So, there are bills before Congress that would cut funding for PBS. I feel passionately that we need Public Broadcasting. And this includes Sesame Street! Would I be out of line or breaking TK rules if I posted a link to a petition to save this funding? I want to share, but I don't want to break rules or offend anyone.
How do you gals feel about this? Do you want the link?
ETA: Since it seems like there's enough interest, here's the link:
"Popular on the internetz..."
Canada is kind of like a whole other world with new things to discover that us americans only dream of. - Narwhal
Paige I would like to profess my love for you and your brilliant mind. - breezerb
Murried Bio
[QUOTE]I don't *think* it would be out of line. I'd sign it (can I sign it, being a Canadian?). I believe public broadcasting is essential. I am a HUGE fan of our public broadcaster - CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corp).
Posted by PaigeMcC[/QUOTE]
Paige, I ADORE CBC. I grew up in a suburb of Detroit, MI, and we had Canadian Sesame Street. I learned to count to ten in French at an early age!
I don't know whether you can sign as a Canadian citizen or not, but if a couple other people say I should post the link, I'll go ahead soon, and you can try! <img src="" border="0" alt="Smile" title="Smile" />
Blog: A New Yorker in Duluth
Updated 8/8/11
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: PBS : Paige, I ADORE CBC. I grew up in a suburb of Detroit, MI, and we had Canadian Sesame Street. I learned to count to ten in French at an early age! I don't know whether you can sign as a Canadian citizen or not, but if a couple other people say I should post the link, I'll go ahead soon, and you can try!
Posted by marleylikeair[/QUOTE]
<div>OMG! That's awesome, Marley!! Counting to 10 in French is an essential skill;)</div>
"Popular on the internetz..."
Canada is kind of like a whole other world with new things to discover that us americans only dream of. - Narwhal
Paige I would like to profess my love for you and your brilliant mind. - breezerb
Murried Bio
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: PBS : OMG! That's awesome, Marley!! Counting to 10 in French is an essential skill;)
Posted by PaigeMcC[/QUOTE]
HAHA, yes, yes it is. I can count a lot higher than that in French now. Took French for many years in school. French rules.
Blog: A New Yorker in Duluth
Updated 8/8/11
Blog: A New Yorker in Duluth
Updated 8/8/11
[QUOTE]The US needs to cut our budget. I don't think people are entitled to public television. I would be okay with getting rid of it all together.
Posted by SeaTea02[/QUOTE]
I can think of other ways to cut our budget.
I don't believe in entitlement, period, but I do think a more educated, inquisitive, well-rounded population is one that is more competitive in a global economy. I think PBS encourages and nurtures these ends, and I think that's enough of an argument for keeping it around.
Blog: A New Yorker in Duluth
Updated 8/8/11
[QUOTE]What would you cut then?
Posted by SeaTea02[/QUOTE]
I'm not going there. Really, I'm not. If more NEYers are interested, I'll post the link, but that's it.
I mean no offense, truly. I just have no interest in getting into a political discussion on here. It's too personal for me. Which is why I'm not in politics.
Blog: A New Yorker in Duluth
Updated 8/8/11
Second, governments can cut in a lot of areas. I think it is important to a channel out there that isn't biased. And, I agree with Marley about the desire for an educated, inquisitive and well-rounded population. I have a hard time watching American news because the style is so different from the Canadian style.
My Bio - updated 26/3/2011
[QUOTE]First, yeah CBC! I adored Fred Penner growing up! Also, CBC Radio 2 is the best I adore Rich Turfry (spelling?) Second, governments can cut in a lot of areas. I think it is important to a channel out there that isn't biased. And, I agree with Marley about the desire for an educated, inquisitive and well-rounded population. I have a hard time watching American news because the style is so different from the Canadian style.
Posted by Hazel_B[/QUOTE]
Word, Hazel. I almost never watch the news on TV, actually. It drives me crazy.
Blog: A New Yorker in Duluth
Updated 8/8/11
My personal favorite was Mr. Dressup.
[QUOTE]My personal favorite was Mr. Dressup.
Posted by MLekathLEEN[/QUOTE]
ZOMG MR. DRESSUP! I loved him!
Blog: A New Yorker in Duluth
Updated 8/8/11
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: PBS : I'm not going there. Really, I'm not. If more NEYers are interested, I'll post the link, but that's it. I mean no offense, truly. I just have no interest in getting into a political discussion on here. It's too personal for me. Which is why I'm not in politics.
Posted by marleylikeair[/QUOTE]
<div>Fair enough. I often forget some people are private about their political views because I feel like that is all I deal with all day long! </div><div>
</div><div>I just don't think educational TV is what our government should be doing. We fund schools, and IMO that is enough. </div><div>
</div><div>Agree to disagree? </div>
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: PBS : Fair enough. I often forget some people are private about their political views because I feel like that is all I deal with all day long! I just don't think educational TV is what our government should be doing. We fund schools, and IMO that is enough. <strong>Agree to disagree? </strong>
Posted by SeaTea02[/QUOTE]
Agree to disagree indeed.
I feel like I should know this, but I don't; what do you do that you deal with this all day long?
Blog: A New Yorker in Duluth
Updated 8/8/11
Marley - I don't mind the news itself, it's all the analysis that goes along with it. I'd prefer that they give me the facts and I make up my own mind. I can see the political bias now whenever I watch American news, it took me a little bit to adjust though cause I don't have to do that with Canadian news.
My Bio - updated 26/3/2011
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: PBS : Agree to disagree indeed. I feel like I should know this, but I don't; what do you do that you deal with this all day long?
Posted by marleylikeair[/QUOTE]<div>
</div><div>Political science major and paralegal studies.
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: PBS : Political science major and paralegal studies.
Posted by SeaTea02[/QUOTE]
Ahh, right. Makes sense.
Blog: A New Yorker in Duluth
Updated 8/8/11
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: PBS : Fair enough. I often forget some people are private about their political views because I feel like that is all I deal with all day long! I just don't think educational TV is what our government should be doing. We fund schools, and IMO that is enough. Agree to disagree?
Posted by SeaTea02[/QUOTE]
Ha, that's exactly what I was thinking Sea. I always forget that people are so private about that stuff. Which I do find odd, I'll admit. My family just isn't like that at all.
[QUOTE]Ah, I love Mr. Dressup - I met him when I was little! I want a dog named Finnegan now! Marley - I don't mind the news itself, it's <strong>all the analysis that goes along with it.</strong> I'd prefer that they give me the facts and I make up my own mind. I can see the political bias now whenever I watch American news, it took me a little bit to adjust though cause I don't have to do that with Canadian news.
Posted by Hazel_B[/QUOTE]'s all about ratings.
YOU MET MR. DRESSUP? AHHHH! I would have freaked!
Blog: A New Yorker in Duluth
Updated 8/8/11
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: PBS : Ha, that's exactly what I was thinking Sea. I always forget that people are so private about that stuff. Which I do find odd, I'll admit. My family just isn't like that at all.
Posted by heyimbren[/QUOTE]
Within certain family groupings, we talk openly about politics, sure; because we know we all basically agree. But outside the family circle, it's totally different, if you ask me. I make it a point not to discuss religion or politics with anyone unless I already know we agree on a lot already.
You might think this is a head-in-the-sand approach, but I think in most cases (that is, in my experience), people just get more entrenched in their original viewpoints anyway, and you risk offending someone in the process. So it's not often worth it for me. Especially if you throw in the aspect of the fact that I do feel it's personal and thus, take others' comments on the matter more personally than I probably should. So I abstain from these types of discussions for personal reasons.
Blog: A New Yorker in Duluth
Updated 8/8/11
When you only talk with people you agree with, you lose the opportunity to learn and grow.
Learning to not take things too personally is so important to being able to grow personally, professionally, emotionally, intellectually, politically...
You can always leave a conversation if someone refuses to behave respectfully. But I just think it's such a horrible idea to never engage in discussion with people who don't have the same beliefs.
I do however personally try to not get too political here, just b/c I don't think this is the appropriate venue. I don't mind other people discussing politics. I just don't usually get involved, b/c that's not what I come here for.
I am most certainly not closed-minded. I am simply choosing not to engage in political or religious discussion on this board or in most environments where I don't know the person or people well, because I have seen too many times what can happen in those situations.
I try to be as educated as possible on each side of an issue, especially if I'm going to vote on it. Closed-minded is the last thing I am.
In addition, as I said, I see political convictions as a very personal thing; at least, they are for me. So it's hard for me to talk to people who disagree strongly. As long as I remain open-minded and try to educate myself as much as possible, I see nothing wrong with making that choice for myself.
Haven't you guys ever heard "never discuss religion or politics at a dinner party?" I think that goes for any situation in which you know the people you're discussing these things with only casually or moderately. It's all about civility for me.
Blog: A New Yorker in Duluth
Updated 8/8/11
ETA: For further theory, I actually do agree with you, desert. Open discussion, ideally, is great, and people *should* be able to discuss these things without taking them personally; we should all be able to consider others' opinions, and take all factors into consideration in order to form a viewpoint; in addition, we should be open to adjusting that viewpoint with new and better information.
Buuuut...that's not usually what happens, in my experience. At least, not as a result of a one-on-one political discussion. Someone usually gets offended or judges the other person ever-so-slightly. And/or things get heated. It's just not worth it for me in most cases, especially since I can do research, grow, and learn using other avenues. NEY is one of those cases, in a big way.
And yes, I do have a particular tendency to take things personally and be sensitive. But you know what? That's who I am. I can be aware of it, but it's always going to be there. I can try to make sure my actions and words don't come directly from a place of being oversensitive, sure. But I'm always going to be a person who takes things personally. And I get to choose with whom I engage on matters close to my heart. I don't choose to discuss religion or politics unless it's with someone I'm quite close to and with whom I have a solid foundation whether we agree politically or not. That's what I'm trying to say.
Blog: A New Yorker in Duluth
Updated 8/8/11
I LOVE UNDER THE UMBRELLA TREE!! FBD and his BFF like to watch it while drinking. lol We have a dance to the song.
And I MET Fred Penner. (And Robert Munch...ZOMG *squeeeeee*) They're both AWESOME.
"Popular on the internetz..."
Canada is kind of like a whole other world with new things to discover that us americans only dream of. - Narwhal
Paige I would like to profess my love for you and your brilliant mind. - breezerb
Murried Bio