Just Engaged and Proposals

Engagement story and proposal!!

Hello! I am sort of new to this side of the discussion boards, as I've just graduated from the "not engaged yet" crowd! My fiancé and I have been dating for almost 3 years and have had our share of hard times. In the last couple of months, we have put a lot of work into ourselves as individuals and into our relationship and it has paid off. We final thane our futures planned together and now we're engaged! Here's how it happened.

SO plays in the Army band and had a solo performance with them at the park. He does this cheesy act where he goes into the audience and serenades someone with his tuba and I got to see him perform it for the first time yesterday. I was also the person he serenaded and in the middle of the song he pulled out the ring and proposed!! All of our closest friends and family were there and it was perfect. My now fiancé and I can finally start planning our future together with that extra symbol of commitment and we are planning to get married in December or January! :) 

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