Wedding Etiquette Forum

Your not invited to the wedding, but...

So today I received a facebook group invite from a co-worker who is getting married. We are friendly and talk about wedding things in passing since we’re both getting married and its common ground, but we are not close enough to invite each other to our wedding.

The group is inviting everyone on their friends lists on a cruise that is also their honeymoon. Now I have to copy and past part of it because I don’t know how to put it in my own words: 

In the description it says “Unfortunately we cannot invite everyone that we would like to the wedding but this is one we share the fun.”

 This is what I get out of it: We don’t like you enough to invite you to our wedding, but if you like us enough to spend your vacation time with us you can.

I'm sitting at my desk thinking, "Seriously?"

Re: Your not invited to the wedding, but...

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