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Any boy band fans out there?

I'm a nerd I know but I just had to share my excitement. DH got me and my cousin tickets to see New Kids on the Block, 98 degrees and Boys II Men.  He knew I really wanted to go but wanted no part in it and my cousin's husband felt the same way.  So they decided to surprise with a pair of tickets today.  I can't wait until June 13th. 
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Re: Any boy band fans out there?

  • I'm going when they're at Mohegan Sun.  Cannot wait!

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  • I saw the advertisements about this concert and I am absolutely dying to go!  I grew up LOVING these groups!  But the timing sucks.  I'll be nearly 8 months pregnant when they're in my area and I'm not sure a concert would be the best idea at that point.  
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  • I'm waiting for the regular on sale on 2/2 and then I'll buy my tickets for June 13th!  I saw NKOTB when they toured with BSB last year and when they were at radio city the year before.  BSB is also supposed to be touring this summer since they are releasing a new album.  I'm so excited, a summer of boy bands!!!

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  • I saw NKOTB a couple years ago. I went with my cousin who used to baby sit me when I was about 3 and 4 and she taught me all the chorography back then. Oh man, it was such a fun concert!
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  • I wanted to go but they are in Chicago the same day as Bon Jovi and Bon Jovi is my number one favorite!  
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  • HobokensFuryHobokensFury member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited January 2013
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Any boy band fans out there?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm waiting for the regular on sale on 2/2 and then I'll buy my tickets for June 13th!  I saw NKOTB when they toured with BSB last year and when they were at radio city the year before.  BSB is also supposed to be touring this summer since they are releasing a new album.  I'm so excited, a summer of boy bands!!!
    Posted by 50ShadesofMe[/QUOTE]

    We went to see NKTOBSB too!  Yeah it sucks that you need a Amex card to get tickets right now.  I'm sure we'll go see BSB too, now that Kevin's back!
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I just heard about this the other day on the radio. I will be going with the same friend I went to see NKOTB and BSB with last time they were in Houston! We had a blast then and I'm sure it will be even more fun this time around! Of course, FI wants nothing to do with this... But I'm ok with that!
  • I saw NKOTB twice when I was in high school. Such a fun time! 
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • I had no voice for a couple of days after the NKOTBSB concert and the NKOTB concert.  Such fun shows.  Hoboken, I love AJ!  He's my guilty pleasure LOL.  But I'm so happy Kevin is back.  I could care less about 98 Degrees to be quite honest, but I love Boyz 2 Men, they were my very first concert at PNC Bank Arts Center when I was in the 6th grade and Montell Jordan opened for them.  What a night, had my picture taken with Montell Jordan and everything.  I'm getting all giddy just thinking about it.  LOL.

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  • Eeek! I am so excited for this! Tickets go on sale for the Dallas show on Feb. 2.

    NKOTB was my first concert ever. I never thought that 25 years later they would still do tours. I'm really bummed that J and I missed out on NKOTBSB, but I listen to the mashup often on Spotify!
  • Im going to openly admit that i was a huge Nsync fan in high school. Seriously had my walls plastered in posters LOL
  • Omg I'm so jealous!! My friend is trying to get us tickets for when they come to Toronto! I saw NKOTBSB last year and had a blast!
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Any boy band fans out there?</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>You ladies are making me feel seriously old.  I was "too old" for boy bands by the time BSB and N'Sync came around (though I still totally count their early music as a guilty pleasure).</strong>  I was, however, utterly convinced that I was going to be Mrs. Joseph Mulrey McIntire when I was little. I remember keeping tons of posters in the bottom of my closet because I wasn't allowed to hang more than one in my room.  I grew up in a religious household and my parents were worried that I was "placing a rock band higher than Jesus" in my life.  I'm sure my response asking if Jesus could do the New Kids dance probably didn't help matters, but hindsight's 20/20.
    Posted by StageManager14[/QUOTE]

    <div>Me too!  I was nuts over NKOTB - I had all of the memorabilia, dolls, pillow cases, t-shirts, you name it.  The other boy bands didn't come until I was in college.  I made fun of them, but secretly listened to their music and really liked it.</div>
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  • I'm totally "psyched" about it too.  ;-)  As soon as they announced it I started receiving tests from some of my best girlfriends that want to plan my bachelorette party around the concert since we'll already be going anyway.  I can't think of a better idea for a bachelorette party than a giddy night with the girls swooning over guys we had plastered on our walls 25+ years ago.  (Crap.  Now I feel old). 
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  • I love love LOVE Backstreet Boys still to this day. N*Sync was one of my favorites also. And me and my BFF can jam out to NKOTB Step by Step any day. There have been times we have had too many glasses of wine and tried to do the little step dance on the stairs like in the video. Disastrous results.
  • I'm going to see them in Boston and cannot wait. I saw NKOTB a few years ago and NKOTBSB when they were in town's going to be great
  • I really want to go! Tickets for my venue don't go on sale until February, though, so I've gotta wait until then to purchase them.
  • I want to go soooo bad.  I was a gigantic boy band fan.  I saw BSB and Nsync many moons ago when they were first starting out.  A year and a half ago I saw NKOTBSB. It was like 6 year old and 13 year old me were having a gigantic party.  Awesome freakin show!  I went with my FSIL and her cousin.  The show was in Atlantic City.  After the concert. we hung out at some of the casinos and had some fun.
       My FSIL and myself were walking back to the car  which was parked by the concert venue and we saw a bus parked and a guy in a white tank tap on inside th bus.  We were peaking from across the street because some security guy wouldnt let us get close. We were going to give up but then Donnie Whalberg waved to us from the bus.  He called us over.  We got to meet him and got a few hugs.  We didnt have any paper or pens and both of our phones were completely dead so no autographs or pictures, no proof :(
       I know it happened, she knows it happened and he knows it happened and thats all i needed.  So we met a New KId at like 3am in AC.
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  • jealous! my friends are planning a big girls night to go to the concert out here but i'll be on my honeymoon!!!  happy to be on my honeymoon, lol, but will be a great concert :) have fun.

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