Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Disney Wedding Song

We went to a wedding and the DJ started playing a song that sounded like it was out of a Disney movie. It was before the bridal party entered the reception. It had a part of "Here Comes the Bride" in it...with all instrumental. When you hear think Disney. It was slow and about 2 minutes long. We are going crazy searching for this song. Help!! Anyone know what it is or where it's from? We want to use it for our enterance!

Re: Disney Wedding Song

  • edited December 2011
    Can you call the person who got married?
  • edited December 2011
    It may be Jonathon Cain and his piano version of the Wedding March.  You can hear it on Youtube.  My daughter used it and it is absolutely beautiful.  He is the keyboardist from Journey and did this version for his neice.  You can buy it on Itunes.  It is one minute 55 seconds.
    My baby girl is a married woman...and now my baby girl HAS a baby girl. Time unfolds in such an amazing way. I've been blessed!
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