Wedding Etiquette Forum

Alright, whats up?

I can't be the only one sitting around my house on a friday night.
I'm watching what looks like an awesome show on OCD. I love me some OCD.
I also scratched the baking idea because nausea overcame me. Lovely.

if you're here, where are youuuu?

Re: Alright, whats up?

  • I have OCD. For a small fee you can follow me around for a day. You might be disappointed though, I'm on meds. I do still check doors and stovetops a lot though.
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  • I am being a big mopey whiner tonight.  I did a lot of baking last night though!
  • I am here, I am supposed to be finishing my escort cards, but I got distracted by something shiny.  
    Facial and then day at the pool in the morning - I'm excited about that!
  • Jessjo -yes please! But first you must get off the meds. Alright, alright I realize its a serious thing but I am just so beyond fascinated.

    Kim- what did ya make?

    I have no idea why I'm randomly nauseas (someone came on here and said that's not a word, but it totally is?) and now shaking.
  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    Im kinda here, im STILL straightening my hair. This is like a 2hr ordeal. I would be done a lot faster if I would just DO it instead of talking online but i get bored.
  • edited May 2010
    I made some "lava flow" cupcakes for my best friend's 21st birthday today.  Vanilla cake with coconut milk and coconut flakes, and frosting made with pineapple juice, smooshed up strawberries, coconut rum (which I think I might be allergic to so I didn't eat any cupcakes) and then topped with fruit pieces (pineapple, mango, strawberry).
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:72acfc6a-6b03-4f54-b7d0-6bf640f5e893Post:37b529fc-6043-44e0-ba93-4d0f3a6b180e">Re: Alright, whats up?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Jessjo -yes please! But first you must get off the meds. Alright, alright I realize its a serious thing but I am just so beyond fascinated. Posted by nda_roxybabe[/QUOTE]

    It sucks sometimes. I used to take 20 minutes to leave the house because I had to check everything, like the stovetop that I hadnt used in weeks. DH jokes that he wishes I had one of the cleaning OCDs rather than the checking OCD. Hes a bit of a neat freak. The interesting thing with OCD, at least with me, is that I know its silly when I do it, but I have to do it. Like I'll have to turn around on my way to work to make sure I closed the garage door.
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  • Those cupcakes sound heavenly. I'm kind of in and out. FI is putting a roof on the house this weekend. I'm terrified of heights and basically have been delegated to make sandwiches.
    Slowww down, little ticker. Wedding Countdown Ticker Photobucket
  • Here! Watching Law & Order SVU and trying to upload stuff to facebook. want to see a funny video of Ox?
  • I just got here. FI rented "The Road" and we're going to watch it in a few. My best friend is in town for the weekend, so we are going to have a girl's night/bachelorette outing tomorrow.
  • I am here! I have been lurking on other boards. I am watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and playing cards with FI. It's a wild and crazy night.
  • i am here.  I'm watching Sherlock Holmes.
  • Nebb- That's funny. My bestfriend from college is like that, it takes her forever to straighten so she usually just pops a movie.
    Kim- those sound amazing!
    Jessjo- Yea, I would love to have a cleaning compulsion. OCD is just interesting.

  • Aedes- I lovey love that show!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Alright, whats up?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I am here! I have been lurking on other boards. I am watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and playing cards with FI. It's a wild and crazy night.
    Posted by Aedes*[/QUOTE]
  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Alright, whats up?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I just got here. FI rented "The Road" and we're going to watch it in a few. My best friend is in town for the weekend, so we are going to have a girl's night/bachelorette outing tomorrow.
    Posted by jasmineh7777[/QUOTE]
    ITS AWFUL!! dont even bother. we watched it last weekend and ended up getting in a fight because i wanted to turn it off because it sucked so much and he wanted to see if it would get better. dont do it!!
  • Oh hey there. I'm watching TV and eating fish sticks. Yeah, fish sticks. I love them and I can't figure out why.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • I'm only making a half-hearted attempt Nebb. FI really wants to see it for some reason.

    Jill, I can't get the link to work.
  • LP11509LP11509 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I'm here, but going to bed very soon. I am EXHAUSTED.  Today, I did the following:

    Dress fitting
    Cake tasting (yum!!)
    Meeting with church re: ceremony stuff
    Meeting with florist
    Meeting with reception coordinator
    Meeting with the linen lady
    Went to hair salon to schedule my appointment/talk about ideas
    Had dinner where the RD will most likely be to scope it out/taste the food

    Tomorrow is not looking any lighter, either.  This is what I get for trying to plan a wedding 500 miles from where I live. This is also probably the last time we will be in town until 3 days before the wedding.  Yikes.

    Funny story:  While my mom and I were at my fitting, FI and my dad went to the post office to get stamps for our invites/RSVPs.  We have a ribbon around the invites which apparently rendered them too thick for regular postage rates.  So they had to buy 61 cents stamps and 17 cents stamps.  The 61 cents ones are pretty wedding theme.  The ONLY 17 cents stamps they had have a picture of a llama.  We're debating whether to nix the ribbon, or just go ahead with the llama stamps.  I think it's hilarious.
  • Every time I get my hair cut, I get some version of "I have never cut hair this thick in my life!" so I suck at straightening.  I need to find a good curling... thing (I'm bad with hair.) to help my natural waves come out. 

    Also, I wish I never said anything about my hair being thick in front of my coworker.  Every time she gets her's cut it's "MY HAIR IS SO MUCH THICKER THAN YOURS!!!!!111!!!1  LOOK AT EEEEEEETTTTTT!!!!!!1"  .....I care why?

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Alright, whats up?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I just got here. FI rented "The Road" and we're going to watch it in a few. My best friend is in town for the weekend, so we are going to have a girl's night/bachelorette outing tomorrow.
    Posted by jasmineh7777[/QUOTE]
    we're watching that tomorrow night.  Nick read the book a few months ago.  I personally think it sounds super depressing and will probably sit on TK while he watches.
  • I dated a guy with OCD for a couple of years. It was really exhausting. Wish I had cable to watch the special.

    (Not judging anyone with OCD, it's definitely legit. Just saying.)
    Slowww down, little ticker. Wedding Countdown Ticker Photobucket
  • DH and I are watching tonight show... last night for Kevin Eubanks! We saw Jay at his old show and his new show.
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  • Hmm...sorry Jasmineh. I've tried uploading it to tinypic and it's not happening
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:72acfc6a-6b03-4f54-b7d0-6bf640f5e893Post:507137b4-949c-43d3-89c8-0ca3ece95542">Re: Alright, whats up?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Alright, whats up? : we're watching that tomorrow night.  Nick read the book a few months ago. <strong>I personally think it sounds super depressing and will probably sit on TK while he watches.
    </strong>Posted by shellydiane820[/QUOTE]

    That's my plan. I'm not much for depressing movies today. Now, if he had rented a good horror, I might muster up some enthusiasm.
  • Jasmineh, did you c&p the link, or just click it?
  • I tried both. No big, Jill.
    Is Ox a bulldog, or am I thinking of someone else's pup?
  • I did both and neither worked.
  • andy71781andy71781 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited May 2010
    Hi hi - I'm here but about to go to bed.  I just lost big time in a game of scrabble against FI and FFIL - the two bottles of wine we had with dinner probably didn't help!  Tomorrow I get to move into my new apartment - woot!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Yeah it's a great show! I thought it would be too sillly but I love it!

    I've never heard of The Road. Is it a popular movie? I don't have cable so I am out of the loop.

    Now I am watchin The Rescuers Down Under! A total Classic. By the way Nebb I saw on the getting fit board that you have lost 35 lbs! Way to go!

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