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nervous! no sex till wedding night *couldn't figure out where else to post this*


Re: nervous! no sex till wedding night *couldn't figure out where else to post this*

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    sorry ndirish, I reread my post  and it came out wrong and I am not entirely versed in all the Catholic doctrine which makes it hard for me to articulate what I am trying to say.

    I do know that Priests are considered the way to communicate to Jesus, and you must confess to them to take communion etc.  I have seen several instances where because of this communication people have felt judged by their church to the point of no return. 

    I do not entirely get what power Priests have in the eyes of the church, and I freely admit that what I say is from an outside point of view.  But it is hard for me to believe that any human has the power to tell another human whether they are pure enough (that could be the wrong wording) to take communion or to get a divorce etc.

    I have a lot of respect for the Catholic church and their followers, I just hope that someone scorned by the church does not lose their faith completely and can find a new church home.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Love is like infinity: You can't have more or less infinity, and you can't compare two things to see if they're "equally infinite." Infinity just is, and that's the way I think love is, too.
    Fred Rogers
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    Ah! So good to know there are others out there who hold the same belief that I do! I am 2 months away, and absolutly delightfully terrified to experience that level of intimacy with my husband for the first time! We too, are Christians.  So, I also wanted to add that I'm so happy to see others share my views! That's really encouraging!!

    Akwward or scary... bring on the great unknown!
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    WOW! i had no idea that this post would become such a hot topic! 

    after reading everything, i have a lot to say. first off, thanks to everyone for being polite and understanding rather than judgmental. secondly, it is so encouraging to know that we're not alone!! not to say that i assume that everyone sleeps together before marriage, but it seems the norm (not that i'm pointing fingers, i'm not a virgin either). third, i love all the different views (especially the Buddhism post... i didn't know that and it's nice to know!). 

    i agree that sex consummates a marriage and brings two people together in the eyes of God. and no, a piece of paper and some words that a preacher/priest/JoP says are not what make you married. personally, though, i like the thought of making the verbal covenant before God AND my family and friends with FI before the physical intimacy. again, that is strictly personal. [:

    keith - i am very sorry to hear about what happened with the church. i, too, have been burned by members and leaders of churches, and for a while i turned my back on the church (praise God He did not turn His back on me!). like you, that did not change my personal faith in believing that God is real and true. persons can make up as many rules and regulations as they like, add them to God's word, and claim it the law of the church. i go only by what the Bible says, not what the church says. so if i disagree with a "rule" in the church, i will challenge it with what the Bible says and, if needed, change churches. i believe that the Bible is the inerrant, authoritative word of God. you were wronged, and the Bible does give reason for divorce, though it is not God's desire for it to happen. therefore, what the church did to you was wrong, because you had just reason for divorce and should not have to complete a list of "things" to be accepted back into the church. and the fact that he said your FI doesn't respect marriage because of her baptism is ridiculous! i am a baptized christian and i believe very much in the sacredness of marriage! that's horrible and i'm very sorry for what happened to you.

    the post with statistics is silly. it's true, there are a lot of divorced people, and a lot of them had sex before they got married. there are also a lot of divorced people who did not, as well as people that have been married for a long time that had sex beforehand, and those who are still together that didn't. sex CAN make/break a relationship, but only if you let it. if a couple is intimate on spiritual and emotional levels as well as (or even without) the physical intimacy, that is what really holds a relationship together. 

    thanks to everyone for the encouragement! i talked with FI about my fears and nervousness, and he assured me that i was fine, he thinks i'm beautiful and is excited for that night and that i have no need to worry. [:
    *marc & catrina*
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    My situation is kind of similar but different too. But I am glad I have found some ladies who can relate.
    We started dating in high school (I was 16 & he was 18). We started having sex about 6 months into our relationship. Then approximately 3 years into our relationship we were Saved and became Christians. So needless to say, we believe what the Bible teaches about marriage and premarital sex. So we stopped having sex, and are waiting until our wedding night to continue that aspect of our relationship. It has been a long hard journey and we still have just under a year and a half to go, but I wouldnt trade it for anything. Our relationship is just so wonderful now. (Just for the record, we will be 22 and 24 when we get married, so young, but not unreasonably young!) 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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