Wedding Etiquette Forum

When to open gifts that arrive early?

Our first gifts were just delivered, but our wedding is still a little over a month and a half away. Should we wait until after the wedding to open them, or should we open them and send a thank you note now and just wait to use them? What is proper etiquette for this?

Re: When to open gifts that arrive early?

  • We opened ours and sent thank you notes right away. 
  • Open and send thank you notes immediately
  • I believe you are supposed to open them and send a thank you right away but not use them until after the wedding.  
  • edited October 2013
    You should open them immediately and send a thank you note immediately as well. When you are under 2 weeks until the wedding, it is acceptable to wait and send thank you notes after the wedding. But it is still best to send them immediately. GL!

    ETA Doeydo is correct, do not use the gift or spend any money until after the wedding. Cash the checks just don't spend the money until after.
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • Awesome, now I can't wait for DF to get home!


    Thanks for the addition about checks, photokitty, I had been wondering about that.

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