well today was less than pleasant. My FI and I went to look at the reception hall I had agreed with my mom on. Note, my parents are being traditional and insisting on paying for the wedding which I am beyond grateful for. He hated the venue, but for the same reasons I didn't like it. It's at a hotel and it's 3 rooms combined but they are very narrow and the ceiling is kind of low. The lady in charge of receptions at the hotel said the room can seat 140 comfortably plus a dance floor. That was fine when we booked it, but our list has grown and my FI and I have already made cuts to make the list smaller. The list is bigger than I wanted but I also wanted to make sure everyone that we wanted there to at least be invited regardless of whether or not they showed. My mom is kinda pushy and likes to be in charge so since she really liked the location, I went with it even though I wasn't crazy about it. Now that the list has expanded and FI doesn't like it, we wanted to look and fine somewhere that was a little bigger and not as narrow, and that could accommodate more people. My mom flat out refuses and is being very stubborn about it. He and I have offered to pay my parents for the deposit ($150) so they aren't out any money. It frustrates me while yes they are paying, we aren't trying to be difficult, we want to make sure we have room for all our guests. I don't want to sound like a brat to my parents but I wish my mom would at least try to understand where we're coming from now that numbers have changed.
FI and I looked at a couple other venues today and we've decided that we're either going to pay for the reception ourselves so they don't have to worry or if they insist on being traditional, we're going to suggest that they pay whatever they would have at the hotel and he and I will pay the difference. Does that sound like a good compromise?
Sorry this was so long, it's so frustrating!

204 made the cut

122 are ready to party

65 are being lame

17 can't find the mailbox
RSVP Date: October 20