Wedding Woes

Happy Monday that's really a Tuesday

How was the weekend?  Kind of lazy with some fun stuff thrown in.

Satuday- we went to Kohl's and picked up M2's new bike

She spent most of the day on her "awesome new bike."  We were supposed to have tee ball, but the other team read the schedule wrong and didn't show.  MIL and sFIL were here and stayed for dinner.  They annoy me.

Sunday I went to Church. Then we just hung out doing yardwork.  Sunday night I had some sort of severe pain attack from just below my sternum to my shoulders I thought I was in a vice.  It lasted close to 45 minutes then just gradually went away.  I was honest to goodness minutes from calling the squad.  DH said he was seconds from calling. 

Monday morning I was tired, but no more pain so we hit the parade.  FIL and sMIL came over in the afternoon to delivery Easter presents.

Re: Happy Monday that's really a Tuesday

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    Weekend was just OK.

    Friday-DH got home on time from work, so we went to Lowe's and bought landscaping stuff.  The kiddo went to a carnival and stayed the night with a friend. 

    Saturday-Up and at 'em to landscape.  SIL came over in the afternoon with my nieces and the kids spent all afternoon/evening outside. They stayed the night.

    At 3am Sunday, the kiddo was up getting sick.  But he 'didn't have time' to open the lid on the toilet (but he turned on the light), so my bathroom got exorcisted in the worst way.  DH had to work at 7am, so it was up to me to clean it up.

    Sunday-SIL and the kids left.  My parents came over for dinner.  I was cleaning like a crazy person in between.  Dinner with my parents was great. 

    Monday-I was dog-sitting this weekend for a friend.  When I went to go let the dog out yesterday morning, the dog had either puked or something in her cage.  And while I was trying to figure out how to clean up that, she shit on the kitchen floor.  She's an older dog.   I felt so bad for her.  But OMG, it was the most horrific smell ever.  I'm glad I didn't eat anything before going over.  Of course, I had the kids in the car too.  people yuck >>>>> dog yuck

    DH had to work yesterday.  We went to the IL's for dinner. 

    Crossing all crossables that DH gets an offer ASAP from where he interviewed last week.  They were checking his references as of Friday (his friend/former co-worker called DH to let him know he had gotten a reference call from them). They asked him if he was prepared to leave his current job 'in 2-3 weeks' when he interviewed.  So...Eeek! 
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    6fsn6fsn member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment
    Good luck on the job!!  I'm ignoring the rest.
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    My weekend was filled with baseball.  But 6 games (2 of them 8am-ers) were worth it.  They won the whole tournament.  (yeah, yeah, I know I AWed enough last night on FB)

    My grandma and her BF and my aunt and two cousins came for several of the games over the weekend.  Yesterday we had a huge gap between games so we all went to my aunt's house and she grilled a ton of food for us.  It was nice to hang out with them.

    Today my parents are coming into town to watch DD2's game and then they are staying in a hotel so they can watch Son's game tomorrow.

    You'd think the house would be clean after being gone all weekend, but that's when it's the messiest.  I have a lot of cleaning and laundry to do.
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    Uneventful weekend. The highlights were hiding in the woods to fuck with our annoying seven-year-old next door neighbor and having to wash the dog while wearing a surgical mask sprayed with perfume because she got into something that smelled like death. We also had an epic round of Cards Against Humanity on Saturday with three of husband's friends who were over for D&D. I won with 'the taint; the grundle; the fleshy fun-bridge'.

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    Look at those little faces. So cute, and that is a fly bike.


    I had some family in town and my cousin brought up 3 sacks of crawfish to boil. I ate my weight in crawfish.I met up with a friend that has been off of the grid for months. I now understand why she's been off.

    Monday, I never left my sofa, and it sure did feel good. I am well rested.

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    I slept a lot.  Mini golf.

    My neighborhood saw more action this weekend than it's seen in the entire 10 years I've been here.  Someone drove by and shot their gun into the air (we saw it all and it was a long night, everyone is okay), helped a girl with her flat tire walking by, yelled at some teenage hoodlums walking by at 3 am and making noise, and saved a neighborhood dog.  My neighbor, G, and I laughed that we're turning into the neighborhood watch with our nights on the front porch.
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    @6 - awwww look at that big girl on a bike!

    @mrsconn :::walks away from the biohazard::: but yay to almost offer???? :D

    Weekend was pretty good. Got the office painted and it looks pretty good! We got just enough paint that we didn't have to go get any more. Whew! Didn't get all the furniture put back like I really wanted, but DD was being a little clingy. I have a few little touch ups, then move crap back in.

    We did manage to go to the zoo on Monday for some family fun. And I got my church hooky day, and DH opted to hooky too :)

    And it was smoked meat megafauna! Salmon, hot dogs, back ribs, squash and corn. Granted the ribs needed a bit of salvage work, but OMG TASTY!!!'
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