My wedding is December 27, 2014 and I'm already worried that my skin is going to be awful on that day.
Let me start by saying that I have had acne since I was 13 (now 23) and I honestly feel like it has gotten worse since high school. My skin is oily/combination (it dries out around my mouth and chin). I have literally tried everything. I have done every drug store cleanser and lotion, department store products, and special order products. I also went to the dermatologist a few times. It seems to me like everything I use will work for a month or so and then my skin gets immune to it and starts to act up again.
In the past few months, it hasn't been quite so bad but is now starting to seem like it is going to break out. I am currently using Neutrogena Cleansing Gel (you know the orange liquid stuff) and the Clinque Dramatically Different Gel morning and night. I also exfoliate a couple of times a week with St. Ives Blemish Control (I know you should only do it once a week but I would do it every day if it didn't cause my skin to produce too much oil). The foundation I have been using is Arbonne Perfecting Liquid Foundation, which I do like because I can use it in Winter and Summer without it being too oily.
Any suggestions would be useful. I'm trying to get a jumpstart on this now so that by my wedding I may have a successful skin care regimen.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Re: My skin is terrible, what do I do?
@shrekspeare I don't have a Clarisonic. However, after reading these blogs I feel like I will be investing in one soon!
The thing that I worry about with Philosophy is that it isn't geared toward acne-prone skin. Will it still help with breakouts? And I did use Proativ, really screwed up my skin.
I have been doing the whole water thing and I have noticed that it does help!
I stick with something and as soon as it starts working, like 2 weeks later is when it stops working.
It stops working after a couple months generally. Like at first when I'm trying a new product, my skin really freaks out and gets bad, but I still stick with it for at least 2 months and during that time it gets better. It will seem like the new products are working great, and then all of the sudden my skin gets worse again. I try to keep using it just to see if it gets better and it doesn't. I have had success with products not made for acne prone skin, so it is worth a shot. Anything at this point is worth trying!
I haven't tried the Biotin. I thought about trying it also for my nails and hair. I hadn't heard of anyone's getting worse from it, so now knowing my luck that will happen to me! Haha.
I agree with consulting with a nutrionist, it maybe a reaction to something. On that note, maybe try a more natural soap option, I'm wondering if you are having a reaction to some of the chemicals in regular soaps & lotions.
I'm like @Shrekespeare- I'm not a fan. Add lemon or sliced strawberries or whatever. Even those little squirt bottles or powders of flavoring are ok if you need them. But water is huge for your skin.
I got better about water doing Weight Watchers- it was a huge help for weight loss. I noticed that my skin got so much clearer and healthier at the same time. These days, I'm not always as good as I should be about water consumption but when my skin starts to go crazy, I stop drinking anything but water and it help a lot.
I have a similar routine. My skin is about 99% clear. This is mine.
Neutrogena grapefruit gel pm (cleanse 2X when makeup on, scrub every am (more than suggested but it works for my skin since I am oily)
Clinique dramatically different gel am
Peter Roth moisturizing glycolic serum pm
Cliniqe clarifying lotion #4 am and pm
everyday minerals powder
queen anne mint mask 2-3X a week
Change your pillow case every 3-5 days. Remember that it takes about a month to see results and do not change you skin routine often.
@calliecrea I have given thought to accutane but my skin is not that bad to the point that I think a doctor would prescribe it. However, it is an option to consider. Since it dries your face out so badly and for the first few months it really can make your skin "feel" worse, I want to wait until after my wedding. I also think I would wait until after I have kids to try it also because it won't be long after we are married that we will want to try to conceive.
What experience do you have with the Clarisonic? Do you recommend it? Which brush head do you recommend? Any other advice on that? Thanks!
eg72 - I went through the trials and tribulations of finding a "miracle product" for my skin. It was no picnic so I know how you feel! It took me several months but I did find what works for me and my skin type mirrors what you described for your skin. I use Nubian Heritage Black African Soap (bar soap) on my face. I pat dry and use Badger Balm (organic) Rose Hip Oil on my face and neck.
I also have a dermatologist and through several meetings and tests, we found I am allergic to almost every chemical found in over the counter, department store and retail store products. You may very well be sensitive to the chemicals and perfumes commonly found in these products.
I also only use Dr. Bronner's Soap for my shower needs. The almond scent is my favorite and you can use it for shaving as well. Not drying at all! I use Dr. Bronner's Coconut Oil for my body moisturizer and have never been happier! As a side note, Dr. Bronner's is organic too.
Once a week I use the baking soda trick. It works very well and it's not too abrasive. It mixes well with a little greek yogurt and honey.
The only other thing I changed up was my tea. I changed to Choice Teas/Green Tea and that helped as well.
I wish you the best!
@winnie100 I really do think I may be allergic or sensitive to many chemicals (especially perfumes) in most OTC face wash. I have very sensitive skin so that would make sense. It is definitely something I should talk with my dermatologist about.
I have heard that the silk pillowcases are better for your skin! It isn't as rough and helps prevent the wrinkles you can get from sleeping.
Best of luck to you in finding what works for you! Congrats on your upcoming wedding and enjoy this time as it will fly right by you!
Find a really well respected dermatologist. A female might be easier to talk to and more understanding of issues with make up, etc.
My dermatologist delivered quite a suprise to me: that I was cleaning my face too much. She said no more facials, scrubs, Clarisonic, or anything abrasive. I didn't know I had sensitive skin. Cleaning it often, and scrubbing it, made it worse. She prescribed two topicals and said to wash only with clearasil. My face is happy now as long as I don't touch it. If I lean a phone up to it, read with my face resting in my hand, wear a hat that rubs my forehead, I'll get a breakout. If I leave my face alone and follow her directions, it stays clear.
The dermatologist may have a major revelation for you, too.
A vain but partial reason I want to wait until after the wedding for Accutane is that we have engagement pictures and my bridal portraits and I didn't my face to be peeling off.