In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6ec492ca-8253-4391-b031-d4d99df24b10Post:751fcd87-60db-4aa9-a358-b00851cc2b14">Re: What do you all do for your health?</a>: [QUOTE]<strong>I think if I lived in a cooler climate, I might drink less water,</strong> but it's just so hot and humid here 90% of the year, that my body has gotten used to me giving it water all the time so I don't get dehydrated. I pass out if I don't drink enough water. On workout days, my water consumption increases by 1-2 litres at least. More if it's super hot outside when I go running. Posted by mehgank[/QUOTE]
I totally get that. In the summer I can drink 3l a day EASY. but in the winter I am lucky to have 1L. It doesn't help that I hate warm or hot water and need my water as cold as possible and its like...-40 here.
In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6ec492ca-8253-4391-b031-d4d99df24b10Post:da837aa8-373a-4045-87a3-e79e1b8bca0c">Re: What do you all do for your health?</a>: [QUOTE]I know noone would agree with my but I think I don't get sick much because I'm not crazy about cleaning stuff (food, etc). Germs are good for you and help build a healthy immune system. I've found the people who are nuts about cleanliness are also the ones who get sick the most. Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]
I agree with you! I've heard that studies show that kids who grow up on farms are less likely to have outdoor allergies, and kids who have pets are less likely to be allergic to them. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
I eat mostly homemade, unprocessed foods, exercise on a regular basis, take a multivitamin and Vitamin C in the winter. I also avoid red meat (to my fi's dismay, but I do eat it once in a while) and try to keep on top of my mental health as well, because I usually see a connection between being too stressed/overwhelmed and getting physically sick.
50 in 2012 Reading Challenge: 2 books read my read shelf:
I work out regularly (avg 4 times a week). Try to eat healthy. I am trying to reduce my cheese intake. It makes such a difference, not all dairy I keep the good stuff (yogurt, milk, cottage cheese).
I really need to drink more water. I don't take vitamins unless i am sick. I totaly believe that a little germs go a long way to building your immune system.
I do get sick a couple time a year get the flu or a cold but they don't last long, and I teach so I don't know if I could prevent them altogether by doing something different.
I drink a lot of water, and try to eat a balanced diet. Sure, I eat crappy food once in awhile... but in general, I get a lot of fruits and veggies and whole, natural foods. H and I have cut out almost all processed junk in the past year, and I feel so much healthier.
I also take a multivitamin (and now, extra folic acid and B6). I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep/night. We spend a lot of time outside, when possible too. Fresh air makes a huge difference.
Nothing really major. I don't take vitamins, well unless you count Biotin. But I really just do things like wearing sunscreen and not tanning. I follow all the golden rules to avoid UTI's because I get them pretty easily. I religiously wash my hands. I eat healthy, but I don't really exercise much. I avoid dairy (mainly milk) for the most part because of the tolerance it can build up to antibiotics...I know that sounds random but I read a book about it and I already have a hard time finding antibiotics I respond to.
I agree with a lot of stuff already said - I think the antibacterial crazy right now is INSANE and not a good idea at all in the long run. Washing your fruits and veggies and stuff has a lot to do with pesticides too but from what I have read a lot of them absorb the bad stuff so washing it is pretty much useless anyways.
So things we are good at:
- exercise at least 5 times, usually 6 a week, wide variety of exercise including cardio, anerobic and aerobic, weights and hot yoga
- we eat ALL colours of fruits and veggies religiously
- we eat all four food groups
- we limit white refined sugar
- I limit white breads/startches, DH does to a certain extext
- meal planning and planning for healthy options so we are not left to our devices
- getting a good balance of micro and macro nutrients
- I don't drink pop, period
- I gave up alcohol at new year's. I have had once small glass of wine since then, but it was 4.5% girly fruit wine).
- eat lots of fibre and take greens+ to supplement
- I drink lots of green tea and limit my coffee to one a day (unless its a treat)
- I don't take sugar in my coffee, stevia only
Things we are okay but not great at:
- eating fish at least once a week (should be more)
- limiting red meat intake
- eating organic foods (too expensive to do all the way)
In Response to <a href="">Re: What do you all do for your health?</a>: [QUOTE]I keep my vitamins and bc pills together so I remember to take them together, always in the morning while I'm eating/drinking breakfast @ my desk. Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]
<div>hmm...maybe I should do that. My problem is that the stupid prenatal vitamin I bought is supposed to be taken three times a day.</div><div> </div><div>Speaking of which, I don't think I took my second antibiotic pill today...crap. </div>
Your prenatal is 3 times/day?? dude, get a new one. Mine's just once/day. I'd never remember to take it 3 times. I always take mine at night- I leave the bottle on my dresser so I see it before I go to bed. (It makes me sick otherwise.)
In Response to <a href="">Re: What do you all do for your health?</a>: [QUOTE]Your prenatal is 3 times/day?? dude, get a new one. Mine's just once/day. I'd never remember to take it 3 times. I always take mine at night- I leave the bottle on my dresser so I see it before I go to bed. (It makes me sick otherwise.) Posted by Steph0871[/QUOTE]
<div>I know! Its ridiculous. I can't remember why I bought that specific one - well, it's a multivitamin/prenatal. I do need a new one but I don't think they were cheap, I should at least try to finish the bottle (start the bottle?)</div>
In Response to <a href="">Re: What do you all do for your health?</a>: [QUOTE]Your prenatal is 3 times/day?? dude, get a new one. Mine's just once/day. I'd never remember to take it 3 times. I always take mine at night- I leave the bottle on my dresser so I see it before I go to bed. (It makes me sick otherwise.) Posted by Steph0871[/QUOTE]
<div>Oh, mine might make me a little sick too...I think that's partially why I was taking only one a day to start. I sucked at even taking one a day. I think I need to take Nebb's suggestion and put them somewhere where I can't forget. I think I did that initially but hid them when ILs were coming because I didn't want any questions about it. </div>
I was told by my doc that the generic is just as good as expensive, I always took generic when I was taking them - they never made me sick, though I know everyone is different.
In Response to <a href="">Re: What do you all do for your health?</a>: [QUOTE]I was told by my doc that the generic is just as good as expensive, I always took generic when I was taking them - they never made me sick, though I know everyone is different. Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]
<div>I don't know if I purposely got expensive ones. I don't think so. I will check what I got at home. I think maybe they were expensive because the tub was huge? I don't know. </div>
When I was a kid I sucked on my fingers and picked up germs left and right...and you know what? I'm one of the few people I know who rarely gets sick.
I kinda stink at taking vitamins, but when I can remember I try to take Biotin, Folic Acid, B-Complex, Women's Multi, Calcium, Fish Oil.
I try to exercise 5-6 days a week, rotating every other day between heavy and light cardio. I wish I could get 8 hours of sleep a night, usually can only manage 6-7 though. My FI and I also are making a real effort at eating healthier. We get fruits and veggies every day and we're trying to cut out fried and fast food altogether.
In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6ec492ca-8253-4391-b031-d4d99df24b10Post:1e07f08b-2d23-48b3-ae58-98fd71cd6a40">Re: What do you all do for your health?</a>: [QUOTE]Hookers and blow. Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]
Probably cheaper for H than the reverse osmosis water.
Re: What do you all do for your health?
[QUOTE]<strong>I think if I lived in a cooler climate, I might drink less water,</strong> but it's just so hot and humid here 90% of the year, that my body has gotten used to me giving it water all the time so I don't get dehydrated. I pass out if I don't drink enough water. On workout days, my water consumption increases by 1-2 litres at least. More if it's super hot outside when I go running.
Posted by mehgank[/QUOTE]
I totally get that. In the summer I can drink 3l a day EASY. but in the winter I am lucky to have 1L. It doesn't help that I hate warm or hot water and need my water as cold as possible and its like...-40 here.
[QUOTE]I know noone would agree with my but I think I don't get sick much because I'm not crazy about cleaning stuff (food, etc). Germs are good for you and help build a healthy immune system. I've found the people who are nuts about cleanliness are also the ones who get sick the most.
Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]
I agree with you! I've heard that studies show that kids who grow up on farms are less likely to have outdoor allergies, and kids who have pets are less likely to be allergic to them. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
I eat mostly homemade, unprocessed foods, exercise on a regular basis, take a multivitamin and Vitamin C in the winter. I also avoid red meat (to my fi's dismay, but I do eat it once in a while) and try to keep on top of my mental health as well, because I usually see a connection between being too stressed/overwhelmed and getting physically sick.
50 in 2012 Reading Challenge: 2 books read
my read shelf:
I really need to drink more water. I don't take vitamins unless i am sick.
I totaly believe that a little germs go a long way to building your immune system.
I do get sick a couple time a year get the flu or a cold but they don't last long, and I teach so I don't know if I could prevent them altogether by doing something different.
I also take a multivitamin (and now, extra folic acid and B6). I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep/night. We spend a lot of time outside, when possible too. Fresh air makes a huge difference.
Eat.Drink.BeMarried. Blog.
Planning / Married / TTD /
[QUOTE]I keep my vitamins and bc pills together so I remember to take them together, always in the morning while I'm eating/drinking breakfast @ my desk.
Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]
<div>hmm...maybe I should do that. My problem is that the stupid prenatal vitamin I bought is supposed to be taken three times a day.</div><div>
</div><div>Speaking of which, I don't think I took my second antibiotic pill today...crap. </div>
Planning / Married / TTD /
Eat.Drink.BeMarried. Blog.
[QUOTE]Your prenatal is 3 times/day?? dude, get a new one. Mine's just once/day. I'd never remember to take it 3 times. I always take mine at night- I leave the bottle on my dresser so I see it before I go to bed. (It makes me sick otherwise.)
Posted by Steph0871[/QUOTE]
<div>I know! Its ridiculous. I can't remember why I bought that specific one - well, it's a multivitamin/prenatal. I do need a new one but I don't think they were cheap, I should at least try to finish the bottle (start the bottle?)</div>
Planning / Married / TTD /
If the prenatals make you nauseated, I suggest looking into the gummy ones. They were easier for me.
[QUOTE]Your prenatal is 3 times/day?? dude, get a new one. Mine's just once/day. I'd never remember to take it 3 times. I always take mine at night- I leave the bottle on my dresser so I see it before I go to bed. (It makes me sick otherwise.)
Posted by Steph0871[/QUOTE]
<div>Oh, mine might make me a little sick too...I think that's partially why I was taking only one a day to start. I sucked at even taking one a day. I think I need to take Nebb's suggestion and put them somewhere where I can't forget. I think I did that initially but hid them when ILs were coming because I didn't want any questions about it. </div>
Planning / Married / TTD /
[QUOTE]I was told by my doc that the generic is just as good as expensive, I always took generic when I was taking them - they never made me sick, though I know everyone is different.
Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]
<div>I don't know if I purposely got expensive ones. I don't think so. I will check what I got at home. I think maybe they were expensive because the tub was huge? I don't know. </div>
Planning / Married / TTD /
Steph, I take the CVS brand prv's because everything else made me nauseous. They also frequently do buy 1 get 1 free deals.
House / Baby blog
I kinda stink at taking vitamins, but when I can remember I try to take Biotin, Folic Acid, B-Complex, Women's Multi, Calcium, Fish Oil.
I try to exercise 5-6 days a week, rotating every other day between heavy and light cardio. I wish I could get 8 hours of sleep a night, usually can only manage 6-7 though. My FI and I also are making a real effort at eating healthier. We get fruits and veggies every day and we're trying to cut out fried and fast food altogether.
[QUOTE]Hookers and blow.
Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]
Probably cheaper for H than the reverse osmosis water.