Wedding Etiquette Forum

Anyone around tonight?


Re: Anyone around tonight?

  • It was Eagles, it was. 

    Actually I was very very tipsy, and decided I just MUST have chicken tenders. So I made some, since I couldn't drive. So I went to test the oil with a drop of water - but I guess I was so out of it that I didn't realise that I hadn't dried my hand very well at all. So lots of drippy water + hot oil in a pan = explosion. Seriously, there was oil EVERYWHERE. I'm lucky the stove didn't catch on fire. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone around tonight?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Anyone around tonight? : Uugh, I hate that. Is H too hot as well? Maybe he could ask them to turn it down a little.
    Posted by pokepoke27[/QUOTE]
    I'm trying to figure out how to politely angle. H definitely agrees they always keep it too warm, but it's their house, so I'm not sure if it's ok to...criticize.
  • Evening! I'd love to go whale watching when H and I can finally get some time off together. I'm currently watching South Park reruns and eating leftover chicken spaghetti sans chicken. A friend of mine mentioned going on a cruise today and now it's got me thinking about all the alcohol I want to stock up on and some pieces of jewelry I've been wanting to buy. I doubt she'll end up actually wanting to go when the time comes so I know I shouldn't get my heart set on it yet. 
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  • I watch Blade: Trinity solely for Ryan.  I could not give you an accurate plot synopsis.  Mine would go like this:  "Ryan Reynolds.  Ripped.  No shirt.  Yum."

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • If only you lived a state or two further down, Aryn.  I always keep wine on hand, and I'm happy to share.

    We went to a wine bar for dinner, then rather than just go out for ice cream, I insisted on going to another restaurant that makes its own ice cream and has a good bar besides.  I hung out with the owners and drank.  Sigh.

    I'm a bad Asian.  My mother would be horrified.
  • I <3 Ryan Reynolds.  

    Man, I drank a lot.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone around tonight?</a>:
    [QUOTE]If only you lived a state or two further down, Aryn.  I always keep wine on hand, and I'm happy to share. We went to a wine bar for dinner, then rather than just go out for ice cream, I insisted on going to another restaurant that makes its own ice cream and has a good bar besides.  I hung out with the owners and drank.  <strong>Sigh. I'm a bad Asian.  My mother would be horrified.</strong>
    Posted by mica178[/QUOTE]

    <div>Are Asians not supposed to drink? I would like to be someone who kept wine on hand. I think I'll start with a wine rack. If I had one of those I'd want it to be filled. </div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone around tonight?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Anyone around tonight? : It also gave us one of the greatest lines in modern cinema.  "That's atomized colloidal silver. It's being pumped through the building's air conditioning system, you cockjuggling thundercunt!"
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    Ryan Reynolds.  Ripped.  Shirtless.  Yum.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone around tonight?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Anyone around tonight? : I'm trying to figure out how to politely angle. H definitely agrees they always keep it too warm, but it's their house, so I'm not sure if it's ok to...criticize.
    Posted by daffodil_jill[/QUOTE]

    <div>Well, I personally wouldn't do it myself. I'd make H do it and say something like "Hey mom and dad. Daff and I are just a little warm - would you mind turning the a/c down just a little?" It's not really criticizing, it's a polite request.</div>
  • H just told me that I'm "bit" and should go to bed.
  • When I got a house, I went out and got a 40 bottle wine rack.

    Asians aren't supposed to be able to drink, so many don't to avoid embarrassing themselves.  My parents give me all their wine then fuss over whether they are destroying my liver.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone around tonight?</a>:
    [QUOTE]H just told me that I'm "bit" and should go to bed.
    Posted by mica178[/QUOTE]

    <div>Are you going to listen?</div>
  • Aminityville horror with ryan reynolds has many shirtless scenes.  I like the one when he chopping wood.  He was really ripped there and so delicious looking 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone around tonight?</a>:
    [QUOTE]H just told me that I'm "bit" and should go to bed.
    Posted by mica178[/QUOTE]

    I would be the brat that says "Oh yeah?  WATCH THIS" and proceeds to chug half a bottle of wine.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone around tonight?</a>:
    [QUOTE]When I got a house, I went out <strong>and got a 40 bottle wine rack</strong>. Asians aren't supposed to be able to drink, so many don't to avoid embarrassing themselves.  My parents give me all their wine then fuss over whether they are destroying my liver.
    Posted by mica178[/QUOTE]

    <div>Wow, that's a lot of wine. I was thinking...6 bottle wine rack. But I'm also just in an apartment. </div>
  • Daff, are you staying the night at your IL's? I would have your H ask if they would turn down the thermostat. If he doesn't ask, I would hope your IL's might notice your almost panting!
  • Evening ladies! I love Ryan Reynolds and wine. We just got back from dinner with FI's family in their shore town. During dinner they told us they've decided to add 30 people to their guest list and they will pay for them. There's room at the venue, so I'm cool with this. My mom is irrationally irritated.
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  • I'm still here.  I'm singing along with the TV using made up words.  H is partially amused, partially worried.  :P

    H doesn't really care if I drink.  He likes that I can, but when I'm 3:1 with him, I'm sure he wonders what freak he married.
  • I got drunk and sang karaoke last night.  This is why I don't get drunk.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Mica, your grammar and spelling are incredible right now. I'm a little worried.
  • Haha Mica. H doesn't really drink at all. He has that same mix of amusement/concern.

    Now I want wine. Good thing I've got about 29 L of wine left over from the wedding. *sigh*
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone around tonight?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Anyone around tonight? : Yeah, I want to know why that was my fault, by the way.
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    I have to blame someone. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • The last time I drank a bottle of wine by myself, LDY sent my H a text and told him he needed to take advantage of me. She's a good friend.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone around tonight?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Speaking of wine racks, we had one on our registry that was out of stock most of the time.  H really wanted it so I bought it with out discount as soon as it came back in stock. It holds 144 bottles. No, that is not a typo.
    Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]

    <div>I wouldn't even have a place to put that thing.</div>
  • We had 3 cases of wine leftover from the wedding.  I drank 2 cases within 8 months (on my own, in addition to whatever we drank or bought together).  I blame TK night threads for that.

    The last time I sang karaoke was on my 30th birthday.  I think I insisted on walking home that night (that would be over a mile uphill in heels).  I'm a weird drinker whose posture gets better with more alcohol.
  • Special - that's the kind of friend I want. 
  • I haven't really been in a wine mood lately, it makes me tired a lot of the time. I actually haven't been in much of a drinking mood lately.
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  • pokepoke27pokepoke27 member
    First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited July 2012
    I'm not a big drinker Angel, but I could easily turn into a glass per night kind of person if it's the right wine. The stuff I am drinking right now is a pretty cheap Barefoot Moscato. It's a 3 L bottle and there isn't room for it in the fridge. But I have some frozen peaches in the freezer so I put a few of those in and cooled it right down.
  • I had one beer tonight, but it felt like eight. That may have been because H and were gorging on barbecue. Elastic waistbands are proof God loves me.
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