Ok, spill it ladies!
Copy and paste ytour statements from yesterday into this thread and reveal which is the lie. It is your choice whether you want to explain or not, the only thing you
must do is reveal your lie.
Because I feel like there might be some dirty llittle secrets revealed today, let's make this a judgment-free thread. If you must judge, hold it in until tomorrow.
1. I have never had a wreck, gotten a traffic ticket or ever had a run in with the police of any kind. - Lie2. My dad misspelled my middle name on my birth certificate and no one ever got it corrected.
3. I dated and "had relations" with a friends husband in high school while they were dating. To this day she has no idea and I see them once a month or more.
Since so many of you thought it was 3, I will explain. All names changed to protect the innocent and not-so much.
Jane and I dated John in high school at the same time, but had no idea as he was playing both of us. It wasn't until my best friend, who was a mutual friend of Jane and I pulled me aside and pointed out that the John I had been talking about sounded a lot like the Jonathan Jane had been talking about. A little investigation and it turned out to be true. I broke it off with John, then Jane did a few days later for an unrelated reason. We figured no use in upsetting Jane further, so we didn't tell her about the cheating.
Imagine our surprise when 6 months later they got back together and 5 years later got married. My best friend and I just never knew how to tell Jane and now it is an unspoken pact between John, my best friend and I that we will never say anything.
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Re: Lies Revealed!
2. I was engaged to my college boyfriend of 5 years before DH, and the engagement was broken off 6 months before the wedding. - Very true
3. I "dated" a married man at my office before DH and I got serious. - Sad, but true. Don't judge. In my defense, I didn't know he was married when I got involved, and when I did find out, he claimed they had been having problems for like 20 years (he was about uhhhh 20 years older than me), and that they had been talking divorce for years and he had many affairs before me...so I guess I didn't feel so bad about it. It only lasted about 2 months before the guilt consumed me and I ended it.
2. I faked a back injury after getting rear ended. Lie We were rear ended, and I had some neck issues so I had to go to the hospital to have it checked out.
3. I was going almost 100 when I got pulled over coming back from College Station. I used the "I'm on my period with major cramps" to get out of the ticket
Bio Good Times
2. I considered going to UT during my senior year of high school.
3. I considered calling off the wedding when Bill asked me for a pre-nup.
While I was very hurt and upset, I realized that Bill was listening to other people who didn't really know me yet.
I actually did consider going for about a week to UT because they had an awesome language program and, at the time, I wanted to be in the Foreign Service.
Don't worry, Natalie. I was taken in by that. Twice.
2. I have been in 4 car accidents and those are just the ones that we reported. - This was all from age 15-19 and if we count the ones with fire hydrants, no parking signs and ditches it is actually 7. If another car was not involved we just fixed the damage and didnt report it.
3. I used to live with 4 guys as my room mates and to this day FI still thinks I had sex with more than one of them. - I was an only child and always wanted brothers and sisters so 4 of my guy friends and my MOH moved in with us. We had this living arrangement for about 3 years and in that time. I only hooked up with one of them and it was just kind of an arrangement we had that if we were alone then we would hook up. FI swears it is impossible to live with that many guys and have not done stuff with them especially at that age and with alcohol involved but its true.
I agree no judging today. I was very young and did VERY irresponsible things but I learned from all of them and wouldnt change my past for anything.
[QUOTE]1. Don't worry, Natalie. I was taken in by that. Twice.
Posted by juliebug1997[/QUOTE]
Thanks Julie!
I actually married my first husband twice. We were legally divorced for a little over a year in between. I never tell people that don't me--I just say we were married for over 10 years and "separated" for a year. So yeah, technically I have been married THREE times, ugh.
2. I have only had sex with 2 people my whole life. - Lie. It's really 3. Both my husbands of course, and my "first" when I was 20.
3. I was once anorexic and at my lowest weight I weighed 89 lbs.
Also true. This was during my (first) divorce from my first husband. I didn't see it coming, I had a 2 year-old, and I was devastated. I felt my life was spinning out of control, and eating disorders are all about having control over something, anything. It was a terrible year in my life. When we divorced for good, I was sad but having been through so much in that 10+ years, and having grown up ALOT, I realized then it wasn't meant to be. Luckly, as some of you know, we are great friends after all of this and get along great and have a wonderful daughter we both love very much.
With All the Trimmings
2 - I played roller derby for 4 years.
3 - I used to get in a lot of fist fights. - LIE
I've actually never been in a "real" fight. Which is pretty impressive considering some of the crowd I ran with in my early 20s (and how much I like to run my mouth... especially when drinking)...
There were a few roller derby "fights" but I assure you, those are more wrestling - and were either strategic (or just funny).
Speaking of - I skated for the Suicide Shifters of the Dallas Derby Devils from 05-09. Since "retiring" (yes, that is the term we use) I now announce at bouts I can make it to.
And, yes, in the scene in Dodgeball, where they go into the girl's house, and it's filled with unicorn crap - I actually recognized items I used to have... I still retain a small collection, and have a tattoo (unicorn skull in the "day of the dead" style - right thigh)
With All the Trimmings
[QUOTE]I dated a married guy for a couple of months too. I was 18 and an idiot. His wife actually confronted me. And he called while she was there. Talk about awkward.
Posted by stephiehall[/QUOTE]
Wish I could say I was 18. Hah. But, I don't regret it in the sense that it got all the wild child out of me and between that and dating a few other people briefly, it made me realize I was ready to settle down with DH.
[QUOTE]Wow Stephie what a great story of encouragement for women facing eating disorders.
Posted by NMac2010[/QUOTE]
1. I won prom queen in high school but they took it away from me because they miss counted the votes. Lie

Although I was nominated, I didn't win.
2. I only eat chicken, no other meats. - This is also true.
3. I used to work for the circus. - Since most of you thought this was a lie, its not. I did work for the circus for 2 years. I mainly worked behind the scenes and a few times I did go out on stage. I would prep the clowns and costumes before they went out. A few times I went if they needed an extra person to fill.
While it wasn't in my "truth" or "lie" - I'll go ahead and confess that I can relate to NMac, Stephie and Julie about the married man thing. Not my proudest moments, but sometimes you only see what you want to see.
So, no judgement here, either!
With All the Trimmings
[QUOTE]While it wasn't in my "truth" or "lie" - I'll go ahead and confess that I can relate to NMac, Stephie and Julie about the married man thing. Not my proudest moments, but sometimes you only see what you want to see. So, no judgement here, either!
Posted by dianaslik[/QUOTE]
Yeah, although, in my first instance, he didn't wear a ring and swore that he wasn't married. Pshhh. Whatever. He really just wanted a green card.
2. I still talk to one of my ex-boyfriends through text and gchat everyday and FI doesn't know -- I actually do talk to one of my exes regularly. It's not everyday and FI does know about it. We were friends before we dated and while it was a nasty break up over the years we found a way to be friends again. Guess you guys figured it out.
3. I moved back to Dallas after college for a boy. I found out a month before I moved and couldn't change my mind because of grad school, he was cheating on me. -- This is said ex on top. He ended up dating the other girl for almost 4 years until she cheated on him. We became friends 2 years after the break up. At first I regretted it completely, but I realized I probably wouldn't be with FI if I hadn't lived in Dallas.
I must admit I also dated a married man. First II did not know he was married, then he said he was separated (she was in Brasil). Then I found out the truth and said bye bye.
No, I really was. I rodeo'd my whole life and most people at my school didn't even know until I became the rodeo queen senior year. I actually went to Tarleton State to rodeo as well. I can still throw a rope, but I don't do much of it anymore. Looking at me, you would never know this about me! I was actually the person jamming to rock and punk music in the rodeo parking lots too.
2. I can play classic piano, I took lessons for 8 years.
I can play piano. And I really did take 8 years of lessons. I think that everyone should learn to play an instrument.
3. I became a mother when I was only 19 years old! Hello Teen Mom. LIE!
I had Cadence when I was 22. I am 26 now!
I only want to stay at home for the first year or 2 and I don't even want to be a full time SAHM but if DH knew I was even thinking it he would flip out. I don't want to miss out on things with my child because I'm stuck in a job I hate just to pay daycare.
#2. When DH proposed I said "Oh $hit are you serious" and forgot to say yes.
It's true! Not sure if MissAngel remembers this but one of the guys there had to ask if I said yes. I was so shocked I forgot!
#3. I hate sports but pretend to like them for DH. LIE!!!
I love sports! I'm glad it's opening day next week. I am sad there may not be NFL next year and have already planned to go to 4 college games to get my fix. I love basketball, hockey, baseball and football!
2) If I would have been born a boy, my dad would have named me Ichabod so that my name would be eerily similar to Ichabod Crane from Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
3) I have a compulsive habit of biting my nails so much that I hardly have any nail at all. Once we got engaged I was so vain and figured that everyone would be looking at my hands (and only think of how AWFUL my nails were) that I have gotten acrylic tips consistently ever since. --LIE! FI bites his nails, but I don't. I just have really picky eating habits and a crazy family. Thank goodness I was a girl!!
[QUOTE]I don't believe in shame or regret. Everything happens for a purpose, to teach us something (or maybe even to teach someone else something), etc. Would I do things differently?--of course! But I didn't so there you go. Shame robs us of the lesson we were supposed to learn from it.
Posted by stephiehall[/QUOTE]
Amen! And why do my posts keep getting posted on the SB board!
#2 I was a state gold medal winning french horn and piano player. - Believe it, folks. It's true.
#3 I'm afraid of heights - Lie. Puhlese, my Facebook pic is of us standing on top of one of the highest peaks in Breckenridge.... AND I want to skydive so bad!!
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: Lies Revealed! : Amen! And why do my posts keep getting posted on the SB board!
Posted by NMac2010[/QUOTE]
It's because TK is trying to tell you something...
ETA: Oops, that was your lie. Well, I do it anyway....
I also "dated" a married man but I knew he was married
. I had just gotten out of a horrible relationship, dropped out of college, had to move back home and was just in a bad place at the time. I worked with him and he started talking to me one day about sports and the next thing I know we are having lunch together and then one thing lead to another and...
I felt awful about it and it was only 2 or 3 times but I felt like someone cared and at the place I was in I needed that. That cared feeling was soon replaced by guilt. I just stopped talking to him and quit my job. Very low point for me!
[QUOTE]Courts- what!?!? How can you NOT like Mac-n-cheese!?! I'm shocked! Hahah
Posted by NMac2010[/QUOTE]
This is the normal reaction when I tell people!!! I will eat pasta with alfredo sauce, but the powder-to-cheese image from the 80's will always ruin the idea of yellow cheese for me! Another foodie fact about me: I've only had mashed potatoes once, and I didn't like them--the first time I tried them was 3 years ago, and I'm 30 now. I'll just never eat them again. FI even mixes his mashed potatoes and mac and cheese together...I just have to walk away, it just grosses me out.
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: Lies Revealed! : It's because TK is trying to tell you something...
Posted by bsn1752[/QUOTE]
Hah...very funny!