Because I'm ENGAGED! It hasn't really sunk in yet. Don't get me wrong, I've been so so so happy and excited all evening, but it still just seems a little surreal that it finally happened. I'm so glad that y'all kept me from going too crazy waiting for it. It was sunny and warm today so C and I took a spontaneous trip to Athens for dinner and a stroll through the state botanical gardens. We were standing on a balcony overlooking the wooded area, just talking about life and stuff. As we turned to leave, he popped the question quite unexpectedly. He got down on one knee and gave a lovely speech but it's all a blur now...hoping he jotted it down somewhere because I wish I could remember what he said. He told me later he had planned a big, elaborate thing complete with a photographer to propose to me at the Atlanta Botanical Garden three weeks from now, but the ring came in sooner than expected and he didn't want to wait. I'm happy that it turned out this way because there was no pressure, and it was just us there. He already payed the photographer so we have a engagement session coming up in three weeks!
I spent the whole ride home calling family. My grandma was the first person I called, and before I could tell her our news she told me that my aunt has kidney cancer. That really put a damper on the whole thing...I almost felt guilty about having good news after that. Really bummed because I don't get to see my aunt and her family very much, and they were finally going to visit in April, but now they can't. I'm thankful to have this community where I can share my excitement and not feel guilty.
Anyway, on to the important part! Picture! We asked a stranger to take a picture of us and it turned out horrible, so all I've got to show right now is the disembodied hand until we get legit engagement photos.