Wedding Etiquette Forum



Well I am a 28 year old doctor bride to be.  FI and I have been together for 8+ years together and he finally got the nerve to propose last May.  Let's see, curently I live in hell, I mean Farmington, for my first year of residency, but only 17 weeks to go.  We need to get on the looking for a house thing soon. 

Ummm, grew up in West County, high school at Parkway South, went to local school in St. Charles for college, med school in Chicago. 

STLwed is okay, but their forums are not as cool as TK.  But definitely have been super helpful for me, especially with being an hour away from everything and being on call all the time.

Ask away for other info you would like.

Re: ~tlv204~

  • Do you see a lot of yucky/smelly feet?

  • Yep.  Sometimes I just want to tell people that it's not that hard to wash your feet, seriously, please do it before you come to the doctor.  I don't want to do it for you.
  • Were you the one deciding between the two red pair of shoes?  Which one did you go with - bow or no bow?
  • Hi! I'm a substitute teacher trying to be a high school English teacher, and actually just heard there might be openings at Parkway South, so that would be neat :)

    I grew up in Wildwood technically, right by six flags, but went to Eureka and then college at Truman. H and I just bought our first house in Rock Hill.

    Where do you want to move to? How did you meet your FI? Is he from STL? I don't think I've actually ever been to Farmington. Hmm.

    I agree that stlwed isn't as fun, but it sure is helpful :)
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • Well then, I think you are very brave. :) 

  • When my grandparents got old and inflexible, they started going to the foot doctor to get their toenails trimmed.  Is this normal?  I think not, personally, but whatever.

    Why did you pick this specialty?
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • Oooh those are cute shoes. Mine were red too :)

    More questions: I'm going to make a kind of personality test.

    If you could pick 4 words to describe your personality, what would they be?
    Are you the kind of person that throws a party, drinks too much at other people's parties, just attends them like a normal person, goes but sits silently in the corner, or doesn't go at all?
    What do you think of Tom Hanks?
    What is your favorite restaurant in STL?
    What is your favorite thing about STL in general?
    What do you think about people who went to Desmet? MICDS? Hazelwood? (I'm just testing to make sure you're really from STL) :)
    What's your favorite alcoholic drink? Nonalcoholic drink?

    Apparently tonight is "let's get to know each other" night. Someone else should do an ask me anything. I used to find them annoying, but I'm in a curious mood tonight.
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • Yeah, my dad subs in Parkway too, he had heard that they were hiring soon.

    Where do you want to move to? We are looking at central county area, like Maryland Heights, but are open to other areas/suggestions.

    How did you meet your FI? Funny story here, met FI in a bar where I was picking up my drunk friend who was hitting on him.  He helped me get her out the car and then asked for my number.  I said no as I had just broken up with a guy, fast forward 6 weeks FI asks me out again I say yes, what the hell, it will be free meal and fun.  We go out, hit it off, rest is history.

    Is he from STL? Born in Kennett, moved to St. Charles when parents divorced.

     I don't think I've actually ever been to Farmington.  One good thing about the area is all the wineries and cool antique shops.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: ~tlv204~</a>:
    [QUOTE]When my grandparents got old and inflexible, they started going to the foot doctor to get their toenails trimmed.  Is this normal?  I think not, personally, but whatever. Why did you pick this specialty?
    Posted by squirrly[/QUOTE]

    Very normal for elderly to get treated for foot doctor, especially if they are diabetic or have vascular disease.  Blind people also.

    I picked podiatry after I broke my ankle and an orthopod did nothing to fix it, found a podiatrist who had me back to competitive college softball in 3 weeks.  Always wanted to be a doctor, especially ortho, fell in love with subspecialty of podiatry.  Because if you can't walk really the rest of your life kind of sucks.  I know this after being on crutches for 16 weeks.

    We do more than just toenails and routine foot care.  A day can consist of bunion surgery, ankle repair, clubfoot, flatfoot repair, sprains, pediatrics, sports med, primary care.  I like variety.
  • I like your cat.

    I have really disgusting feet from running.  I should really go to a podiatrist.  No matter what shoes I get, I have issues.  I have a feeling custom inserts would help.  And I would totally wash my feet first.
    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Brie Fit Blog | BFP Chart
  • If you could pick 4 words to describe your personality, what would they be?  Loyal, bubbly, punctual, organized

    Are you the kind of person that throws a party, drinks too much at other people's parties, just attends them like a normal person, goes but sits silently in the corner, or doesn't go at all?  Throws the party and cooks too much food

    What do you think of Tom Hanks?
      Love him as a producer (think Band of Brothers/Apollo 13), always liked him as an actor too (I love Splash, don't judge)

    What is your favorite restaurant in STL? love Fitz's or Cicero's in the Loop

    What is your favorite thing about STL in general? my family is there

    What do you think about people who went to Desmet? Snooty MICDS?  Those kids have better cars than me Hazelwood? Blue collar people 

    What's your favorite alcoholic drink? Vodka tonic with a twist

    Nonalcoholic drink?
  • mmdpmmmdpm member
    edited February 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: ~tlv204~</a>:
    [QUOTE]I like your cat. I have really disgusting feet from running.  I should really go to a podiatrist.  No matter what shoes I get, I have issues.  I have a feeling custom inserts would help.  And I would totally wash my feet first.
    Posted by Brie2010[/QUOTE]

    Brie - FYI I love your blog, you motivate my butt to go to the gym all the time.  As for your feet, I can recommend a great doc in KC, he's a distance runner too.  Yea for feet washing!

    Harley likes your puppies too!
  • I love Splash too :)  I think you're my kind of gal.

    We used to have an apartment in Maryland Heights. I generally really liked the area. It was great access to highways, the only thing I didn't like was that there wasn't a whole lot of stuff around there. Like I would have to go to St. Charles or St. Charles Rock Road or Manchester to do any shopping.

    And I, too, love wineries and such, I've just always gone to Hermann since I know a lot of people who live there :)
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • I get the need for foot care for the elderly, but their whole appointment would be for toenail trimming.  That just seems like a really expensive pedicure, personally.  :D 

    And - I couldn't deal with that many smelly feet.  But, I also couldn't deal with other smelly body parts, and there are plenty of 'em.  Good thing I'm not a doctor.
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • Yeah I didn't know there were so many wineries down here, but they are close to me and good for a relaxing weekend outing.

    We realized the whole nothing in the area of Maryland Heights, but his mom went BSC when we found a house we liked pretty close to my parents in Twin Oaks.  I mean WW III, tower of doom, nuclear winter crazy, so now we are looking halfway in between her in BFE, I mean O'Fallon and my parents in Ballwin.
  • Ditto squirrly. I would be a terrible doctor and would complain all the time. SIL is a nurse and she has the worst stories ever about things like a woman coming in who was really really really overweight, and because of said fat hadn't bathed herself in months, and they found a dead mouse in her "rolls."  She's still a nursing student and she didn't experience this, she heard it from a supervisor, so I'm going to convince myself it's just an urban legend, but still.  DUDE.
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • Ha, his mom sounds like my mom, who still lives in Eureka. She flipped out when we got the apartment in Maryland heights because "we were doing it purposefully to be far away from her" and close to his parents (in St. Charles). Rock Hill is ok because it's far from everyone  and closer to downtown than I've ever lived in my life :)
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: ~tlv204~</a>:
    [QUOTE]I get the need for foot care for the elderly, but their whole appointment would be for toenail trimming.  That just seems like a really expensive pedicure, personally.  :D  And - I couldn't deal with that many smelly feet.  But, I also couldn't deal with other smelly body parts, and there are plenty of 'em.  Good thing I'm not a doctor.
    Posted by squirrly[/QUOTE]

    I thought this when I started school too, but realized that we do a full vascular, deramtological, and neurological exam on them when they come in.  We often see them more frequently than their PCP too, every 9 weeks or so.  So we pick up on small mental status changes, gait changes that can signal stroke, skin infections, and we diagnose deep vein thrombosis in the elderly all the time that would go unseen until they had a pulmonary embolism because they just don't move around enough.

    So encourage Granny and Gramps to get their professional pedicure with afull size side of routine physical.  I personally like knowing that just checking their feet out can help them live longer, just due to us seeing them all the time.
  • Does his mom know yours, because that sounds like something she has said.  She was actually mad I have to do my first year of residency in Farmington.  Um, lady it's my job, not my plan to drive you more crazy.

    Hmm, Rock Hill, maybe we should look there.  My parents are like "live wherever you want, we'll come visit."  His mom is like "you MUST live by me, I NEEEEEEED my son."
  • I like Rock Hill. I can kind of pretend like I'm rich since I'm so close to Kirkwood and Ladue and Brentwood, but our house really wasn't too expensive, and it's in a really cute older neighborhood. Some days I hate having an older house, but it's what I wanted!
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • Thanks!  I might look into a visit before I start marathon training in June.  If you've been reading the blog for awhile, you probably saw my excessive photo documentation of Blistersquatch...I got new shoes and now my shins/calves are acting up, and my left big toe is starting to blister.  It's a PITA.  I just can't win!

    Also, perhaps I'm an idiot and KUI a little, but what exactly is the boundary of podiatry?  Everything below the ankle?  The knee?  Somewhere in between?  Feet fascinate me.  (I'm not even joking.)
    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Brie Fit Blog | BFP Chart
  • mmdpmmmdpm member
    edited February 2010
    Brie I glad someone else likes feet!  

    *Long foot related post warning*

    I remember Blistersquatch, but wasn't brave enough to comment at the time.  For the shin pain it sounds like your shoes aren't cushioning enough and you are over working your anterior muscle compartment.  If you are treadmill running try running a little less on your toes, and more on the heels.  Your left big toe is rubbing in the shoe, Body Glide that puppy.  And next time, there will be a next time, pop the blister at the edge with a clean needle, milk the fluid out and leave the skin on top, it's nature's band-aid.  It will fall off when it's ready.  You can also soak your foot in warm water and Epsom salt for the irritation, just be ready for the blister to fill up with water, just drain it out again.

    Scope of practice in MO is all osseous structures of the foot and ankle.  Which means we can fix your foot and the distal(far) tibia and fibula.  We have privileges of soft tissue to the knee, meaning we can do surgery to the knee but not on the more proximal shin/knee area.
  • Haha, you should comment!  I'm nice!

    Huh, good to know.  I figured it was a cushioning issue--my Sauconys had a lot more cushioning, but were terrible on my arches.  My feet feel a lot more free and less stiff in the NBs, which means less cushioning.  It's like I fix one problem and another pops up!  Part of the problem is that my feet are two different sizes, so I'm never going to get a pair of shoes that's perfect on both sides, which kind of sucks.  I'll be more liberal with the Body Glide.  I also have compression sleeves coming, which I've heard awesome things about, so we'll see how that goes or if I've just been conned out of $30.

    That is really interesting about the scope of podiatry.  I always wonder where the line between specialties is drawn--I'd imagine there's a lot of gray area sometimes.
    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Brie Fit Blog | BFP Chart
  • Gray area and surgery are always hand in hand.

    We have runners who absolutely love their compression sleeves and others who are like OMG the suck.  I hope you are one of the prior.

    As for all the problems, it does sound like some custom orthotics would help you.  A good neutral shoe and an orthotic are the runner's best friend.

    You do know to fit the shoes to the larger foot right?  You can always stuff the toe of the smaller foot with some cotton, but a half size in shoes is only 1/3 inch.

    Sorry shoes are my thing, I am doing a whole research project on properly fitting shoes and the ramifications of not wearing them on the feet.
  • You might not like me anymore mm. I have a habit of either going barefoot or wearing ridiculously uncomfortable shoes :P  Oops. Feet scare me actually. Probably because H's smell so horrendously bad that I just avoid them at all costs.
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • Yeah, I'm fitted to an 8.5 D width which is my larger foot.  My other foot is an 8 and somewhere between a B and D. 

    That project sounds really interesting!  I read a lot of running blogs and shoes are always a big issue.  What do you think of the whole barefoot running movement?  I keep seeing more and more people in the Vibram 5-Fingers at races nowadays. 
    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Brie Fit Blog | BFP Chart
  • mm-Did you go to LU? I went there for a year.

    And I do not like feet. So I skipped over most of the posts in this thread in case there were gross things about them. I think my father's gross feet have traumatized me forever (seriously both of my sisters hate feet too, it's all his fault). He used to throw his socks at us to get us to do things for him when he didn't want to get off the couch.
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  • Ha yay ama showed up! I don't like feet either. I hope that doesn't affect my potential friendship with mm.

    ama I need to know more about you as well.

    4 words to describe yourself? Which kind of party person? Restaurant? All of the questions I asked mm :)
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
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