Hi Girls,
What kinds of transportation are you doing for your wedding: a limo bus, trolley or a classic car? Which company are you going with?
If you are doing a limo bus, what is included in your package? How do the charges work? Only one company has called me back...they had an okay rate but the fee starts when they leave their office with the transportation and ends when the vehicle is back at their office. I don't know if that is standard.
If you are going with a classic car, are you providing transportation for the rest of your bridal party?
We went with the Trolley Iowa,
The guys were picked up first (about 10 minutes away from church and then the girls were picked at my parent's house (about 1 minute from church). The entire bridal party and the ushers (including my 2 jr bridesmaids, flowergirl, ring bearer and two dates) rode with us to the reception. It was AWESOME