-1 photo 045_45-1.jpg
    BabyFruit Ticker
    DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
    5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
    3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
    IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
    IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Little funny awards ceremony...</a>:
    [QUOTE]No speaches/ toasts (unless someone decides to at random, on their own) The acceptance I'm sure will be under 1 minute each. Having a reception in itself, is self serving. I DO want to hear cons about this idea, but prefer to only hear the cons from people who are not here to rip on every post they see because they are trying to find lemmings to follow them and be a great internet warrior. Or....from people who may actually have a point about something relevant to having a reception with people not like them. people who are NOT selfish and would NOT leave because of a "boring moment" . <strong>I have been to my share of extremely boring weddings and receptions, but I would never be as rude to leave during a part that I may presonally not find entertaining.</strong> I go to be there for that person, NOT MYSELF. I've also been to weddings where there were some sort of entertainment involved, and those were the BEST ones I've been to. I guess there just aren't any other cons other than (if YOU were invited) it would be boring, or insult someone, or make you feel awkward. None of these things would happen with my guests, as I've only invited the ones that love us the most, have a sense of humor, and aren't selfish. <strong>I don't see how ANYONE could actually complain about getting a wonderful dinner,  drinks, and entertainment for FREE.</strong> I'd glady put up with 15 minutes of snore time (which it won't be anyway) to be a part of something much bigger, and eat a delicious dinner in a beautiful ballroom right on the water.
    Posted by pinkjgo[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>What you are proposing is not entertainment, and that's what is wrong with all your justifications. 

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    OP- Funny that you said it takes brains and class to come up with a good response, yet you are making fun of someone's looks.

    The idea is dumb dumb dumb. I would not want to come up and receive a reward for best drama or best fight scene or best most extreme (FFS!) if I were a guest. Yeah let's makes everyones' flaws known at a wedding. I bet you have at least one fight break out before the night ends.

    Besides, your guests won't want to sit through that BS. They want to watch the ceremony, watch you two do your B&G thing, eat, drink, and dance. Don't make something that is supposed to be enjoyable torture.
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    This just in, "little funny awards ceremony" won Worst Reception Idea Ever by a landslide! It was a clear winner folks, this'll be one to link to all future Knotties as an example of the exact opposite of what you should be going for. Thanks for coming out everyone, and GOOD NIGHT!
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    Hahahaha it's a VOW RENEWAL? Classic!
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    I love how she wants to honor her favorite drama queen like that's a good thing.
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    OMG I wouldn't have dignified you with my second answer if I knew that while you were writing it you would insult AATB. And make ridiculous statements about how no one will be offended because you only invited certain people, and everyone should be glad to sit through such a thing (and possibly be insulted!) because they are getting a free meal. You are ridiculous.
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    You shouldn't deliberately do something that could easily create 15-30 minutes awkwardness for your guests.

    Just because your guests will "put up with anything", doesn't mean they should "put up with anything".

    But then again, since you're going to be in attendance regardless, I suppose that ship has already sailed.

    If you fire a WP member, you're against America.

    "Meg cracks me up on the regular. Now she gets to do it in two different forums. Yay!!" ~mkrupar
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