Not Engaged Yet



I'm so psyched to read about your cat sanctuary progress!!! The home inspection will probably come back terrible but we are using ours as a starting point for our "repairs needed" list. Be sure to check for fleas (ugh)

And ugh about the eagles but I will get over it if the colts win ever this season :)

-never on NEY cause of work


Don't drive me crazy this weekend :) let's have fun


Algebra skills,

Please return yourselves to my students.

I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton


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    Dear Cat

    Thanks for letting me sleep last night!! 

    Your annoyed human


    Dear NEY

    I wish I had more time for you guys!!  I'm trying to keep up!!


    Dear Bank Account

    Can you please grow!  We have a wedding to pay for!


    Dear Stress

    Stop, just stop!  I have everything under control!!

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    Dear NOLA ladies,

    NINE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!


    Dear Seller of the Home I Want to Buy, 

    Please please PLEASE produce some document stating the oil tank was safely removed from the basement so we can move forward with the inspection tomorrow. PLEASE. 


    Dear Work,

    Give me more money, please and thank you.

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    Dear @ollie08,

    Impatient Tiger


    Dear Tiger,
    Keep kicking a$$ at work. You seem to be impressing people in high places, which could come in handy later.



    Dear DH's work,
    Do something. Don't just say 'you're being considered for this, now wait who knows how many weeks for anything to actually come of it.'

    Impatient Tiger (do you see a theme here?)


    Dear marathon training,
    I've got a great plan in place, please go easy on me. I'm ready to work hard!!

    Tiger (+ 10 lbs)
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

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    Dear door guys,

    Get here already!! I need to get to work!

    Chick that wants new doors but needs the paycheck to pay you guys

    Dear boss lady,

    Your friggin awesome.


    Dear S,

    Quit being a bitch. I'm severely over your entitled, snobby attitude. I have no problem hosting a team dinner for you, however you need to do more to help the family and help around the house if you expect anything in return. I'm done being nice.

    Chick that is trying to help you be a decent human being

    Dear @Blue & White‌ & @Ollie08‌

    I'm sorry trying to get together had been such a hassle!! Cross country will be done middle of October.... After that??? Plllleeeeeeaaase


    Dear mouth,

    Stop hurting. There's no money nor time to go to the dentist. Stop hurting where the wisdom tooth was pulled.

    No love
    Hates the dentist

    Dear self,

    Yay for pushing yourself at the gym. Now, add more days consecutively. You've been eating better, keep going! Plus, B telling you she saw the tricep muscles while you worked out last night was awesome!!!

    Feeling better
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    Dear Photographer,

    Please be as fantastic as I hope you are and do your best to make me and FI comfortable so that we don't look totally awkward in our E-pics this weekend. Also, please don't be too upset if we can't do the photo shoot at the barn - I honestly don't really even care too much where we do it, as long as it's a pretty place. Also, please get a few pictures back to me ASAP so that I can AW the shit out of them (assuming they're decent)!!!

    Your nervous client


    Dear Sephora Makeup Artist,

    Make me look like my myself, just 100x better, on Saturday.

    Your 2pm appointment


    Dear BFF/MOH,

    Can we please make plans to do SOMETHING together soon? I don't care if it's up by me, in the city, or on Long Island. I miss you and feel like I don't know what's going on in your life anymore. I know we're both busy, but we can make time to do something.

    I <3 You!
    -Your BFF


    Dear NOLA Ladies,

    9 Days.

    Holy Shit.

    I cannot wait to see ALL OF YOUR FACES


    EIGHT DAYS until I see your faces for a pre-NOLA sleepover extravaganza. I'm so excited to get to go on an airplane with you guys and wear our animal shirts. Who is sitting next to me on the plane, for reals? Remember, I might faint at take-off or landing, so you need to be prepared to help me get conscious again and to hold me if I cry.

    I'm so much fun to fly with.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Dear @Ollie08‌


    Impatient Irish and Tiger
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    dear beetle that we found in the bed last night,

    OMG GROSS.  I'm glad you're dead.

    no love,

    dear @Ollie08,

    pleeeeeease, pics???

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    Dear dance class tonight,

    Please be awesome. I'm looking forward to it a lot.


    Dear flooring,

    Seriously it's been almost 3 weeks now since we ordered you, please get here soon! I just want the kitchen work to be done.


    Homeowner who just wants her kitchen renovations done already

    Dear H,

    I love you, you make me so happy.  I love you when you talk about babies. I'm looking forward to the weekend.



    Dear cats,

    Please get along, I'm so sick and tired of all of the fights.

    No love cat owner

    Dear weather,

    Please get warmer, at least a little bit? I'm not liking this cold weather one bit.


    Summer Girl


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    Dear NEY,

    I'm sorry I'm being a lousy friend-in-the-box. Stupid job transition and no office privacy grumble grumble.

    Dear body,

    This not-a-UTI sucks. Where are my cranberry pills?

    Feeling lousy
    Dear Ellie-cat,

    Stop hissing at the Kade-cat every time you see him through the cracked-open door. You are not helping.

    Momma who needs the two of you to get along SOONER rather than LATER
    Dear craft show knitting,

    Do yourself.

    Sore wrists
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    Nope. Nope. Nope. Sheets night have to be burnt if that happened to me.... I don't do well with creepy crawlers in my bed space
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    it was awful!  the rest of the night, I woke up and thought there were beetles in the bed.  at one point (even after I pulled off all the covers and made sure), I still had to get a flashlight and look under the covers some more.  gross.
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    Dear @Swazzle - All the fingers and toes crossed on the home inspection.

    @Peaseblossom55 - 3 weeks!  That is a crazy amount of time to wait for wood floors.

    @cu97tiger - When is the marathon?

    @CocoBellaF - Ewwww.  I hate bugs in the bed.  Could just be the shifting temps...all those critters trying to get inside.


    Dear H,

    3 days till move day!! 

    -Excited to Be Alone With an Adorable H


    Dear Work,

    Please be nice today and tomorrow.

    -Booked Attorney


    Dear Celiac,

    Stop please, I'm trying to move into a new kitchen and cook and promise you will get better then.

    -Eating popcorn in the meantime


    Dear Self,

    Work out today. 

    -No excuses

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    @allusive007 good luck with the appointment tomorrow. I'm so excited for you!

    @minskat30 it's tile, but still it's really annoying.  I called over to them yesterday the order is ready and the shipper hasn't picked it up and they are trying to find out why.  Hopefully they get back to us today.


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    @allusive007 - did you tell your mom while she was here??
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    @Peaseblossom55 - Even if it is tile, that is nuts. 
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    @allusive007 - that is SO SWEET!  I am happy for you and your H!

    @LaPeanut1018 - one month???  wow!
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    Dear NOLA girls,

    I'm really sad that I can't go, and I insist on being FTed in at least three times. Please & thank you.

    Sad Penguin


    Dear houses,

    I can't wait to get inside you tonight & tomorrow. I hope one of you is just perfect.

    I want to DECORATE!


    Dear Best Friend,

    You're such an amazing MOH, and I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I can't wait to see what pre-wedding festivities you have planned!! I love you to the moon & back!! 

    Best Friend


    Dear Ulta,

    What @Hummmingbird125 said to Sephora. Yea, that.



    Dear photog,

    You're amazing, and I know you're going to make us feel totally at ease & comfortable, but I'm still nervous and don't want to look like a big, giant, idiot. 

    Nervous bride-to-be


    Dear @Swazzle,

    Thanks for boosting my confidence last night & telling me exactly what I needed to hear. You're the bestest fraand & bridesmaid I could ask for.



    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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    Dear @Ollie08 and @lennondkc,
    I also want to see pics and read details ASAP! So excited for you both!

    One month?! Holy moly, where has the time gone? I hope the next four weeks fly by for you. :)

    Your mom's reaction sounds absolutely perfect. I can't wait for you guys to have your first appointment/sonogram. The next 7 months are going to be awesome! How has the pregnancy been so far? Any sickness or cravings? Any sharpened senses?

    Dear @swazzle,
    I hope you realize that WHEN you guys get this house, we're all going to be sending you Pinterest links for holiday decor. It's going to be awesome. Get ready!

    PS: As someone who lives in Dallas, reading 11/22/63's depiction of Dallas is cracking me up. Sounds like a horrible place to live! The demographic is completely different these days though.

    Oh man, I know dem feels. It's awful! I had a bed bug infestation a few years ago, and I still to this day randomly check the sheets with a flashlight and have that terrible sensation of creepy crawlies on me. *shudders* Not trusting your bedding is the worst. :(

    Dear Work,
    Holy effing crazy balls, this whole two full time jobs thing is INSANE! I totally deserve an extra bonus. For reals. 

    Dear Nyquil,
    I love you. I forgot how awesome you can be when my body refuses to sleep naturally. The 10 hours of sleep you brought me last night was epic and wonderful. 

    Dear David's Tea,
    I LOVE YOU! The super cute tea mug with infuser I bought is absolutely perfect, and I need a huge tin of this pumpkin chai tea ASAP. 

    Dear FI,
    I'm ready to be married to you. The next 13.5 months are going kick so much ass and all, but really and truly I just want to officially be your wife. You are wonderful! 
    PS: You're going to have to give into my Beatles request for our first dance. I know you say you don't like the Beatles (which, um, is heresy) and that everything I've sent you is "too slow," but you HATE dancing! Isn't slow what you want so you can just sway back and forth with me? 

    Dear fall weather,
    Please come back! 90 degrees and humid is awful. I want the cold!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    @allusive07 - awww, what a sweet moment with your mom!

    @minskat30 - November 23rd in Philadelphia :)
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

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    My brain has stopped working this morning since I'm tired and I just came from the dentist.

    @LaPeanut1018 -ONE MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dear mouth,

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    @eilis1228 - For the most part, I feel normal. I have had a little nausea sometimes after eating, but nothing major. Otherwise, pretty much symptom free! My GP said I should feel lucky, but honestly it makes me worry a bit. It will be good to have my OB/GYN appointment tomorrow and be sure everything is on track!
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    @allusive007 That's great! I'm glad you're pretty much having the ideal pregnancy :)

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Dear DH,

    I love you, and I know this whole job opportunity thing has become really upsetting and disappointing for us both.  What we need to do now is come up with a plan for moving forward.  It's ok to have a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, etc.  But just shrugging and refusing to have a plan isn't going to work.


    Dear Tessie,

    Mommy loves you, but misses her pillow space.  You know, you could sleep NEXT to me, instead of on my head.

    Mommy who is full of suggestions.

    Dear Customers,

    Please flock to my company's new website, which I worked SUPER hard on.  Kthxbai.

    Marketing Chic

    Dear Trip to Tahiti,

    You can't come soon enough!

    Pasty and Stressed
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    @loves2shop4shoes - TAHITI!?!?! You're going to love it! When are  you going? Where are you staying? That's where we went for our HM and we loved it so much!
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    @loves2shop4shoes - What happened with the job situation?  I'm sorry it is frustrating the two of you.  Hugs.
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    @loves2shop4shoes I love your website, the design was great and there were so many awesome vacations.   I wanted to go on them all.   Alas baby > vacations at the moment.


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