Pre-wedding Parties

Shower location not close to family

My MOH offerred to throw a shower for me at her home and I accepted. She has already started buying decorations, she loves to plan :) I failed to look up how far away it was. She lives  1 1/2 hours from me so it's not a big deal for me personally. But it is over 2 hours from my mom and FI's mom, who live close to each other where we grew up. My extended family actually lives close to MOH. FI's mom had suggested having it at FI's dad's house instead, which offended MOH. It is near FI's mom and my mom. Is that a long way to ask people to drive for a a shower? There is really no middle as we live in different directions. 

Re: Shower location not close to family

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    Spending over 4 hours in a car is a long day.  However it's not unheard of.  I did that for a shower that I attended a year ago.

    It sounds like if the shower is close to the moms then MOH and the rest of the extended family would be driving over two hours.  Is that correct?

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    Yes exactly
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    If she's throwing the shower, she gets to decide where it is.  If FI's mom wants control over the shower location then she needs to throw her own.

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    It was rude of FI's mom to put you in the middle like this.  If she wanted to offer the hostess an alternative venue she should have contacted MOH privately.

    It is a long way to ask people to come, and those who feel it is too far won't come.  As long as you don't have it at 8am or something, those who want to make the trip will be there.  It'll be fine.
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