Outdoor Weddings

casual attire -- how to say that on an invite?

so i'm getting married in sept and trying to keep things fairly casual...i.e no suits or tuxes....whats some good wording for the invites to let people know its fairly casual?

"casual back yard wedding" or "come casual, no suits or tuxes required"

thanks for the feedback!

Re: casual attire -- how to say that on an invite?

  • ceh789ceh789 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited March 2012
    The only time you would mention attire on your invitation is to require black tie attire.

    If people see the venue is a back yard they'll know it is a casual affair.  You can also use the invitation itself to set the tone - a more formal invitation is for a more formal wedding so avoid super high-end invitations.  Lastly, word of mouth - as people discuss the wedding with you/your family say things like "it's going to be so much fun - I just love casual weddings".
  • I don't think you need to say outright what people should or should not wear. However you can convey the idea. Here are a few thoughts: The look of the invite can convey the tone/feel of the wedding. The descriptor words help too...maybe picnic reception to follow? Or something plugged in to hint at the casualness. if you have a website or additional info sheets in you wedding invite, mention that things will be outside and to keep an eye on the weather. For our wedding in a park pavilion, it seemed as though the location info, and the stuff I mentioned above made it pretty clear. But you may still get peeps that wear suits... Even As much as I described how casual the wedding was to my mom, she still wanted to sport some taffeta and fancy brooches.
  • We put Casual Attire on the invitation.
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  • I put "casual attire" on my wedding website.    I put the wedding website on the save the dates.
  • We'll I am renewing my vows to my wonderful soulmate on July 15, 2012 and we are having an outdoor ceremony and on our invitations we are putting summer attire only which is how we want our close family and friends to wear.  It's your wedding so you have every right to put on the invitations casual attire only.
  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-boards_outdoor-weddings_casual-attire-how-to-say-that-on-an-invite?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20BoardsForum:666Discussion:6521af86-dee3-4823-a2c7-b05145772e60Post:90320bec-12a3-4859-a5d1-5de94e062f6f">Re: casual attire -- how to say that on an invite?</a>:
    [QUOTE]We'll I am renewing my vows to my wonderful soulmate on July 15, 2012 and we are having an outdoor ceremony and on our invitations we are putting summer attire only which is how we want our close family and friends to wear.<strong>  It's your wedding so you have every right to put on the invitations casual attire only.</strong>
    Posted by startngoverin2012[/QUOTE]

  • edited March 2012
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-boards_outdoor-weddings_casual-attire-how-to-say-that-on-an-invite?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20BoardsForum:666Discussion:6521af86-dee3-4823-a2c7-b05145772e60Post:90320bec-12a3-4859-a5d1-5de94e062f6f">Re: casual attire -- how to say that on an invite?</a>:
    [QUOTE]We'll I am renewing my vows to my wonderful soulmate on July 15, 2012 and we are having an outdoor ceremony and on our invitations we are putting summer attire only which is how we want our close family and friends to wear.  It's your wedding so you have every right to put on the invitations casual attire only.
    Posted by startngoverin2012[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yes. It is America and thanks to the First Amendment you have the right to say whatever the hell you want. You have the right to say "Go F*CK Yourselves" on the invitation. That doesn't mean that it's proper etiquette.  </div><div>
    </div><div>It's never appropriate to specify a dress code on an invitation unless you're specifying "Black Tie" or the <em>venue</em> has a dress code like "Jackets Required."   Otherwise just let the invitations and venue set the tone and speak for themselves.  I think "Picnic Reception to Follow" was a great suggestion. </div>
  • We are in the process of wording our invitations for our backyard wedding.
    So far we have come up with something like this..

    Please keep in mind,we are planning an outdoor ceremony and reception.
    Uncomfortable formal wear and high heels are not recommended.Dressy casual would best.

    Something in that direction.
  • [Please keep in mind,we are planning an outdoor ceremony and reception.
    Uncomfortable formal wear and high heels are not recommended.]

    We are doing our invites along the same lines:
    "Please keep in mind this event will be outdoors, in the heat & sand, please take care & dress appropriatly. Uncomfortable formal wear and high heels are not recommended." 
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  • I had the same issue, my invites were ivory, so I found ivory print your own business cards I added a cute little flower pic and wrote the following...P.S. I DO NOT care if it was tacky, it saves you from a 101 questions from fam and friends.

    Please note this event will be held entirely outdoors. In the event of rain, the party must go oh and a tent will be provided to keep us dry.
    This is a Semi-Casual (Dressy Casual) affair. No jeans or sneakers please, pointed highheels are not recommended due to the grass.

    On my main invite i did put we were having a Garden reception to immediately follow. BUT no one in my fam has ever attended an outdoor let alone casual wedding. So I wanted to let them know that the entire event will be outdoors in JUNE so they knew to dress lightly but I didnt want people showing up in just anything just because it is not a formal affair it is still a wedding put a little effort into your dress but dont go crazy.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited March 2012
    I had this issue when I hosted a 25th Anniversary party for my parents 2 yrs ago. I put "semi-formal" on the invites and people showed up in suit and ties and dresses and I was thinking they'd come in kahki's and oxfords and maybe just slacks. I wore a cowel neck sweater and "nice" jeans and people were asking me "where's your semi-formal?"  I was slighlty embarassed but that's my own fault for not knowing the line between casual, semi-casual, semi-formal, and formal. I am still lost by this. I'm normally a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl so I always feel either under-dressed or over-dressed at weddings. We're having an outdoor ceremony with a reception in a permanent banquet tent in late August. I am content with people wearing sundresses and kahkis but not jeans and t-shirts, it is a wedding. Still not sure what category that falls under. >.<
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • "as this will be a backyard wedding with pool party reception, high heels and formal wear are not recommended."

    We put that on our invitations.
  • That's the problem nowadays...people love to TELL YOU what is and isn't appropriate.  It's 2013 for heaven sakes!  Since when is ANYTHING tacky anymore?!  If you want to a put a one liner on there about attire, feel free to!  Nowadays, you can't assume people know what to wear or do at a wedding.  I've seen the most off the wall things happen at weddings:  people don't bring gifts, uninvited people show up, people come overdressed/under dressed.  If you want to MAKE SURE they know how to dress based on where your venue is, you better tell 'em Laughing
  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-boards_outdoor-weddings_casual-attire-how-to-say-that-on-an-invite?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding BoardsForum:666Discussion:6521af86-dee3-4823-a2c7-b05145772e60Post:bf4f2471-16d7-4bfc-a1dd-8bf59a19c0b5">Re: casual attire -- how to say that on an invite?</a>:
    [QUOTE]That's the problem nowadays...people love to TELL YOU what is and isn't appropriate.  It's 2013 for heaven sakes!  Since when is ANYTHING tacky anymore?!  If you want to a put a one liner on there about attire, feel free to!  Nowadays, you can't assume people know what to wear or do at a wedding.  I've seen the most off the wall things happen at weddings:  people don't bring gifts, uninvited people show up, people come overdressed/under dressed.  If you want to MAKE SURE they know how to dress based on where your venue is, you better tell 'em
    Posted by alyro[/QUOTE]

    Ignore this horrible advice. It is insulting to tell guests what to wear. People know what to wear from your website, from word of mouth, from the formality of the invitation, from the wedding location, and from their upbringing.
  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-boards_outdoor-weddings_casual-attire-how-to-say-that-on-an-invite?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding BoardsForum:666Discussion:6521af86-dee3-4823-a2c7-b05145772e60Post:bf4f2471-16d7-4bfc-a1dd-8bf59a19c0b5">Re: casual attire -- how to say that on an invite?</a>:
    [QUOTE]That's the problem nowadays...people love to TELL YOU what is and isn't appropriate.  It's 2013 for heaven sakes!  Since when is ANYTHING tacky anymore?!  If you want to a put a one liner on there about attire, feel free to!  Nowadays, you can't assume people know what to wear or do at a wedding.  I've seen the most off the wall things happen at weddings:  people don't bring gifts, uninvited people show up, people come overdressed/under dressed.  If you want to MAKE SURE they know how to dress based on where your venue is, you better tell 'em
    Posted by alyro[/QUOTE]

    I totally agree. Great advice.
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