September 2013 Weddings


Sorry I have been MIA, ladies. Death in the family had me away for a few days.

Anyway! How's everyone's week shaping up?
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  • Aw :(  I'm sorry to hear that mpicl.

    Week is going alight...going bridesmaid dress shopping with my BFF tonight who is getting married in June.  We are polar opposites in this planning thing - I had to beg her to go look at dresses!

    Otherwise, researching bakeries and trying to figure out how much to spend.

    ***Sept 2013 Jan. Siggy Challange - Bouquet Inspiration!***
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  • sorry to hear about your loss...

    This past weekend my last bridesmaid went and we ordered her dress - I know its kind of early for that BUT the dress i loved for the bridesmaids is a david's bridal special value dress which means soon it will probably be going away and i didn't want to have to go through the process of finding another dress - (style F12495 on david's bridal site - in apple )

    The centerpieces are decided on - and vases bought - so now I just need to find bulk water beads cheap (have a few places I am comparing ) and the LED lights

    STD cards are going in the mail today / tomorrow -

    My nephew is learing 'here comes the bride on the sax - and he is actually learning it pretty quick - so there is plenty of time to get it perfect - he has almost all the notes down - just can't "slur" them together yet the way he needs to -

    this week i am concentrating on a DJ and calling around if i have time - i have already done a ton of research now I just need to research reviews and such so I don't pick a yucky one...
    Wedding Countdown Ticker ~~December Sept. 2013 Siggy Challenge~~ Now & Then Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • My centerpieces are on their way, so I have to find someplace to store them for the next 10 months.  I also have to design and order our save the dates this week and work on the guest list (and make sure that I have addresses).  Once we get our engagement photo DVD in the mail I'm going to print everything for a photo album (and probably our Disney pictures from when we got engaged last Spring).

    NWR: Reorganize and center after a few hectic weeks.  Plus my FI and I are starting a running routine tonight so I have to get back in the running mood.
  • Sorry for your loss, mpickl :(

    WR:  Working on guest list and starting to look more closely at cakes and the like.  I also need to update the binder more regularly.

    NWR:  FI is finally off night shift (WOOT!!) so we're starting Insanity together this week.  My kitchen sink has gone to hell, so I'll be spending time this week working on that. I love being a homeowner, but sometimes I wish I could just shoot an email to my landlord in the morning before work and come home to find the problem magically fixed.  Sigh.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
    Daisypath Vacation tickers
    *** September 2013 Signature Challenge: Hair Inspiration! ***
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  • Mpic - Sorry for your loss!

    NWR: WorkWorkWork.  Also I have to make 8 more pairs of earrings for FMIL's craft show before Friday. 
    I have been on a neat freak kick and our appt is spotless!  Laundry done, floors and windows washed, back bedroom.... tidy.  But I refuse to do absolutely everything so there are three bags of trash sitting in the kitchen and I want to beat FI with them.  He said he would take them out when he had time... our dumpster is like 10 feet from his car!

    WR: after seeing my co-maids of honor this weekend (they are both so sweet and are really excited about wedding... by bestie/FSIL told me this was the most important thing in her life for the next year) they really pushed me to get my behind in gear about meeting with the florist to see if my centerpiece idea is feesible. 
    Also I am booking my make up artist and potentially hair salon.
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  • mpick- sorry about your loss.

    NWR: I got a lead on a new job from a previous manager of mine. I have been on the job hunt for 8 months now... I need to get out of where I am...but have had no luck. We will see about this one.

    WR: We got our STD's last week and they are BEAUTIFUL! We have our tasting this weekend on Saturday and I am so excited.

    It is also our 4 year (dating) Anniversary on Thursday and we plan to celebrate Friday, just need to pick a resturant!
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    September 2013 Siggy Challenge: Bouquet Inspiration
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  • Mpick.... Sorry for your loss. As for me this week it's about making it through the week alive. Students are really stressful out and their behavior or lack thereof puts stress on me. Anywho....... WR I am going to try to find a bakery and a DJ. Oh and I have to trim the guest list by 10 more people. Oh the joy
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  • I finally found a someone for makeup/hair without it costing so much. No big plans for this week but I really need to work on more wedding stuff. I seem to have slacked off the last few weeks.
    ~~Sept 2013 Brides - January Siggy - Floral Inspiration~~
    This is my inspiration
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    The actual one I made
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  • mpick- sorry for your loss.

    I don't have too much going on right now.  I was at target on my break and found that they have all their halloween dog treats 70% off so I bought some for my dog Bella!! I am still hunting down addresses I have like 5 or 6 more left I need to get and then I will be sending out my save the date post-cards!Laughing
  • mpickl: I'm so sorry for your loss

    I'm working on honeymoon planning... got the cruise book (just waiting for sales to bump down my price... but reserved a cabin, in case they NEVER bump their price down... just so we have a place to stay). Working on finding a hotel/B&B in rome... it's annoying me that all the "4*" hotels look more like motels with horrid reviews about the facility, the staff, and the AC.

    Eventually I'll have to work on my wedding website, that I've been putting off... if I drag my feet long enough maybe FI will do it?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • Sorry for your loss mpickl.

    This week we're getting the contracts signed for the church and the reception venue!  I also gave FI a list of his friends he wanted on the guest list that he didn't have addresses for so he can start tracking them down.  (Already 2 down!)  We're not sending STDs out until the other side of the holidays, but I'm trying to get all that stuff settled before work gets super-busy.
  • deburnindeburnin member
    edited November 2012
    mpickl- Sorry for your loss.

    My week is busy as usual, but with nothing new. At the moment I'm sick in bed. I slept all day long and I'm skipping my dance class because I can barely breathe. So I've been trying to keep ahead on my writing for NaNoWriMo. I've also been researching airline flights because my mom is obsessed with going to visit my sister who is a CM at Disney for Thanksgiving. Getting there isn't a problem, but getting home oh man are tickets EXPENSIVE!
    ~*~Sept 2013 Siggy Challange - Then (2005) & Now (2012)~*~
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    Somebody once said, it's the soul that matters. Baby who can really tell, when two hearts belong so well?
    Tale as Old as Time (Updated 11/26) Wedding Countdown Ticker
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