so long story short, my future Brother in law & his gf broke up in Oct. Well they are both in our wedding party. No big deal cuz my Fiancé told them in Sept when they were still together, in the event of a breakup, no +1s for either of them. They both agreed. Well fast forward to now and of course Brother in law already has a new gf. No idea if it will last. I’m not really friends with the new gf. But his family thinks that it's not a good idea that we aren’t' giving his brother a +1, their thoughts are what if they end up together and that this will be over our heads that we didn't invite her to our wedding.. In order to have everyone we want come, we've asked our friends not to bring dates. And I know this will hurt my Bridesmaid’s (his ex) feeling if she sees him with a date and she did not get. They argument is he is family and my friend/bridemaid isn’t family. I didn’t even give my own brother a +1, So I don’t see the big deal. We are having our wedding party sit with us so she would be with guest she doesn’t know. What to do?? Help.. Ideas